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Grainy Pie-It is a Work of Art

Good Morning you guys! I made pie yesterday. I did not, however, make a video of it. (Probably a wise decision, it was semi chaotic.) You know, as if trying to make something for the first time isn't difficult enough on its own, I invited my best friend to come join me. (Neither of us really know how to cook...)
Before I go on though, I was laying in bed last night contemplating. I was thinking about y'all and about how the other day I realized my best friend needs a blog nickname. It was like 11:15 at night, but I figured it out. I am always calling him Dad for one of two reasons, 1)My teacher thought he was my dad once or 2) He kind of acts like a dad a lot.
But I can't call him dad on my blog because that might confuse you guys when I talk about my real dad. So I kept thinking. Obviously the answer was to just switch languages. The guy is learning Swahili and father in that language is Baba (I think...) so now he shall be referred to as such. (I realize that is super goofy, but seriously, I have Flash, Fearless Leader and Smurf)

Alright, so when he first came he was all like chatting with my sister and stuff and I was trying to work. I wasn't about to interrupt his conversation probably because said sister would get all huffy about it later. (I think that could be a major contributing factor, but I didn't actually pin point a sole reason for my behavior.) Last time I did this I ended up cooking alone. So not my best move, but I really do not communicate well. I don't really know how to say, "Hey come help me" without sounding somewhat rude. So I just fall silent.  Eventually Baba did ask how he could help and naturally I was like, I don't know. So working alongside him not knowing what I wanted him to do was extremely awkward, but then he kind of figured thinks out and we were rolling. (I say he figured things out as if the awkwardness were his fault,  obviously it was not. I just tend to not know what I need or how to express it so I am just like, do something productive but don't slow me down or get in the way.)
That sounds so guys know what I mean.
Despite an awkward start, he did prove extremely helpful. First, I couldn't see over the shelf so I was like, you're tall. Look for this. (He couldn't see over the shelf either. It is like eight feet high.) As it happened the thing I was looking for was in a cabinet down by the floor. Not the point. Moving on.
You guys might not know this, but I am kind of nervous around ovens. Like, when putting stuff in or taking stuff out I am always afraid of burning myself. So even if the thing I am putting into the oven is cool, I wear mitts. It's kind of weird, I know. I have just always been this way. To avoid this problem and potentially being asked why I have mitts on if the pans are cool, I just asked him to put the crusts in the oven. He took them out for me too which was great because there was only one oven mitt so he had to grab them with one hand. I have tiny hands, so I would not have been able to do that. (Being the problem solver that I am, I already had a plan in mind for if I had been by myself but when I turned around and he already had the crust out of the oven I decided that I did not need said plan.) At this point in my story, I had realized that instead of baking the crusts for five minutes, it had been more like...ten...
I was very distraught. We probably burned them. In this moment, the guy looks me in the eye and assures me that it is fine. I think he did this twice within a span of seven minutes over two things. I am not sure. All of the information of the moment that I absorbed was as follows
His eyes, while being an icy blue had a warm gaze. Very intense but not mean.
His shirt, in my peripheral vision, was the maroon one that he always wears. (I knew this the whole time, but I was noticing the shirt in the moment for some reason.)
The pie was on the counter burnedish.
He was speaking to me like some scared animal. As of right now, I am realizing that he speaks this way to me pretty often which is sort of weird, but that's okay. I am typically freaking out about something.

He did do it twice! The second time I was standing on a chair and had just realized that we don't have cornstarch.
Guys. He went to the store for me.

I am just going to let that sit and register for a second. Just think about that for a minute.

Alright, I literally stopped typing for like two minutes so you guys could think on that comment. Yeah, so he went to the store to get cornstarch and I decided to remove that yolks from eight eggs. One egg, I am very proud of. I cracked it in an almost perfectly straight all around the middle of the egg. My goodness gracious, it was so perfect. I was so happy. I had to show my mom. She laughed at my enthusiasm but that is okay. Also while he was gone, the exterminator, who had been in and out this whole time, asked me if the tall guy with the beard was my brother. I found this mildly humorous because he is the second or third person to ask if we are siblings. When I explained that he is my friend, the exterminator (His name is Joey) gave me that look like, yeah right.
Image result for stunned emoji
Finally after about eight years, Baba returned triumphantly from HEB. (For those who do not know, HEB is the grocery store around here.) We finished making the pudding in the pudding pie. We made a mistake, but I haven't told him yet. (It feels so wrong, like it's some dirty secret for some reason.)
We scrambled the eggs in the pudding. By we, I kind of mean mostly him, cuz he sorta kinda quickly combined the eggs and the hot milk....
But I didn't stop him so it was sort of me too. Neither of knew better. The pudding is now slightly grainy. It is a little weird, but I am still going to eat it and I am going to laugh inside at our mistake because I was there when we made it so I have all of those ridiculous moments to recall while biting into the grainy pie.
Moving on, I heard some sad news yesterday. My moms parents were planning to come out for Thanksgiving but Grandma got sick yesterday so they cannot come. Everyone is a little bummed, it seems we all had something to show them. Dad is really bummed, he wanted Grandpa to see the table that he just built. (We outgrew our old table, so dad wanted to make  a table for the family so that it would hold more sentimental value I think.) I got to be the first to sit at this table last night. Let all the world know that. (Okay, dad sat first, but I was the first other person.) It is a wonderful table.
I wanted my grandparents to meet Baba. It is a kind of strange concept to be honest. But I really wanted them to meet him. It is sort of like when a girlfriend is like, you have to meet my parents because things are getting serious. I just really want my best friend to meet my grandparents. 😂
He won't get to for now, but oh well. The majority of my past best friends didn't either.
Some other things I did include cleaning. (We have been cleaning the ouse like mad this week.) Yesterday I made mom laugh this awkward almost cynical laugh when I asked her a very serious question right before she was about to dust the floor. (Like sweep dusting, with like a dry mop...) She had gotten the floor duster out and moved the rug and I come in with,  "Hey mom, do I have to go to college this year?"
I guess the irony of the situation made her laugh. I asked because I am afraid of college. I feel like I should be old enough to go off to a university and stuff, because I know Baba's sister is only a few months older than me and she is doing just fine living alone in a university. But I am not ready to leave. I don't like the idea of being alone. It scares the heck out of me. So I decided to just go to a community college for stuff like journalism and photography. (There is a college around here that is like, pretty great in those areas I hear.) I also kind of want to take dance as a minor or something. Also, I know I want to do like religious studies and whatever because I intend to be a missionary and that might prove useful, I can do all of that through an online college.
I never have to leave my house. I can do all of that and probably get a job and stuff. I don't have to leave my friends or my family just yet. (I am not ready to move again.) So that is all cool. I think that I had something else to say, but I forgot it. I think I will go now. In case I do not post tomorrow, have a fantastic Thanksgiving! Be thankful! Watch the parade and the dog show, and eat food. (We don't get that channel in english so we will watch the parade and dog show in Spanish again.) Ta ta!!!


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