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Adventures of a Lost Cowgirl

Hello. I am sure that today's title has perked your interest. (How could it not, it has the word "lost" in it?) Well, I shall now tell you the tale of my yesterday. Enjoy.

In preparation for camp, my sister and I had decided to dye our hair, (much like a few in our youth group. It is a growing trend.) I had also decided to get my nails painted like fire. In order to do this, we needed nail polish and hair dye so mom sent me to Sally's to get some. She told me the store was in the same parking lot as Target. (It is like this one parking lot with at least twenty different stores, restaurants, and businesses.) I drove past all of them and did not find Sally's. After almost T-Boning another vehicle, I decided to park and continue my search on foot. (I was a bit jumpy at this point. Surely you understand?) I parked in a mostly empty lot behind a building and across from Target. I grabbed my phone to shoot mom a text.
I can't find Sally's. I almost hit someone. Where is it?
I also discovered that I had a message from a friend. (He reads my blog.) 😊
Are you interested in Japanese history and culture?
I am not. I am interested in history and literature. Japan has both, so I wrote about it. ;) I just love information. Mom never replied to my text. I walked around and around the parking lots, passing most of the stores etc. Finally the Texas heat began to wear on me and I decided it might behoove me to ask for help. I know people who work at Chic-fil-a, I will go there and find them. I thought. It was rush hour, so I stepped inside for a moment, cooled off and then stepped out again. A man held the door and naturally I thanked him.
"My pleasure." He said. It was music to my ears. He obviously worked there, I asked him for help. (I think his name-tag said manager) Him and a coworker looked up Sally's on their phones and showed me. I was so thankful to them! We then parted ways and I was off again. This whole time my friend had been texting me. Usually I do not enjoy texting when I am trying to do stuff, but I definitely do not enjoy the thought of being lost and alone. In order to conquer the world, one needs a friend by one's side. That is just how it is. I had to cross like four streets, at the second one I waited by the crosswalk for my turn. A yellow mini van was creeping closer and closer, I couldn't tell if the driver intended to stop so I just waited. He pulled up in front of me and said, "Do you need a taxi?"
I had just hailed a taxi. (On accident.) I laughed a little awkwardly and replied, "No, I just want to cross the street."
He left, and my journey continued. In the end, I did find Sally's and oh how happy I was.(It was hiding behind Rue 21) I stepped inside and walked around and around the store looking for Manic Panic. I had to ask for help again. It was behind the desk, no wonder I could not find it. The lady who worked there helped me find the right hair color and nail polish. (She overcharged me $5.19, so I have to go back today.) She told me that Starbucks was having a deal staring at noon. Get a free Teavana. (I have no idea what that is, but free is good.) I knew where Starbucks was and had intended to go there anyway, so I walked the long trek back to my van. (Mom's van.) (I thanked the lady for her help first, of course.) Once at Starbucks I was bummed to learn that the deal started at 1:00 not noon. Liz, the lady who worked there told me that I could wait 45 minutes. I explained that I had gotten lost already and had been there for a while. I did not have 45 minutes to waste. She understood, and I ordered an ice coffee. It was delish. On the way home, I forgot that I had to navigate home (often I drive on muscle memory, but I hadn't gone this way in a while.) I missed my turn. I almost missed it twice. I made what might have been a legal turn? I wasn't 150% sure whether it was legal or not, but nobody was there and the road was there so I wasn't too too concerned. (It was totally safe, I swear. There was no reason for it to be illegal.) After waiting for an unbearably nerve wracking amount of time at a stop sign, I finally found an opening big enough for me to get onto a busy road. (There was someone behind me waiting.) I eventually made it home in one piece thankful to be alive. (also very jittery with adrenaline. Driving stresses me out.)
That was my grand adventure. I hope you guys enjoyed. I am happy to still be in one piece, and I am mentally prepared to go back to Sally's today. Have a nice day!

Oh btw, I likely will not be posting at all next week because I will be at camp. Also, why no Haiku's? Now my Samurai has to go get you guys. (actually my mom may have posted her Haiku by now, that is because she is awesome.) Okay, Have a good Saturday. Drive safe.

WAIT! Before I go, I need to show you this hilarious video, I laughed so hard when I saw it.
I wear speedos


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