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Bad Dreams

Guten tag. How are you guys today? That's good. Yesterday I learned that Shakespeare invented over 1700 words that we use today. Does that not just blow your mind? Being told that totally made my day yesterday. Words like dauntless and eyeball and bedroom and undress. Lately, I have been having a lot of "bad dreams". Not quite nightmares, because they don't wake me up. (usually I am too curious to want to leave the dream. I want to know if I win.) But in the past three dreams (maybe four) someone has tried to kill me. First it was the man with an injection shot that turned whoever got injected into a mass murderer who in the end, dies. He tried to get me with his shot. I think my sister #2 tried to catch me so I could get the shot. I remember her chasing me through the woods. In the next dream that I remember (I think there was a night or two between these dreams. I don't remember those) I was sent by the church to convert this woman. She wasn't just any woman, mind you. She was insane and had the ability to remove a person's heart like on that show Once Upon A Time. The church had held a meeting because she was a murderer and had decided the best way to stop her was to convert her and the best person to do that was apparently me. 😱😱😱 So I went to her truck that she was in, and we spent the whole rest of my dream together. I had to juggle trying to witness to her, without making her mad, without letting her kill anyone and also without dying. The girl (probably late teens early twenties) had super powers and a terrible temper so this was difficult and exhausting. Last night, I dreamed that I was with my youth group on like a parade float. My pet lizard Alfreda was also there. I looked at our youth group leader, and he had a good size scorpion on his neck. I said, "Don't move." I was considering how I would kill it without letting it sting him when I had a better idea. I called for my friend Flash to save us from the scorpion. (not the real Flash.) He did. He cut off its head with his...finger? But the scorpion was still going, I said something to the effect of, "No, Flash, you have to cut off its tail." (I said his real name though.) So he cut off its tail the same way he had its head. I wanted to give him a bear hug like thank you for saving us. (You know that feeling right? When your bosom swells with thankfulness, affection and um...pride for that other person. It is a wonderful, refreshing feeling.) But then, Alfreda apparently had wanted to eat the scorpion. She bit Flash really hard on his leg. (Enough to make him cry.) His leg instantly began to turn purple and he limped off of the float to his mom in the crowd. I felt super bad. After all it was my fault that he got bit. I had asked him to kill the scorpion, if he hadn't been reaching for it my lizard would not have bit him. I went to my own mom in the crowd, said something that I don't remember, and then went to see if he was okay. (That was the intention at least) Instead I went home for something. He met me in a parking lot. He was ice with an ice spear/sword thing. A woman, possibly the one from the last dream, had complete control over my now monster friend. So not only did I feel bad because he got bit, but now because that bite was apparently poisonous and had turned my friend into a killing machine. The woman had ordered him to kill me, and he tried. Fortunately I had my sword made from steel with me.(Why I happened to have a full length sword in my pocket is beyond me.) I broke his ice sword and killed him like ten times. Each time he regenerated. I was feeling a mixture of fear for my life, fear for his life, confusion on how to save him while not dying, despair, maybe a sliver of hope...and um...possibly something else.I don't know if he came back to being himself. I just remember stabbing his icy chest. It hurt really bad because I could see his face. I think he was beginning to thaw. Each time he died I think he became slightly more human. Then I woke up.
I don't know what kind of dreams you guys have normally.   Typically my dreams are either romantic or somebody is trying to kill me.  Or I have a kid. Wacky wacky.

So yesterday I told you I would post a news article that I wrote. I will keep my word. Here you go, I hope you enjoy. (Seriously, if I had a super power, it would be using a pen.)

What Does the Bible Say Pertaining to the Crusades???
“Will you allow the infidels to contemplate in peace the ravages they have committed
on the Christian people?... Fly then to arms; let a holy rage animate you in the fight,
and let the Christian world resound with these words of the prophet, “Cursed be he
who does not stain his sword with blood!”...  Christian warriors, He who gave His life
for you, today demands yours in return. These are combats worthy of you, combats in
which the glorious conquer and the advantageous die.”

These are the strong words of Pope Urban II, rousing Christians to shed blood in the name of their persecuted brethren.  His loud claims that Christ has called us to take up our swords against the Jihad flies directly in the face of Matthew 5:44, where Jesus tells us, “But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you.”  The Holy Savior does not want us to kill our enemies; he calls us to  love them, to “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature” (Mark 16:15).  We need to go peaceably and spread the good news; not destroy our lost brothers.

We are caught up in a spiritual war of the ages.  People are not our enemy, Lucifer is the greatest and only enemy.  In 2 Corinthians 10:3, Paul writes, “For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh.”  I daresay, the only sword we need to take up is that of truth. The Holy Father promises to avenge, if we only let him.  Again, Paul writes, “Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath: for it is written, Vengeance is Mine; I will repay, saith the Lord.”  Dear readers, I encourage you to pray for the salvation of our lost brothers, take up the sword of truth and preach the Gospel to all nations, and above all, save the glory of revenge for the Creator, God.

That is longer than I remember. I wrote that in my "Old churchy voice" because I was pretending to write it during the call to join the crusades. It was a school assignment. 😜 Sorry guys. I hope you like it. Have a wonderful Saturday. (If you have any wacky dreams that you wanna share or some ideas for poetry or whatnot, I'd love to know about it.) Wink wink, nudge nudge.


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