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Legless Lizards??? What the Chicken Nuggets is that???

Hey guys, I have about seven minutes. So let's go! I will talk about yesterday later, but first I want to talk about today. This morning, I was watching Blippi on youtube with #5, and he was at a museum and pointed to this reptile which apparently was not a snake, but a legless lizard. And I was on the couch like:
What the heck is a legless lizard??? Isn't that just a snake? Or maybe it is the serpent from the Bible...Maybe snakes were already a thing? WHO KNOWS. So we are going to learn about legless lizards if I have a chance to finish this blog post today. I would do it over lunch, but I have to go home for lunch because a certain person has my lunch bag.... (Love you, certain person.) I might have time after school, but I have to stay late to cover a club for yearbook.
Busy Busy Busy. Soon. Soon I will have a life again.

Alright. So yesterday, then lizards. My day began with mom gently waking me up, which was pretty cool. Then I had a cucumber for breakfast because we were out of cereal. It was alright but not filling. Upon arriving at the church, we were all kind of in a rush. My dad was sick so we left him home, and I needed to organize something with my friend.

Guys wait, alright, I nicknamed him "Baba" but that name sounds way mushy and affectionate and stuff and he isn't a mushy guy. So I need to change this nickname because I literally cringe whenever I write it. On my phone he is Lord Tisher the Great, which is terribly long but far more fitting, so I hereby Dub him the short version of that, LTG. He is now LTG.

Great. Now that we have that out of the way, I shall continue with my tale. I needed to talk to him about what time he intended to have the college group unload Christmas decor with us. (My dad was going to do it, but then he got sick.) I was expecting LTG to be in the college room, but he was not. SO I went out to find him, but he was already discussing times with my mom. I was like cool, okay that works. And continued to eat my cucumber.
Yesterday was the first day that my mom taught my Sunday school class. To be purely honest, I am not too sure about how I feel. I love my mom, don't get me wrong, but I do not know if I want her to be my Sunday school teacher. It feels, weird. Like the other kids will think that I am the teacher's favorite just cuz I am her kid. Class went wellish. We had to go watch a video about Lottie Moon right in the middle though so that was a bit awkward. After that, we all unloaded the Christmas stuff and headed to service. We had a few spare minutes to socialize, so we did. I also ate some cake. That was breakfast part 2. It was yummy.Related image After that we went back into the sanctuary. At some point, I was about to put my Bible down in my seat next to LTG's stuff, but Izak got there before me and put his Bible in my seat. I wasn't quite sure how to respond so I just went up to LTG and told him. "Hey, Izak took my seat." I am pretty sure his chest swelled a little bit when he went over to explain to Izak that he can't sit there because I always sit there. It is my seat. It kind of made my day that he stood up for me like that. Izak wasn't too happy about the arrangement thought. After church, we had a potluck and instead of running off with the college group like he always does, LTG stayed, which in itself was exciting. Here is the problem though: on Sundays, I am so used to only seeing him for just a few minutes that when I get to see him for longer I don't know how to fill the time. I am kind of like, let me just stand next to you and enjoy your presence. It's really weird.  But yesterday, he stayed, and we were able to have actual conversations. He even made an effort to not interrupt my stories, which was like, yes my dude. He got his turn to talk as well, of course. We got to talk for a while and it was awesome. Then he had to go. Which was sad, but he gave me a hug so it was less sad. It was an  extremely awkward hug. First, usually I go left and he goes right but this time he held his right arm out so I had to go right. Then instead of the typical his arm around me and my arm under his, his arm slipped under mine and his hand graced my ribs which apparently I was not ready for because either I fell into him or my body jerked forward towards him. Then we were almost in something similar to a dancing form, but backwards kind of. It wasn't bad, just really abnormal and kind of awkward. I also scratched his ear with the pens in my hair.
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Later (I almost forgot the best part you guys!) I went to Target to get some stuff like chapstick and Christmas Presents, and LTG for some reason seemed surprised that I was there. (I literally told hime that I was going there.) As it happened, he was there too and attempted to surprise me with that fact. The gesture was unfortunately slightly spoiled by the fact that I came knowing that he was probably there. I was hoping to accidentally on purposefully bump into him...
Nonetheless! It was like the sweetest thing like ever. He didn't even know about all the hours I have spent over the years daydreaming that my best friend would surprise me by just turning up where I was. So it was totally awesome that he did that.

Okay, time for legless lizards. (There are a lot of details of my day that I skipped, and I skipped all of today too. I apologize) What the heck is a legless lizard???
Alright. I am reading this Article and it says that Legless Lizards or "Glass Lizards" evolved from lizards with four legs and that snakes evolved from four legged snakes that nobody has ever seen. Ummmmmm that makes about zero sense, so I kept reading. Some differences between snakes and these special lizards include:
The lizards has eyelids, snakes do not
The lizard has ear holes, snakes do not
The snakes can unhinge their jaws to eat big food, the lizards cannot
The lizards can lose their tales like normal lizards, and snakes obviously can't
I just learned that snakes have both a tail and a body...mostly tail unlike the lizard which is mostly body. I guess this is why the snakes are so bendy and stuff. That's pretty cool. Also apparently snakes have better moving abilities than lizards. I would rather be a snake, let's be real here. They can eat big food and slither better.
Image result for difference between snake and legless lizardRelated image

The lizard is called a Glass Lizard for it's eyelids. Apparently they are like, glassy. Alright. Now you all know the difference between a legless lizard and a snake.  For more info, check out this website that I got the info from. Or better yet, do some research and tell me! Alright. Now I must get ready for bed and other such nighttime activities. Good night guys.

Forgot the link. Here y'all:
The LInk XP


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