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Decorate a Leader Night

Hello. Today is Thursday. I wasn't sure what to write about to be honest. The past twelve hours have been a bit like an emotional rollercoaster.
I would rather not discuss it right now.  So instead, I decided to talk about poetry. I don't really want to do that though. My brain is a bit mushy. However! I did find this sonnet by Shakespeare. I really like the last line in the sonnet. It just stands out in sharp contrast. I must show you. Here you go, Sonnet 65 by Shakespeare.

Sonnet 65
Since brass, nor stone, nor earth, nor boundless sea
But sad mortality o’er-sways their power,
How with this rage shall beauty hold a plea,
Whose action is no stronger than a flower?
O, how shall summer’s honey breath hold out
Against the wrackful siege of batt’ring days,
When rocks impregnable are not so stout,
Nor gates of steel so strong, but time decays?
O fearful meditation! where, alack,
Shall time’s best jewel from time’s chest lie hid?
Or what strong hand can hold his swift foot back?
Or who his spoil of beauty can forbid?
   O, none, unless this miracle have might,
   That in black ink my love may still shine bright.

I thought you guys might need to see that. I think that the contrast between black ink and shine is so powerful. I do not recall if I showed you my photos from the 4x5 or not...let me check. Oh! I do not think that I have!!! So a few months ago I went into the city with mom and LTG for the 4x5 photo fest. It was fun, but the best part was when we went out to take photos. I want to show you a few of my favorites. Unfortunately I cannot show you one of them because Mrs. Kelly wants to put it in the yearbook. Otherwise, I would definitely show you. Alrighty, here we go.
Okay. So actually, I cannot figure out how to make this computer share the photos from my drive to my blog. Apparently I cannot show you guys today. I am so sorry.
I better come up with something amazing to talk about to make up for that. Let's see.....
So last night at AWANA it was decorate the leader night. A few select leaders offered themselves up as living sacrifices to be decorated by children. LTG and I were two such leaders. I will admit, it was a little nerve racking. For one, I am generally self conscious and concerned that I am doing things wrong.secondly, being at the mercy of children is somewhat terrifying. One little girl put a bow right on my butt. It was pretty invasive and slightly embarrassing. LTG turned to me, and he was covered in streamers, toilet paper, bows, stickers, you name it. He looked at me with big eyes and asked, "Do you ever regret your life decisions?"
To this I responded solemnly with, "no." The whole thing was rather awkward, so appropriately, I was giggling. That is how one copes with awkwardness. To my surprise, we had to wear the decor all evening. I was cold the whole night because I had left my hoodie in my chair instead of wearing it. 
Now before you judge me for not being prepared, there was an actual reason I had taken the hoodie off. I knew that both mom and Carolyn would be taking pictures. I also knew that the green shirt I was wearing is the AWANA leader uniform, I needed to represent my organization properly. That is why I took my sweater off. That was all fun. Then we did verses with the kids. Watching LTG struggle with the christmas ornament bulbs hanging from I think nine of his fingers was pretty entertaining. He kept calling me over to help him, and naturally I obliged. Except when he asked me to pull his streamers which had fallen from his hips to his ankles back up. Normally I would have but I had a bunch of random decor on my head so I couldn't bend without dropping it. I employed a short girl who's name is not Evelyn instead.  After that was game time. The kids played Trashketball. One of my favorite games. I got to keep score. I love keeping score. I really like tally marks. I was keeping score and I looked over at my best friend from across the room and oh my goodness gracious, y'all. He was standing there, holding his fingers out awkwardly with all of the bulbs and eating a lollipop like a giant child. It was very funny. I enjoyed the moment immensely. 

After everything, we went into the sanctuary for our closing service and all of the kids took their ornaments back. Then I observed one of the best examples of boyish behavior like ever. 
Boy 1: These bulbs are shatter proof!
Boy 2: Really? So if you throw them on the ground they won't break right?
Boy 3: *Snatches bulb from Boy 1, throws it on the ground*

I laughed so hard inside. It was great. Unfortunately I must now go, the bell rang. Have a good day you guys!


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