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Not a New Hobby

Hello. So over the weekend I realized *cough cough* mom told me that LARPers mostly consist of drug addicts, drunkards, witches and warlocks. (She has known people who LARP.) So I have decided to not try the game with those kind of people...Witchcraft is a form of Satan worship herego, Witches/Warlocks are not safe companions. They are infested with demons.
This does not mean that I will completely quit dressing up at times and living for a quick moment or seven in my imagination. I may just, in the future, when I live in a castle, have "Medieval day" every once in a while. It could be educational opportunity. Who knows. Until then, my imaginary people will have to be contained in my books. Maybe I will just dress as my characters when I am writing. Maybe I should be a writer when I am grown. I feel that Luthein and Celeste (Her half sister) have a story that needs to be written.
I didn't tell you about Celeste. I have some secrets.
Over the weekend I finally watched Wonder Woman. OH MY GOODNESS GRACIOUS. I was sitting there like, this lady is hot.
Don't get me wrong, I am not gay. You should know that by now, but I just want to be clear on that. I just wish I could wield a weapon with the expertise of the character. Also, the woman who plays Diana is in real life in the Israeli army. So she is pretty much a real life super hero playing a goddess on film. SUPER DUPER AMAZING. Big fan. um...what else happened this weekend?
I went through all of the belongings in my room to see if I had anything worth selling at a yardsale. Turns out my closet is full of random things. Everything from a goggle eye piece to a black/red reversible cloak. I even have one of those little aliens from toy story. Wacky. My room is a bit like a thrift store in its randomness.
I suddenly have nothing to say. ...
Recently my ability to express myself seems to have been restricted. I do not know why. Probably since I have gotten a boyfriend and technically I am supposed to be open with him. That's really hard though, because with him so far away he doesn't seem real. I know he is real but I have had a plethora of imaginary friends and characters from books that I have fallen in love with, so a long distance boyfriend hardly seems different. I should learn how to cope with this.
Something funny happened this weekend. Do you know the song "Lost Boy" by Ruth B? Well I was nonchalant singing that song while scrolling through youtube. It went like this: I am a lost boy from neverland, usually making out with Peter Pan.
I think that is called a Freudian slip. LOL. My sister was like, "Really? You make out with Peter Pan?" Then we laughed.
Yesterday I realized that I am slightly violent. Violence makes me feel strong and powerful even. This is slightly horrifying. I think, if I was not raised in a Christian home, if I didn't have Christ, I would be a cruel human being. At church I saw my friend (a guy) pinch my other friend's belly button. She doesn't particularly like being touched. So I was like, You wanna fight boi??
We squared up, both smiling. He punched first, aiming for my belly. I blocked and punched back. Not hard of course, because he is my friend. Also I would not have punched first. But my fist against his chest was exhilarating and empowering. I was like, I want to do that again. This is the same thrill I get from sword fighting. It is dangerous. Grace, my friend that he pinched was shocked. We were all shocked. She hugged me tightly with an excited, "I love you!" It was funny. I hope that the three of us continue to grow our friendships as a trio. I am also glad that the guy doesn't shy away from me anymore. Ok, now I am done. You guys have a great day. If you have any story ideas, hit me up because I am a little short at the moment. Thanks a bunch!!!


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