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A Distorted Daydream-Poem Written in Pencil

Wazzzuuuuuup my dudes??? I hope that you are all fantastic. My day yesterday was interesting. We had our weekly Bible study at school first thing in the morning. To my surprise and great delight, it went better than ever before. It was by far the least awkward meeting thus far. My friend Bear joined us. At first he thought he couldn't because we aren't the same religion. (He is Catholic.) I told him the Baptists and Catholics both study the Bible so it is alright for him to join. After leaping that hurdle, he was happy to join. The only thing that was majorly uncomfortable was the evil glare my sister was giving me. She was angry at me for freaking out when she said something that's a borderline cuss word. An easy mistake, but it is really more something that I would do, so I was genuinely shocked. Anyway. Bible study was great. We went over Luke 1:26-38. Normally we try to go through a whole chapter, but I think we will try doing more like, lesson type studies. Like yesterday was focused on the announcement that Mary was going to have a son.
Think about this y'all. Mary is like 19, living in a shame/ honor society, engaged to Joseph and then suddenly she is told she is going to be a teen mom. She could lose her man, she could be shamed forever, her family could disown her; and what does she say???
Let it be as the Lord wills it.

I want you to just consider that for the next 45 seconds. Go ahead. I will wait.

Great. I wish I had faith like Mary. Anywho, yesterday trudged forward. I was extremely curious why #2 was so angry at me. She texted my mom who then texted me to apologize. At the time I had forgotten what actually caused her to be mad. Actually, I didn't know it made her so upset until I figured it out eight period. Y'all. It literally took me all day. I didn't think it was a big deal at all. (She is still angry btw.) Anyway, third period, yearbook, we were supposed to all be wearing our Hawk Media shirts for a group shot for our page. Only like three people on staff had their shirts. (I was one.) Mrs Kelly lost her temper and like, exploded. Then she apologized but lectured us really good. It sucked. I hate getting yelled at. Fourth period was pretty good, I got to help make a prop for a musical that I am going to watch with LTG and his parents on Friday. I am going to have to point the sign out him. That was pretty relaxing. Fifth period was pretty chill. I had done yesterday's assignment the day before so I just was wasting time. I think this was around the time that the Smurf and I decided that next time we see each other, we need to go out for ribs.
(As friends y'all. Apparently there is such a thing as a friend date.) I am driving and he is paying. At first I felt weird letting him pay, like I am now a leech. But then he pointed out that I was driving so I was like, deal. It is going t be awesome. I went home for lunch, had eggs and toast (again) and ice cream with whip cream. It was delicious. When I got back to school, I was greeted by a horrifying sight. Someone had written on my Nalgene water bottle that I got from camp. I knew who it was. The only person who calls me "Tom." So I started yelling a lot, because that is vandalism and I was vexed. That bottle is important to me. It is useful, and I got it from camp. Probably my favorite camp ever too.
To her great fortune, it was not black sharpie that she had used. It was dry erase. She wiped it off and I stopped yelling. After school I went to shoot a basketball game for freshmen boys. It was stressful as always but exhilarating. I really love shooting sports. I also really love basketball. Like, the pounding of the ball on the floor, the smell of the gym, the squeak of sneakers. I find it all appealing. I got some pretty great photos, I wish I could show them to you but since I came with a Hawk Media press pass I don't technically own the rights to these photos. By the end of the game, it was about 6:15 I think, and I hadn't eaten dinner. Fortunately, my friend Mariah had saved me some of hers. This was one of my two favorite parts of the day. The other one came at about....6:30 I think.
My best friend took the time to bring me my lunchbox instead of just waiting we met at church next because he knew that my day kind of sucked. (Tuesdays are pretty like, crazy for him. He is like here and there and such.) He texted me like, I will be there in 15. So I waited for him by the front door. While I waited, I watched my friend ABCDE struggle to get fake nails off. Another friend, Elijah, was helping/laughing at her. I found the whole scene very entertaining.  Finally, LTG got there. SO I emerged from the building. I knew the door would lock behind me so I propped it open with my shoe before walking out. (I thought that was a pretty brilliant move. You don't know how many times I have gotten locked out on a Tuesday night.) I limped out a few steps and looked around in the darkness. (I was limping because I was missing a shoe) At first I couldn't see really anyone. Only the car in front of me, but that wasn't LTG's cute red car. The lights were too low I think. And then, then I looked left and saw him. My brain kind of changed the scene. The lights sort of silhouetted him, and there was a bush next to him so in my head it looked kind of like..Image result for man walking away from explosion gif Except obviously he isn't the Wolverine and it was dark.
(He reads this blog, y'all. He is probably dying right now....wait for it....he just texted me...)
Anyway, I shall proceed. He handed me my lunch bag as if it were a drug deal. Then we chatted for a bit. By this time I had pulled myself back together. (There had been a point during the day when I was nearly in tears.) Then he gave me a hug. It was rather funny, he slipped his arm under mine again (like on Sunday) but this time was intentional. He made this clear by announcing it. He was like, I hugged you this way again. Or something to that effect. It made me laugh, at least in my mind. His embrace remained more than the typical half second or so and I was just enjoying the  moment when suddenly my back began to twist and my feet left the ground. My mind was taking in everything, like I could feel his arms tighten around me and stuff, and I was confused like why am I floating? Then I realized he was just lifting me off of the ground as if I weighed about 20 pounds. I was a bit like
Typically I freak out when people lift me off of the ground, but for some reason I wasn't even the slightest bit concerned. It was strange but not like, a super bad strange, just a curious one.
Then he got all awkward and was like, "I am sorry. That was awkward." Almost as if the need to pick me up just came over him and he couldn't control it or something. I don't even know. He gave me a second hug to make up for the awkwardness of the first (it wasn't awkward for me. He is just crazy.) Regrettably I only gave him one arm, but oh well.
Then he left and I went back to the journalism lab and got to chat with Mariah and Mrs Kelly for the next half hour. It was great.

Today I was sitting in first period with a blank piece of notebook paper in front of me when I had the sudden urge to write a poem in pencil. I am not sure why it had to be pencil, but if I had used a pen in that moment, it would have been all wrong. I think that I have decided to call this poem A Distorted Daydream because it is a spinoff of a compilation of my daydreams. I won't go into detail about it, I think I would prefer to leave a little bit of mystery. Here it is:

A Distorted Daydream
Long ago from beyond the sea
A boy once writ his lover-to-be
Daily he pondered her, miles away
How she would have smiled at his words everyday
Nightly in bed his mind's eye did wander
As he recalled those fine details and memories which did surround her
Brown eyes, soft hair, dark and luscious 
The gentle smile she gave despite life's roughness
Working alongside her with the children all of those nights
Those memories were his delight
Perhaps one day he might get up the courage to make her his
But how could he dare ask her to live like this?
Leave her loving warm home for something so far
Leave peace for a world so dark
Nightly he dreams, daily he writes
Patiently she waits for her love in Shanghai
Praying everyday that his love will come to light
That perhaps they may work once more side by side
One day he gets the Call to go get his bride
The boy travels far to make her his wife
Once, long ago from beyond the sea
This boy did write his lover-to-be

Alright you guys. That is my poem about a missionary in Shanghai. His love lives in the U.S. it is probably based in the year a long time ago. It is my bedtime now so I am going to post this. Goodnight. I hope you enjoyed.


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