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Salt of the Earth

Hello People. How are things? Hope all is well. (Holy cow, mom just turned on the light. I can see more than the computer screen. Such power she must hold!)
I totally interrupted myself. LOL. Do any of you guys ever do that? Probably. So the other day I heard some friends chatting and laughing about their group convo. I thought to myself Hey that sounds like a lot of fun. Too bad I am never in their group chats...How can I change that? 
(Gotta problem? Yo I'll solve it...-Vanilla Ice)
So I tried starting my own group chat. (I sent this really awkward selfie that when I snapped the shot I had blinked so I just looked slightly dead.) Nobody replied. (It's been maybe two days)
Apparently I am not too great at group texts. Whatevs.

Image result for apparently

Yesterday I went to the pool by myself.It was weird because I got to choose how long I would hang out. I went with the goal of swimming across the lap pool 12 times in 10 minutes. I lost count and kept hitting pause on the timer. I estimated that I did either 12 or 14 times across in around 15 minutes. I don't know if this sounds fast or not. I just know I didn't meet my goal so it clearly isn't fast enough. I will try again tomorrow. (pool is closed today) I guess the lifeguards that are on the swim team lose count when they do laps too.
I was offered a job yesterday. The pool monitor says, "You might as well work here. Go talk to Stancey." LOL I would love to but he just suggested weekends and I had literally moments before told the guys that I wouldn't want to work weekends. Church is my pick me up in the week. I drove dad's tiny car yesterday. (It is a Ford Focus) Dude, the thing terrifies me. It is so tiny I think someone could step on me while I am driving. (Like riding a tricycle on a highway.) I was almost home when suddenly a GIANT SEMI STARTS RIDING MY BUMPER. Yeah. I just about died. It's all good though.
I was reading my poetry book yesterday. I found a nice little poem. Let me see if I can find it again. Okay, actually there were two poems. But since I talked so much already I will post them tomorrow... Wait no. I will find them on the internet and copy/paste. This I shall do.

The glories of our blood and state
Are shadows, not substantial things;
There is no armour against Fate;
Death lays his icy hand on kings:
Sceptre and Crown
Must tumble down,
And in the dust be equal made
With the poor crookèd scythe and spade.

Some men with swords may reap the field,
And plant fresh laurels where they kill:
But their strong nerves at last must yield;
They tame but one another still:
Early or late
They stoop to fate,
And must give up their murmuring breath
When they, pale captives, creep to death.

The garlands wither on your brow,
Then boast no more your mighty deeds!
Upon Death's purple altar now
See where the victor-victim bleeds.
Your heads must come
To the cold tomb:
Only the actions of the just
Smell sweet and blossom in their dust.
James Shirley

That is Death the Leveller. It is kind of a depressing poem I guess. I liked it for some reason. Just sort of enchanting. The other poem is longer so that will just wait for tomorrow.  Now a poem that came to me while I was chewing on cereal and just rhyming in my head. (Seriously I sit and just make rhymes. I know it is weird. But it works.)
 I named my new poem Salt of the Earth. Here goes.

We are the salt of the earth
Sent to flavor; to preserve
That which does here decay.
We are the light of the world
Sent to bring the mark of day.
The darkness will scurry,
Therefore let us hurry
To bring what is right
And break up the night.
Hurry! We mustn't delay!

Of the three versions of that poem, the above is the one I chose to make the official. I hope you enjoy. Comments and feedback etc are always welcome. Have a great day!


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