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101st Post

Hello people! Guess what! This will be my 101st post on this blog. I feel like that calls for some sort of celebration! Am I right? (Of course I am) Let me all of you animal lovers...
 (Since we all know that Dalmatians come in litters of 101)
Today has been interesting. I went to a very important meeting concerning the application for editorship of next year's yearbook/news paper. I am applying for either Editor in Chief or Assistant Editor or copy editor or photography editor. (I am a little bit indecisive.) I am currently the assistant editor for the yearbook.
This morning I tried to do a new thing with nail didn't work.  Now I have funky nails. Hehehe. I am so hungry right now. It is fifth period. Lunch isn't until 1:33 and that is thirty minutes away. Agh. 
Apparently today is PT day for ROTC. Apparently MSgt Hickman sent out a remind about it last night. I was unaware of this though because my phone is still broken. If rice doesn't fix it tonight then there is no hope. Anyway, guess who decided to wear flip flops today. (Me.) Brilliant. I texted mom asking if she could bring my shoes. Then she reminded me that I have the van. I was like, oh yeah... I looked for my keys. I didn't have them. Then I remembered that Hattie needed them this morning because she left her phone in the car. In the end, mom had to call the school to let me out and I had to get the keys from Hattie, go home, get some shoes and socks, and then come back to school. Ha ha fun times. Tonight I am getting this kind of car. 
It is kind of a throwback for me, because when I was little my parents had the same car. Later they upgraded to a blue one a few models up. My car life is coming full circle. 
Do you ever smell people? Especially people that mean a lot to you? Me too. #2 and Steve recently came up with a plan to be able to smell each other despite living across the country. They plan to send sweaters back and forth, each time writing a note on the sweater and taking pictures of themselves doing cool things while wearing the sweater. Justin and I agreed that this was a great plan, so we are doing the same thing. My sweater came in yesterday. It is super comfortable. The inside is really soft. I think the first cool picture that I will take is me with my first car. That is pretty cool, right?
Yesterday I actually sat with people at lunch. (Aren't you proud of me?) I think I am going to sit with them again today. I hope it goes as well as yesterday. Maybe by the end of the semester we will be goodish friends. Two of them are in my flight in ROTC and one of those two lives in my neighborhood. Maybe we can get to the point of hanging out sometime.
Guys, I know this blog post has been full of random updates, but I want to thank you for listening, I have kind of had to keep all of that random mumbo jumbo to myself because Justin has been unavailable. I usually tell him all of this stuff. (I don't know why particularly him, it just happens that way.) Anyway, I am going to wrap this up now. You guys have a nice day.


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