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Caroling and Christmas Parties

Hello Humans. That is how I have been greeting people since last week. You would not believe how many offended looks I have gotten. It is pretty hilarious. So you guys remember how excited I was that I was going  to put up Christmas lights with my friend on Saturday? Well it rained the night before, so we didn't do that. But! Before I get ahead of myself, I did get to go to a play at my school with LTG and his mom and my sister. It was pretty great, the play was fantastic. It was Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat and my friend-quaintance Daniel Oriano was the main character. I didn't know that he could sing and was left quite impressed.  After that we went home. It was pouring rain. Like so much rain. Saturday came. I went from sleeping to suddenly being awake. Which was fine. I believe that was the night that I had a terrifying dream. I shall relate the first half to you, the second half is just confusing.  It began with me in english class, which is 8th period. T
Recent posts

Decorate a Leader Night

Hello. Today is Thursday. I wasn't sure what to write about to be honest. The past twelve hours have been a bit like an emotional rollercoaster. I would rather not discuss it right now.  So instead, I decided to talk about poetry. I don't really want to do that though. My brain is a bit mushy. However! I did find this sonnet by Shakespeare. I really like the last line in the sonnet. It just stands out in sharp contrast. I must show you. Here you go, Sonnet 65 by Shakespeare. Sonnet 65 Since brass, nor stone, nor earth, nor boundless sea But sad mortality o’er-sways their power, How with this rage shall beauty hold a plea, Whose action is no stronger than a flower? O, how shall summer’s honey breath hold out Against the wrackful siege of batt’ring days, When rocks impregnable are not so stout, Nor gates of steel so strong, but time decays? O fearful meditation! where, alack, Shall time’s best jewel from time’s chest lie hid? Or what strong hand can hol

A Distorted Daydream-Poem Written in Pencil

Wazzzuuuuuup my dudes??? I hope that you are all fantastic. My day yesterday was interesting. We had our weekly Bible study at school first thing in the morning. To my surprise and great delight, it went better than ever before. It was by far the least awkward meeting thus far. My friend Bear joined us. At first he thought he couldn't because we aren't the same religion. (He is Catholic.) I told him the Baptists and Catholics both study the Bible so it is alright for him to join. After leaping that hurdle, he was happy to join. The only thing that was majorly uncomfortable was the evil glare my sister was giving me. She was angry at me for freaking out when she said something that's a borderline cuss word. An easy mistake, but it is really more something that I would do, so I was genuinely shocked. Anyway. Bible study was great. We went over Luke 1:26-38. Normally we try to go through a whole chapter, but I think we will try doing more like, lesson type studies. Like yester

Legless Lizards??? What the Chicken Nuggets is that???

Hey guys, I have about seven minutes. So let's go! I will talk about yesterday later, but first I want to talk about today. This morning, I was watching Blippi on youtube with #5, and he was at a museum and pointed to this reptile which apparently was not a snake, but a legless lizard. And I was on the couch like: What the heck is a legless lizard??? Isn't that just a snake? Or maybe it is the serpent from the Bible...Maybe snakes were already a thing? WHO KNOWS. So we are going to learn about legless lizards if I have a chance to finish this blog post today. I would do it over lunch, but I have to go home for lunch because a certain person has my lunch bag.... (Love you, certain person.) I might have time after school, but I have to stay late to cover a club for yearbook. Busy Busy Busy. Soon. Soon I will have a life again. Alright. So yesterday, then lizards. My day began with mom gently waking me up, which was pretty cool. Then I had a cucumber for breakfast because we

The Good, the Bad, and the Awkward

Hello my dears. I am so sorry that it ha been so long, I truly intended to write again sooner but the days since Thanksgiving have been rather hectic. First, I will give you the short version of the day we dedicated to giving thanks. My family cleaned and cooked and stuff and then my cousin Em and her bf, Em's mom and her husband all came over. We ate and played uno and it was great. Then I needed a nap, so I snuck upstairs for like...thirty minutes probably. I wanted to have some energy for when my bestie came over. I was sleeping when a text message interrupted me. I am pretty sure it was Baba informing me that he was going to be late. (I think we told him to come at 6) Time means a lot to me, so I was kind of offended and sort of kind of maybe got super passive aggressive with him and told him there would be no pie left because my family wasn't going to wait for him if he was late. (I wasn't lying or anything, I just wasn't very nice.) Then he sent me a video cli

It's Turkey Day!

Hello dears. Today is Thanksgiving. It is a day for watching the parade, making food, spending time with important people, laughing in the kitchen, goodnight hugs in chilly weather, and most obviously, it is a day for giving thanks. I think that today, let's talk about Thanksgiving traditions. In my family, we wake up and watch the parade first thing. Dad usually makes a breakfast like pancakes or something. We also watch the dog show while our parents cook. (We don't pay as much attention to the dog show, it is just kind of on.) Since moving to San Antonio, our tv doesn't get the NBC channel so we watch these in Spanish now. After that, mom and dad are in the kitchen pretty much all day while we watch our siblings. (#2 and I) Then later is the best time when we ask our closest friends and family to come over and eat. Our family lives far away, so most years past it has been our best friends the Kissam family that would come. One year, Candice and I were planning my wedding

Grainy Pie-It is a Work of Art

Good Morning you guys! I made pie yesterday. I did not, however, make a video of it. (Probably a wise decision, it was semi chaotic.) You know, as if trying to make something for the first time isn't difficult enough on its own, I invited my best friend to come join me. (Neither of us really know how to cook...) Before I go on though, I was laying in bed last night contemplating. I was thinking about y'all and about how the other day I realized my best friend needs a blog nickname. It was like 11:15 at night, but I figured it out. I am always calling him Dad for one of two reasons, 1)My teacher thought he was my dad once or 2) He kind of acts like a dad a lot. But I can't call him dad on my blog because that might confuse you guys when I talk about my real dad. So I kept thinking. Obviously the answer was to just switch languages. The guy is learning Swahili and father in that language is Baba (I think...) so now he shall be referred to as such. (I realize that is super g