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Showing posts from July, 2017

Watching You Sleep

Hello People. How are you today? I hope that you are well. Before I really get going, I want to tell you that I feel my Bible study club should not be called The Milk Lover's Club. 😔 I wrestled with this for...the whole weekend. In the end, I think God would prefer me to call it From Milk to Meat. I am thinking this because whenever I was thinking about this club these two verses would come into my head. ( I din't actually remember the whole verse, just the milk to meat bit.) Hebrews 5:13-14King James Version (KJV) 13 For every one that useth milk is unskilful in the word of righteousness: for he is a babe. 14 But strong meat belongeth to them that are of full age, even those who by reason of use have their senses exercised to discern both good and evil. and for you normal people who don't enjoy Elizabethan English: Hebrews 5:13-14New International Version (NIV) 13 Anyone who lives on milk, being still an infant, is not acquainted with the teaching about right

Pre-Coffee Blog...Who Know What it Holds?

Good morning, People. It is 5:50 A.M. right now, and I am far too lazy to make coffee so I am going to try to write a pre-coffee blog. hehehe. Don't worry, I have been up since 5:20, I'm totally awake. (I just spelled make "amke". There is no hope.) Lets see...where to begin... Last night I attended #5's first birthday party. I mostly was either writing ideas for MLC or eating. Then I noticed that somebody in the crowd was wearing the same shirt as my buddy Gavin. (I gave up on nicknames.) He had the same color skin, the same back of his head shape... But I wasn't sure. So I get where I can see him, and I stare intensely wondering, "Is that Gavin???" I was probably making a really weird face too. Then he looks right at me.  Like we made eye contact. It was weird. I was all, look away Cowgirl, you were not just staring and he did not just catch you. LOL. Fortunately, it was my friend and not some weirdo. I made my way over with my tea in hand and hu

Swim Time and Ideas

Good morning. Is today Friday? I woke up certain that today is Saturday, but now I am not so sure. (Kind of a bummer, I wanted to watch the Flash) Y'all remember how I was trying to swim across the lap pool 12 times in 10 minutes? (I think I told you guys) Well yesterday I did it in 6 minutes 44 seconds. That is 300 meters. I told my lifeguard friend and he seemed unimpressed (He was the one that was working one-on-one with me ages ago) but then he asked (again) if I intend to be on the swim team.  That had not been my motivation at the moment, but yes I do intend to be on the team. He told me that I should go to the swim clinic next week. (They are working on strokes) Later I texted another lifeguard friend (I would have talked to him in person but he wasn't there) I asked how long it takes him to do 300 meters. He is on the swim team at his school. He does 500 in 6 minutes. I am not fast enough. (I told him that) He said I will get faster. He is right. I'm going back to

New Poem

Good morning People. Is it rude that I call you "People"? So yesterday was an adventure. I babysat 6 kids from 10:00 until 2:00. The (probably) 12 year old was very helpful. The (probably) 9 year old was super sassy (He always is) and he beat me at chess. (I haven't played chess in well over two years, I think I did pretty well.) Then there was the normal 6, 4, and 3 year olds that I watch all of the time and also their baby sister. Needless to say it was exhausting. We walked the 10-20 minute trek to the park, played for about ten minutes and then had to rush home because the oldest had to go babysit for somebody at 2. Their parents picked us all up on the side of the road. I had been carrying the 4 year old, watching closely the 3 year old. The 9 year old was walking and holding his skates and complaining about something. (I didn't care what) The 12 year old was pushing the baby in the only stroller and the 6 year old was walking. Good times. I came home and we lef

Salt of the Earth

Hello People. How are things? Hope all is well. (Holy cow, mom just turned on the light. I can see more than the computer screen. Such power she must hold!) I totally interrupted myself. LOL. Do any of you guys ever do that? Probably. So the other day I heard some friends chatting and laughing about their group convo. I thought to myself Hey that sounds like a lot of fun. Too bad I am never in their group chats...How can I change that?  (Gotta problem? Yo I'll solve it...-Vanilla Ice) So I tried starting my own group chat. (I sent this really awkward selfie that when I snapped the shot I had blinked so I just looked slightly dead.) Nobody replied. (It's been maybe two days) Apparently I am not too great at group texts. Whatevs. Yesterday I went to the pool by myself.It was weird because I got to choose how long I would hang out. I went with the goal of swimming across the lap pool 12 times in 10 minutes. I lost count and kept hitting pause on the timer. I estimated that

Challenge Winner

Good morning People. How was  your sleep? I hope it was good. Mine was. (Actually I think I might have been an evil mermaid that was being hunted down but my human side was in love with and boy and he loved me and... I will just stop. It made no sense.) So you have all seen Moana, yes? Great. I was watching it one day when I saw this: Dude. Te-ka needs her coffee! lol. Now every time we watch it #2 and I tell her she needs coffee, or a snickers. (You're not yourself when you are hungry.) When I have the time I will make a meme. Hehehe. So yesterday I challenged you guys. I am very pleased that you took up my challenge. (Seriously an unmet challenge is super awkward.) Lets see... I think I had three people enter. I will put them in the order that they were delivered to me, then I will tell who won. Awesome Ninjja- There once was a man named Joe He had this kind of flow He had great taste On a great bean paste And he had a big big toe The Smurf- There once was a man i

How To Write a Limerick

Good morning, People! How was your sleep? Mine was alright. In my dream, my buddy Flash found my lost Starbucks gift card. He was like SWEEET until I told him it was mine. Then he looked a bit bummed. I (seeing this sad face and not particularly liking it) decided to make a deal. "Tell you what. You can keep the card if you promise to get coffee with me." "You do not have control over that stuff." He took my card and walked away. Fereal? Who does that??? LOL. Fortunately it was just a dream. I still have my half spent gift card. Now that we have talked just a bit, it is time to get serious. We are going to write a Limerick. {What in tar nation is a Limerick?}Hold your horses, I am about to explain. A Limerick is a form of poem following an A-A-B-B-A pattern. This means that lines 1,2,and 5 rhyme and lines 3, and 4 also rhyme. The lines labeled "A" are longer than the others and have the same rhythm. I will try to write a Limerick right now. (I literally


Hey Y'all! I have returned from my week at Master's Camp. Did you miss me? I missed you too. Camp was amazing. I don't know where to begin...maybe the trip to the camp? Sounds great. On Monday the whole youth group piled into a bus and a van with our junk (Actually some of the luggage was in the bed of a truck) and we were off. I rode in the mini van with Fearless Leader and Chawah G. We mostly just rode quietly, enjoying the silence and the AC. For lunch we stopped at a place called Hippie Chick. It was interesting. All of the food was SUPER PRICEY. Holy cow. I bought the cheapest version of a burger. Without cheese it was like $9. That was a quarter of the money I'd brought with me. I was a bit bummed. lol. I was super hungry though. The burger was huge, I ate the whole thing and all of the salad that fell off. My buddy Papa Smurf threw out half of his burger. If I had known that he was going to waste that much food, I would have just eaten his instead of buying one.

Adventures of a Lost Cowgirl

Hello. I am sure that today's title has perked your interest. (How could it not, it has the word "lost" in it?) Well, I shall now tell you the tale of my yesterday. Enjoy. In preparation for camp, my sister and I had decided to dye our hair, (much like a few in our youth group. It is a growing trend.) I had also decided to get my nails painted like fire. In order to do this, we needed nail polish and hair dye so mom sent me to Sally's to get some. She told me the store was in the same parking lot as Target. (It is like this one parking lot with at least twenty different stores, restaurants, and businesses.) I drove past all of them and did not find Sally's. After almost T-Boning another vehicle, I decided to park and continue my search on foot. (I was a bit jumpy at this point. Surely you understand?) I parked in a mostly empty lot behind a building and across from Target. I grabbed my phone to shoot mom a text. I can't find Sally's. I almost hit someon

Friday Haiku

Good morning, you guys. Before I get started, I just wanted to say it means so much that I have even two or three daily readers. When you guys come back to me to say something about my blog I cannot help but smile. (Because someone is reading what I have to say) My mom likes my poems better than Shakespeare's Sonnets, she told me this the other day. There is the possibility that you feel the same way. When I have time (and emotion) I will try to write. I need to work on the book about Jeremy too. I will post that here. (It might be kind of a longer post, be warned.) Just heard this on the news. Chic-fil-a is testing Mac and cheese on the menu starting Monday only in San Antonio. Go there. Try it. (For me?) Also heard on the news: It is not illegal in TX to drive with headphones in/on. However, you can get pulled over for distracted driving if those headphones are distracting you in any way. (Like you don't hear an ambulance or something) Also it is illegal in Louisiana. Just

Missing You

I told you I would write a poem, and I keep my word. I just finished it. (It is 6:50 am) I hope you are all doing well today. I am...spazzing. This week I need to pack for camp, finish least three more weeks of school, and act like a normal person. This week I happen to be babysitting for hours like everyday and someone keeps texting me. 😧 I do not text often, but I am a last word texter so if you text me, I have to text back. It is a very prison like cycle. {Why don't you just tell them to stop texting you, Cowgirl?} Well cuz. It is rude. Duh. Also what if I am being texted about something actually important??? Not that it ever turns out to be important. Nobody ever texts me anything important. Nothing like, Help I have been kidnapped!  The most important message I get is like... I am very angry with these people for this reason.  A surprising amount of people feel the need to trust me with this stuff. (Like three.) I guess I am just a very....comforting person? Who kno

Sonnet 8

Oranges, they are just totes delish. I love them so much. A bit hard to peel, but very much worth the effort for the sweet treasure within. (The tiny ones like Cuties are not quite as wonderful) Today I was doing school at my neighbor's house while her kids slept and she and her husband were at the doctor's office. (I think that is where they were) I was reading a book as quickly as I could. I had to bust out 20 chapters today. (Not quite done yet.) I read from about 7:15 until about  11:00. I read 18 chapters. (I suppose that is really slow. I am no speed reader.) While reading, I had this strange thought. After I finish cramming all of this knowledge into my mind (A week's worth of history every 1-2 days) I do not know what I will do with myself. Even now, when I take a break because my eyes are too tired to read another word, I crave more. I am going to be so mentally bored after all of this. I think I will read Bill Nye's new book that I heard about on the news. I

Great Intros, Y'all

Good day, all of you beautiful (and possibly some less attractive) people who read my blog. How is your week going? Mine is...going. The chiropractor did pop my rib back into place yesterday, but it popped back out later. (In case you were wondering.) I apologize for posting so late today. I have been babysitting since 7:15ish. Three little guys. It was interesting. Do you know what is very fun to do? Get somebody's phone number from a mutual friend (or their mom) and text them, "I have your number." (if you wanna get creepy you say their name too.) I did that to my blue haired ...friend...(?) last night. Fereal he guessed who I was with one guess. Kind of ruined the fun just a tiny little bit. Yeah, uh...lost my train of thought. (People talk to me and I forget what I was going to say.) Yesterday for school I read John chapters 1-4. I was like This has the best introduction. I love it!!!  Here I will show you. 1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God,

Ethic Morality

Ah, Monday. My least favorite day in general, but I am happy because this Monday we are going to the chiropractor. (I hurt my shoulder/rib/arm area somehow. He can fix it.) Yesterday I was at the pool without my swimsuit. (I didn't want to have to take a shower before youth) One of the lifeguards called me over with his whistle to ask if I could have Griffin the other lifeguard (seriously that name is so cool I couldn't not say it.) grab his water from the fridge so I could give it to him. Naturally I did what he asked. I was very happy to help my friend/future colleague. After giving him his chilly beverage, he thanked me and then said, "So I am going to be your boss next year." I was kind of flash backing to all of the times that I have seen him take charge like Oh, it all makes sense now! He will be a good boss I am sure. He is really sweet (as far as I know) and he has an awesome beard/stache thing going on. At youth last night, we discussed ethic morality. We ta

Birdcrabs and Birthdays

Salutations! I hope you had a totally radical week. So you guys remember the other day I talked about the best face painter ever? WELL, my mom knows the company name. (She is just observant like that) Here is a link to her Facebook page: Out of The Box Painting The siblings slept in this morning so I got to watch The Flash. (The TV show, not my friend.) That was pretty awesome. I have been watching it for like two months and I am only on episode nine...Also this morning I decided to wear my VBS shirt. So did my dad. We are so cool. (Other teens be like EW.) I lost my train of thought. Hold on just a second. 💭 Wow, I am looking at that emoticon that is supposed to be a thought bubble and thinking that it looks more like flatulence... *laughs awkwardly* The other day, my dad asked me for a happy Birdcrab. So I drew one. (He said he is going to make that his new tattoo, how cool would that be???) Unfortunately it gone torn in half by mom for a grocery list so I cannot show you right

Thoughts on Russia

Good morning and happy Friday to you. (Unless you are more of an afternoon reader. In that case, good afternoon.) I don't really have much to say right now. (How extremely odd.) I changed the look of my blog, I hope you like it. I was trying to make it more appealing so you will want to come back. This morning (like ten minutes ago) I was watching the news. Apparently Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin shook hands at a meeting. (A video of it was posted on the internet) I am not sure why this is important. I also do not know why the U.S. can't ally with Russia. So I googled their government. I learned that their president serves a six year term, and shares almost equal power with the prime minister. (President has more power though) Also that the president can just make laws without the okay of the other branches of government. I thought that was interesting. (It was before coffee so I did not absorb too much information.) I don't think that I would want to live in Russia, but

Sea World, Scorpions, and Sonnets

Hey, hey, hey! How are things??? Yesterday we went to Sea World and Aquatica. I pet some stingrays. They are like puppies. Soft and totally digging the attention. I was digging their attention too, so it worked. We went on a slide underneath the stingray tank. That was cool. Mom and #2 screamed the whole way. #4 and them were backwards the whole ride, I was not backwards though so I just laughed at them. (I am so mean) Mom yelled at some kids in the line. They had found a cup of lemonade (or was it?) on the stairs and were about to throw it in our general direction. Mom is so funny. At Sea World we rode Journey to Atlantis. (Mom, Dad, #3, #4 and I) There was also this woman and her...daughter? The woman sat next to me. Before we even moved she had a deathgrip on my hand. She was all, "I hope you don't mind." 😐There was lots of screaming from mom, crying from #3, squeezing from the woman, and whoops from dad. I (once again) was just laughing at everyone. I did scream a li

Birdcrabs 4 Ever

Good morning, people. How was your yesterday? I hope you still have all of your limbs. I still have mine but I might have left my brain in bed...Probably did. My yesterday was great, my neighborhood had a great big party at the pool and a parade. I discovered that we are like a little town. It is the most incredible thing. I have never lived in a neighborhood quite like this one. I really dig it. Yesterday I was asked if I blog about how awesome I am. I was like no, but that is a great idea. I want to show you guys the art of the best face painter that I have ever met. She was at the neighborhood pool party yesterday. (There was also an incredible balloon artist and a good DJ) I would love to tell you her company name but I was far too excited to notice. She did a special request for me which I believe that any other face painter would have denied. That, my friends, is my favorite mythical creature. (My own creation.) This woman painted an almost exact picture of what I described.

July 4th

Happy Independence Day, people! How are you guys today? I am happy. Dad washed my coffee mug so now I don't have to use one that isn't my favorite. It is very dark and gloomy outside...I think it will clear up though. I was going to write a poem for today but I could not think of anything so instead I made a blog "Page". Apparently I have three views on that already and I haven't even told you guys that I have posted it. (I asked my buddy to proof read, it was probably him and me.) Let me see what poetry I should post... How about Sonnet 2? (Next holiday that comes I will hopefully be more prepared for.) When forty winters shall besiege thy brow, And dig deep trenches in thy beauty's field, Thy youth's proud livery so gazed on now, Will be a tattered weed of small worth held: Then being asked, where all thy beauty lies, Where all the treasure of thy lusty days; To say within thine own deep sunken eyes, Were an all-eating shame, and thriftle

What Is Love?

Hello. Happy third of July. How was your yesterday? Mine was wonderful. My church had an Independence Day celebration after the service. (If it hadn't been a short notice thing, I would have invited you guys.) After that, I went swimming at a friend's house with my youth group. It was super fun. I drove to my friend's house, on the way I saw my friends. I beeped at them like "Hi guys! Look who is driving by themselves." (They are both older than me but I got my license first.) I learned that The Flash swims faster than me though. (Not too too much faster, but faster nonetheless.) I need to fix this. At youth we played a game and I won a $2 bill. I feel pretty privileged. I think my brother is sneaking candy or something out of the pantry...🤔 He is out now. It is kind of grey outside, I think you guys need something to make you smile. Here.  Have some cute fuzzy cows. You are welcome. SO, question of the day, What is Love? Shakespeare has an answer for that thr

Bad Dreams

Guten tag. How are you guys today? That's good. Yesterday I learned that Shakespeare invented over 1700 words that we use today. Does that not just blow your mind? Being told that totally made my day yesterday. Words like dauntless and eyeball and bedroom and undress. Lately, I have been having a lot of "bad dreams". Not quite nightmares, because they don't wake me up. (usually I am too curious to want to leave the dream. I want to know if I win.) But in the past three dreams (maybe four) someone has tried to kill me. First it was the man with an injection shot that turned whoever got injected into a mass murderer who in the end, dies. He tried to get me with his shot. I think my sister #2 tried to catch me so I could get the shot. I remember her chasing me through the woods. In the next dream that I remember (I think there was a night or two between these dreams. I don't remember those) I was sent by the church to convert this woman. She wasn't just any woman