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Showing posts from April, 2018

2 Saved and I am Psychic

Hello my dears! It has been sooooo long. My apologies. We did not go into the computer lab last week because we had a sub. Great news, at youth group last night two people got saved. I think one of them was my friend which makes it that much more special. The pure excitement and joy rushing through my veins was an exhilarating feeling so explainable.I wanted jump and shout and hug, but naturally I remained still. I do not know if anyone was quite as excited as I was at that moment, but that is alright. If it was my friend that got saved, and I am sure he did, it hits me hard where I have been weak. God pulled him outta my school, just another cold hearted atheist. He was directed toward our church by a basketball hoop as an escape. Then BAM. Like a lightning bolt, the King struck, piercing the darkness as sharply as a blade pierces flesh during medieval warfare. Other than that, my week has been relatively mild. On Friday there may have been some freshman doing some suspicious activ

Not a New Hobby

Hello. So over the weekend I realized *cough cough* mom told me that LARPers mostly consist of drug addicts, drunkards, witches and warlocks. (She has known people who LARP.) So I have decided to not try the game with those kind of people...Witchcraft is a form of Satan worship herego, Witches/Warlocks are not safe companions. They are infested with demons. This does not mean that I will completely quit dressing up at times and living for a quick moment or seven in my imagination. I may just, in the future, when I live in a castle, have "Medieval day" every once in a while. It could be educational opportunity. Who knows. Until then, my imaginary people will have to be contained in my books. Maybe I will just dress as my characters when I am writing. Maybe I should be a writer when I am grown. I feel that Luthein and Celeste (Her half sister) have a story that needs to be written. I didn't tell you about Celeste. I have some secrets. Over the weekend I finally watched W

New Hobby?

Hello my dears. So as you may know, I am slightly nerdy. Also, as this may or may not be normal, I have one of two reactions to stress. I either A) Begin to work harder and harder or B) I get super strange and cooky. As this school year is drawing to a close I am leaning toward the second, more fun sounding option. (I am blaming stress) Ever heard the word "LARP"? It stands for Live Action Role Play. It is a really nerdy pass time for people who like to dress up and hit each other with swords. It is basically pretend for grown ups. Recently I have become very interested in the sport. It started one day when I just wanted to dress up as a wood elf... Since then I have been doing a lot of research on the topic. Turns out the majority of LARPers are smart professional people in real life. People like doctors, college professors and military men/women. I have also learned that LARP is highly recommended by therapists to help with issues such as anxiety. In light of that informat

Atrophy Catastrophe

Hello my dears. I am sorry for how long it has been. I have no excuse. But hey, guess what! I met a writer. (Holly Black) And she signed a book for me. (Which I am currently reading.) Naturally I asked like five questions (I had more, but there wasn't enough time.) none of which I recall. I took notes and those are somewhere in my backpack probably. This was on Friday. Also on Friday i got my braces adjusted. I think that is why I keep getting massive headaches. Wait... Before we switch topics, I have a photo for y'all. That is me and Holly Black. (And her book that I am reading.) Alright, moving on. Over the weekend I mostly read. But I was happy to note that my acquaintance Austin has joined us for the morning service at church. Have I told y'all about Austin? I don't remember. He recently joined our youth group. One evening we were out playing volleyball and he was at the church playing basketball and I was like, "Who is that guy?" so Mr. Fernando invit

101st Post

Hello people! Guess what! This will be my 101st post on this blog. I feel like that calls for some sort of celebration! Am I right? (Of course I am) Let me all of you animal lovers...  (Since we all know that Dalmatians come in litters of 101) Today has been interesting. I went to a very important meeting concerning the application for editorship of next year's yearbook/news paper. I am applying for either Editor in Chief or Assistant Editor or copy editor or photography editor. (I am a little bit indecisive.) I am currently the assistant editor for the yearbook. This morning I tried to do a new thing with nail didn't work.  Now I have funky nails. Hehehe. I am so hungry right now. It is fifth period. Lunch isn't until 1:33 and that is thirty minutes away. Agh.  Apparently today is PT day for ROTC. Apparently MSgt Hickman sent out a remind about it last night. I was unaware of this though because my phone is still broken. If rice doesn&#

iPhone Tragedy

Hello guys and gals. Today is um...Wednesday. Yeah. I am wearing my uniform so it is Wednesday.  How are you? I must apologize for how angry my tone might have sounded yesterday. I think that post was some form of me venting. However, I do not take back what I said. Because I meant it. Last night was interesting. I was about to go back to school to work on a yearbook ad with mom (It was her ad) when I realized that I was forgetting my phone which I had left on the table. I went to grab it and then with horror I realized that my sister had left it in a cup of apple juice. Yeah. No. I was a mixture of frustrated, devastated and horrified. There was also a touch of panic. How am I gonna talk to Justin when I am not home???  First world problems.  In my defense, I do live in a society where a phone is necessary. (Along the lines of defending myself, that is all I've got.) I felt really selfish when I was like, "Lord, please let my phone work!" I kind of told Him that I kn

Socialism and Whatnot

Hello my dears. I hope that you are well. How was your Easter? I hope it was good. In case you did not know, this is the day that we set aside to celebrate the resurrection of Christ after His crucifixion. For you skeptics out there, yes he did rise from the dead. I realize it is absurd. But let's think about it. The writers of the new testament showed women as the first witnesses. Women in that day were seen as unreliable and were not even allowed to testify in court. The writers expressed that while the women were on a mission to pay final respects to their beloved Jesus, the disciples were hiding. (Not very manly) Someone making this up would not show themselves off as wussies. Also, all of the men there died claiming that His resurrection was true. Nobody dies for what they know to be a lie. Now that we have that out of the way. Guess what I did this weekend. Nah, I will just tell you. I learned how to take portraits in harsh light. It was fun. Mom was teaching me and we met a