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Socialism and Whatnot

Hello my dears. I hope that you are well. How was your Easter? I hope it was good. In case you did not know, this is the day that we set aside to celebrate the resurrection of Christ after His crucifixion. For you skeptics out there, yes he did rise from the dead. I realize it is absurd. But let's think about it. The writers of the new testament showed women as the first witnesses. Women in that day were seen as unreliable and were not even allowed to testify in court. The writers expressed that while the women were on a mission to pay final respects to their beloved Jesus, the disciples were hiding. (Not very manly) Someone making this up would not show themselves off as wussies. Also, all of the men there died claiming that His resurrection was true. Nobody dies for what they know to be a lie.
Now that we have that out of the way. Guess what I did this weekend. Nah, I will just tell you. I learned how to take portraits in harsh light. It was fun. Mom was teaching me and we met an amateur photographer and her cousin who both modeled for us, and we also met a landscape photographer. His work is really nice. There was an Easter party for my dad's work. That was awkward as always, but there was archery tag so #2 and I shot at eachother for a long time. I got a nasty blister inside my left pointer finger. It kind of sucks because I am left handed and the bandaid keeps coming off. But it was totally worth it. I think that I need to go LARPing now with my boyfriend and his siblings and my sister too obviously. We should get some like archery tag stuff and play a mixture of Percy Jackson style capture the flag and hunger games. (Calling all my nerds, stand proud.) I got some green sparkly eyeliner to go with my blue eyeliner from my parents. I didn't know that they knew that I liked to dress up. So the period is almost over, I have to go now. Bye.
Okay, now it is Tuesday.  ^That is from Monday.
Let's see..... Ah! So yesterday, I ask my Boyfriend, "How was your day?" and "What did you learn?" (In psychology class) He replies by telling me that he is a socialist.  I was a bit like, oh no, I can't be with a socialist.  Then I was like, wait, which is socialism? So mom explained it. (I knew what it was, I just couldn't remember.)  He and I had a long conversation.... Guys, socialism is ridiculous. He explained it as "Everyone shares everything and agrees on everything." I was like, that's retarded. Then I asked if as a socialist he would share me. Needless to say, he is not a socialist. (Good thing too, I wouldn't want to be shared.) Anywho, the scenario that was presented that defined hi, as a socialist was as follows:
Everyone in the state has died from radioactive poisoning except for the people in this building. You have two years' worth of food and if you leave the building you die. What do you do?
Everyone in the class I assume decided to share the food and were therefore socialists.

Here is what I would do and the logic behind it. I would leave and go outside of the state to seek medical help. They are in a relatively small state, and probably have cars. Assuming that everyone else is dead, they need not abide actual driving laws. Also, radioactivity doesn't kill immediately. Hypothetically, escape to a safer place is possible. Right? (He would come with me.) We would drive to Philly and get a doctor.
What would that make me? Certainly not a socialist. More like the person who when you ask if the toothpaste can go back into the tube, says yes. It's possible.

That is not what I want to talk about though. All of these thoughts about politics have caused me to realize something.
Our rights are being squashed. Did you ever realize how similar liberals are to socialists? "Everyone is equal"  they tell us. We are supposed to respect everyone's beliefs blah blah blah. Then they go and stomp on Bible believing people. The other day I put a Bible verse on the board in my classroom, but my teacher told me that I had to take it down,  "because it's clearly a Bible reference."
WAKE UP! Where is my freedom of speech? Freedom of religion???
 They teach evolution as fact, they do not show any other views. Bible says that gay marriage is WRONG. It is UNNATURAL. Abortion is MURDER.
"Love is love." "A woman should have the right to choose." She had the right, and she chose to risk making that child. I have a phrase for you.
"Love is lust."
Most love is lust, because it doesn't involve God, the creator of that holy thing which we have marred, marriage. In the Bible it says that the man is to leave his mother and father and to cleave to his wife. Wife. 
{The Bible is just a book of fairy tales.}
No, it is all truth. It is God's word, inspired by the creator of the universe. Scientifically tested and true over and over. Multiple scientists have tried to disprove the Bible. Ken Ham for instance. He was an avid atheist once, now he has debates with Bill Nye over the truth of the Bible. He writes books showing the logic. You cannot fight the truth. It will overcome, and those who know it will be set free. Those who don't in the end will drown in flames.
{Cowgirl! That is so morbid!}
Yes it is. *Shrugs.* 
Anyway, on that note, I encourage you, if you are curious to read Ken Ham's Answers in Genesis. I read it for school, it is pack full of information and logic. Great read. 
That's all that I have today. Have a good day.


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