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The Good, the Bad, and the Awkward

Hello my dears. I am so sorry that it ha been so long, I truly intended to write again sooner but the days since Thanksgiving have been rather hectic. First, I will give you the short version of the day we dedicated to giving thanks. My family cleaned and cooked and stuff and then my cousin Em and her bf, Em's mom and her husband all came over. We ate and played uno and it was great. Then I needed a nap, so I snuck upstairs for like...thirty minutes probably.
I wanted to have some energy for when my bestie came over.
I was sleeping when a text message interrupted me. I am pretty sure it was Baba informing me that he was going to be late. (I think we told him to come at 6)
Time means a lot to me, so I was kind of offended and sort of kind of maybe got super passive aggressive with him and told him there would be no pie left because my family wasn't going to wait for him if he was late. (I wasn't lying or anything, I just wasn't very nice.)
Then he sent me a video clip of him getting into the car which made me laugh and we were good. He came over and as it happened were wearing matching shirts. (Hahaha we are that close apparently.) When he came, at first I was awkward because I always feel awkward when he enters my house. But then we ate the pie that we made and you know what?? It wasn't half bad!! While we were eating, we were just like standing in the kitchen and he was like, "Do you want to go sit down?" clearly meaning at the table, where everyone else was. I was like nah not really. So then, get this, the guy asks if I want to sit on the kitchen floor.
Obviously that was exactly what I wanted to do. So that is what we did. Then we tried to play 20 card Uno (which I know he probably hates, but he tolerates me so it's cool.) but my brother came and destroyed the game multiple times. In the end we tried playing Trouble Bubble and I lost twice. Then we went to the dining room (At some point after trying to play games and after my extended family left I believe.) At this point I was super tired, it was like 9:30 maybe. (Probably only 8 to be honest)
Once I hit a certain point of tired, Baba knows and he just like rolls with the fact that I probably have no idea what he is saying. I am just listening to the different tones in his voice. We are generally both equally entertained by each other so it works. Anyway, we went into the diningroom because I was like, "We have to draw on the table." So we were drawing (and neither of us can draw btw) when he starts making word jokes.
"I am going to write something right here." He wrote the word something.
"I am going to write something else." He literally wrote "Something else".
"Want to see the magic trick?" He wrote "The magic trick".
"Ready for the punch line?" He drew a line.
For some reason this was like, the funniest thing ever. I don't know if I was actually laughing because I don't show too many emotions when I am tired, but I thought this little word act was SO FUNNY. After that he got to stay and watch National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation with us which is a very important Thanksgiving tradition that I had forgotten about. This tradition is like super important to my dad, so that fact that my best friend got to join us was kind of super special to me.

The rest of this week has been school school school except on Tuesday when we had Greenhouse. Baba and I maybe got into a misunderstanding and there was some cold shouldering and stuff, but we fixed it and now we are totally good so YAY. 

At school there is some massive drama and I am stuck in the middle of it. It's just a lotta bit annoying. Friend 1 and Friend 2 were dating once, but they broke up because Friend 1 has major issues and he was hurting Friend 2. Being friends with both is drama enough. Beside that, Friend 1 is suicidal. I thought that it wouldn't get worse. But now Friend 2 is getting close to Friend 3 who was like, "Hey let's get together." (He comes with Friend 2 to my bible study.) The plot thickens. Turns out Friend 1 is telling people to not be friends with Friend 2 and just spreading nasty rumors about her. He lied straight to the principal about everything I guess. He is also trying to "take hits" at Friend 3 because he is jealous or something. Basically he is trying to make life suck for everyone involved. He still comes to me all sweet though. It sounds pretty two faced, as a result I am struggling to not be short tempered with him. To make matters worse, I thought he was getting close to Friend 3's ex, but ACTUALLY Friend 3 and said "ex" are still together. I am thankful that I am not Friend 2. Her life basically sucks right now.

Moving on, the other day I was able to go to a concert to support my friend Erin. I went with the Grells and Baba. I thought I had to pack dinner for myself since I was coming straight from school so that is what I did. Baba risked not eating so I packed him one too. As I was chilling in my car waiting for the appointed time of my arrival, and for my friend to pull up so I could give him his food, I ate my own. Finally he came and the sight of him in his cute little car made me smile. I thought that he would come get a sandwich but instead he ate one made with the Grell's food. On the outside I put on a smile. On the inside I was like
Boi, I made you two very special sandwiches and they are still warm. What the heck.
Image result for appalled
Obviously I didn't let him know that I was thinking that. After everyone ate, and I took a dorito from Baba's plate and stared at him while eating it with jocular solemnity, we all piled into the car for the long trip. Baba started a game in which we took turns eachwriting a sentence on the notes on his phone to make a story. He sent me the end result so that I can post it for your reading pleasure. You are welcome. It goes as follows:

Once upon a time
A little dude found a green feather cloak
And that cloak was purple and magical
Breaking the law by farting too loud
Since it broke the law, the cloak was In jail.
The little dude set out to free his cloak.
He jumped into his Bugatti and zoomed
All the way to military grammas house
Where he ate military cookies. Suddenly
Grammas yelped. There was a giant hole and that hole was a void to the galaxy of
Candy and death lollipops
Gramma was the first to get deathed
By the evil Sugar Cane King! Gramma then became reincarnated into a freaking goddess of puppies and kittens from the moon
The cloak, grand-goddess and I began to
Conquer the universe and build our palace upon the fluffy cloads of Cranica
Floats the land of barnia
But then, the cops 👮 showed up. All hope
Was lost for the flying pigs “Oink oink” they cried as they were being tased, also a way of making bacon is that you put it in the toaster and then directly into the bathtub to cool it
Anyways, the pigs were dead. Like our dreams
Seven years later, out of the blue came princess flutterbutter, who flutterbuttered all over the floor in front of the crowd,
“Dang it Flutterbutter! I just mopped!”
Shouted grand-goddess. Grand-goddess then challengers Flutterbutter to an epic dance off that turns dark horribly fast because flutterbutter decapitated the goddess by dabbing with a knife
But the goddess sent puppies and kitties
Towards flutterbutter in a furry flurry of rage. Grand-goddess reincarnated AGAIN... again? Freaking again?
It had happened. Again.
I don’t think that is good story telling, but ok
So one day it was raining and then... BOOOOOOM a giant lightning strike struck the clock as it struck midnight
And the cloak didn’t reincarnate. Sadness
Filled the land of chocolate chips, but unfilled the land of tears and sorrow into more tears and more sorrow
Started being sorrowful and sad.
*insert confusion* the land of sadness and tearful sorrow was very sorrowful
Sorrow sorrow sorrow...
‘‘Twas a sorrowful ending of the story.
I looked into the heavens at the stars above then threw up a little bit in my mouth 🤢
Because it looked like Chicago
And I realized “huh, I’m starving” 🤔 so I teleported to the nearest Chick-fil-A
But it was Sunday, so more sorrow
And gloomily I sat down to weep. Then I cried as I walked into a subway, and the police arrested me. Still wanted apparently 🤷🏻‍♂️
Fortunately I had my lucky jet pack with me! And I zoom zoomed out of their to grab
Grandgoddess to go to Albuquerque again
Twelve hundred and seven elves were gathered around a campfire until Santa went crazy that night
And we all know how that went, 💁🏻‍♂️
Actually we don’t. Tell us. 😝.
Listen, all I know is there is a song about it... okay?
Yeah, Liz. Just listen to the song
Long story short a SWAT team member blows the brains out of Santa’s head
Yup, that about sums it up. ANYWAYS!
The alphabet king once said to me “Hey boi you know those Gramma’s cookies of yours are killer mah homie”
Yes my king, they literally are! *king dies*
That is the 7th one this week!
Better find the next heir.
After the celebration of the kings death they then began their search
“Why not Me?” I asked myself. I am King! 🤴🏽
Time to find a Queen now. (Obvi)
None of the commoners wanted a Queen #DENIED
Anyway, the king then reincarnates at a wittle baby
So! I did my best to raise the king to be
A mighty man of valor and baseball. Turns out he ended up playing for the Cubs 😑
I disowned the heck out of him
And burned his possessions.
Possessions=HIM 😈
So yeah, even tho I am a king, I was arrested for murder.... again
But I escaped with my magic mirror!!! 
Uhhhh you mean cloak?
NO! The cloak is dead. The lightning, remember 💁🏻‍♂️
So I used my mirror to teleport to my homies my homies were like “Yo wassup, hows life dawg?”
And they just stared at me like “what the heck bro???” Then they all pulled out their MLP figurines
And I was like, dudes.
Then I was like, bro.
*suddenly, pineapples*
“Well good news is you don’t have brain cancer anymore”
*all the jerks have pineapples for heads*
Then out of nowhere a magical pony just starts flying and some military dudes end up shooting it down with a bazooka
Wow dude, bringing more ASDF films into it?
Dude, my bro and I used to sing a song we wrote that went “you gotta problem with that, you got a problem with that” over and over again
Well duh... you should know THAT UR ACTIONS HAVE CONSEQUENCES!!!
Wow man. Annnnywaaaaayyyyyssss, here is the deal. There I was, cleaning my castle, and the freaking dinasors attacked again
The dinosaurs then summoned a meteor which blew up my freaking castle, GOSH DARN THOSE DINOS!!!
Not again. But hey, that’s how things go
Again? FREAKING AGAIN?? Well.. I guess u are right
Yeah. I called 911 to report a fire
After the donut coppers showed up and got eaten by the dinosaurs, I then summoned a
Porto type cauliflower monster
The monsters name was Bro-Co-Li!!
Half vegetable, half Bruce lee
Out of nowhere appears Chuck Norris, with a pair of nun CHUCKS (no pun intended)
Then why did you capitalize Chuck?
I didn’t capitalize Chuck, I capitalized Chucks.
Bleh, whatever. So a battle happened, and everyone died.... except for me. You know why?
Cuz I had my tray table up, and my seat back in the full upright position?
Yup. So I surveyed the ruins and noticed a little
Bowling ball rolling down a hill and exclaimed “
Dude, wow
The bowling ball then turned around and flew straight at me, just like frisbees in a third world country
And Incase you didn’t know, I am afraid of third world frisbees
Anyway... as the bowling ball came howling towards be, I had nothing to do but slice it in half with my foot
And since that was illegal, I went to jail... again
But then my friend Alessandro bailed me out so I was a free man again and I went into and called it a day

The End

I realize that was kind of long. We had like 45 minutes...then the boys wrote more on the trip back. Upon arriving at the college place where the concert was being held, we got situated. (Bathroom breaks, chit chatting, finding our seats, messing around etc.) We joked, we told stories. It was great. At one point I was trying to tell a story, but people talk over me a lot. Izak interrupted by starting a conversation with Baba and then when I finally started telling my story again Baba interrupted with his own story. Officially fed up with all of this, I just refused to speak. He begged me to finish my story and promised not to interrupt this time. But I was feeling stubborn, so I resisted that look he gave me, the serious one with the blue eyes that look like almost...
OMG he gives me puppy eyes. What the heck. Those never work on me...

Moving on. Basically he made me laugh so I covered my face with the paper thingy with like the list of songs that would be sung...I can't remember what it is called right now but you know what I am talking about. He drew like an angry looking face on the paper where my face was and somehow persuaded me to tell my tale. 
Soon the concert began. It was pretty awesome for a choir concert. Our friend did great, even though her jaw didn't work right, her arm fell asleep and she had been sick the day before. It was awesome, except the audience had to sing and I was not mentally prepared to sing so I refused for the first three songs. (The last one was Joy to the World and I kind of really like that song because it was one I learned when I was in the choir at my church.) After the show, I gave Erin a big hug and told her that she did great. Then we suddenly decided that we all needed to go to Whataburger. This is my like, favorite restaurant ever, but I never bring cash anywhere unless I think I am going to need it. So I was like, "Well this sucks."  To my great surprise, my friend Beb insisted on buying me a drink and a fry.  The gesture was like, probably the sweetest thing she has ever done for me. I was so amazed that like, she actually cared about how awkward it would be for me to not eat with everyone. She is usually a little bit, um...rough around the edges, not the sweetest, but not mean either. I will make that very clear, she is not mean. She just isn't typically sweet if you get what I am saying. I enjoyed a medium tea and most of a fry with my friends. It was great, but I was crashing fast. It was probably close to 9.  At one point, my tiredness got the best of me. Baba was talking about a Blues game that I really wanted to go to. He has been talking about taking everyone to this game since the summer. Before he realized that it was a school day and probably a few other reasons that I can't go, he had told me that I could come. But as it happens, I will be at school. Which is a total bummer. Everyone was talking about the game and I mentioned that I will be at freaking school (I think that is the phrasing I used.) and then all of my friends started complaining about school. This was when I just blew my top. 
"I just love how all of my homeschool friends are complaining about school!" I said.
Beb put me back in my place though. I really shouldn't have exploded like that, it's just, school is killing me. It holds me back, takes all of my precious time, I don't get to move much. I am just trapped to their schedule. All of that while my college friends get to be together building relationships. *pain*
None of that is important. After Whataburger, we started home. I knew that I would have to drive a good ten minutes when we got back so I decided to go to sleep. I was sitting between Baba and Izak. They are both super warm. I fell asleep on Izak's shoulder once and he fell asleep on me too that night. But this time he was on my right side so I decided to make Baba my next victim. (Also Izak is like bony and my best friend is less bony. On top of that, he is my best friend.) 
If he had sat still and not talked so much perhaps I would have fallen all the way asleep. But he was telling stories and I love his stories so as much as I was asleep, my mind and my ears were awake. I heard every word. Everything from him telling stories about Africa to discovering that you can share notes on Apple devices. I was just listening. 
I was also freezing. For a good long while, I just dealt with it. But I did actually want to sleep so finally I whispered what I considered to be inaudible. I couldn't hear myself, but he heard me whisper his name. Apparently my face was right next to his ear, on his shoulder. I didn't know. My eyes were closed. I was just being as close as possible because the guy radiates heat and I was super cold. Anyway, he heard me, and he I can't recall if he called me by my name or by the nickname he gave me, but he super softly was like, "Yes?"
I like softness when I am tired. While I truly didn't think that I had the energy to speak more, I did need to answer. I couldn't just leave it at his name. I took a deep breath and let out a sigh.  "It's so cold." Y'all don't understand how much effort it took to say that. He agreed with me (Much to my surprise) and then he had Izak make it less cold. It was like, so great. He is always taking care of me. He drove behind me to make sure that I got home safe. (It was 11:20) He also took the sandwiches. I just realized he still has my lunch bag. That sucks. 
Yesterday I went to a christmas party in my neighborhood. It was cool. I got my charactature made. I totally misspelled that word. (I have never gotten one done BTW)  There was a guy there with free samples of the best brisket ever. It was awesome. I also got to babysit these two kids last night. A baby and her brother. They were cute. The brother hid under the bed when I tried to put him down to sleep. Then I fell asleep with him in his bed. Baba woke me up though so it was kind of funny. Then I wastched hallmark movies.
Then I get a message from my bestie asking if I still needed him to keep me awake, if so, I can call him. That sounded like a great option so I did. He talked to me as I drove home too. Then like ten minutes after I got home because I didn't tell him I was home yet. I was just in my car, listening to his day. It wasn't a good day, which sucks, but even before he was my best friend, a midnight call with my best friend is like the best way to end the day. (It was 12:15, the middle of the night.) 

Sorry I am rushing y'all it is getting late.  I will talk about today later. I gotta go to beeeed. You guys have a great day!!!


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