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It's Turkey Day!

Hello dears. Today is Thanksgiving. It is a day for watching the parade, making food, spending time with important people, laughing in the kitchen, goodnight hugs in chilly weather, and most obviously, it is a day for giving thanks. I think that today, let's talk about Thanksgiving traditions. In my family, we wake up and watch the parade first thing. Dad usually makes a breakfast like pancakes or something. We also watch the dog show while our parents cook. (We don't pay as much attention to the dog show, it is just kind of on.) Since moving to San Antonio, our tv doesn't get the NBC channel so we watch these in Spanish now. After that, mom and dad are in the kitchen pretty much all day while we watch our siblings. (#2 and I) Then later is the best time when we ask our closest friends and family to come over and eat. Our family lives far away, so most years past it has been our best friends the Kissam family that would come. One year, Candice and I were planning my wedding with Justin while warming our feet under his back on the trampoline. (Those were good days.) This year my cousin EM and her boyfriend, Ray are coming for dinner and then Baba and his sister are coming for dessert. (His parents were going to to come too but last minute guests decided to come to their house for dinner.) I am excited to eat the pies we made. I also made bread and rolls yesterday, we get to eat those too. They are whole wheat so they should taste amazing. We get to use dad's new table as well today. Now I am really excited. I think that I should find a poem for you guys to enjoy right now. I am going to find one that was written by a master. Okay, this poem right here takes the cake. I found it on a website of funny poems.

Dear Lord,
Every single evening
As I'm lying here in bed,
This tiny little Prayer
Keeps running through my head:
God bless all my family
Wherever they may be,
Keep them warm
and safe from harm
For they're so close to me.
And God, there is one more thing
I wish that you could do;
Hope you don't mind me asking,
Please bless my computer too.
Now I know that it's unusual
To Bless a motherboard,
But listen just a second
While I explain it to you, Lord.
You see, that little metal box
Holds more than odds and ends;
Inside those small compartments
Rest so many of my friends.
I know so much about them
By the kindness that they give,
And this little scraps of metal
Takes me in to where they live.
By faith is how I know them
Much the same as you.
We share in what life brings us
And from that our friendships grew.
Please take an extra minute
From your duties up above,
To bless those in my address book
That's filled with so much love.
Wherever else this prayer may reach
To each and every friend,
Bless each e-mail inbox
And each person who hits 'send'.
When you update your Heavenly list
On your own Great CD-ROM,
Bless everyone who says this prayer
Sent up to
Poem Kindly sent in by Annick Morris

That is not my poem.I just want to be clear on that. Here is the website, because many of these are pretty funny.
Well, it is nearly 7 am now, I think I shall go downstairs for some coffee. (Or perhaps I should take a shower first.) You guys have a wonderful thanksgiving.

Oh my gosh!!! I forgot the most important tradition. It is my favorite part! Every year, we cover the table  in brown paper and we draw what we are thankful for with Crayola crayons. (Only the best crayons.)
Alright, now I am done. Have an awesome day! And BTW, I am extremely thankful for those individuals that read my blog. It means a lot.


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