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Showing posts from November, 2018

It's Turkey Day!

Hello dears. Today is Thanksgiving. It is a day for watching the parade, making food, spending time with important people, laughing in the kitchen, goodnight hugs in chilly weather, and most obviously, it is a day for giving thanks. I think that today, let's talk about Thanksgiving traditions. In my family, we wake up and watch the parade first thing. Dad usually makes a breakfast like pancakes or something. We also watch the dog show while our parents cook. (We don't pay as much attention to the dog show, it is just kind of on.) Since moving to San Antonio, our tv doesn't get the NBC channel so we watch these in Spanish now. After that, mom and dad are in the kitchen pretty much all day while we watch our siblings. (#2 and I) Then later is the best time when we ask our closest friends and family to come over and eat. Our family lives far away, so most years past it has been our best friends the Kissam family that would come. One year, Candice and I were planning my wedding

Grainy Pie-It is a Work of Art

Good Morning you guys! I made pie yesterday. I did not, however, make a video of it. (Probably a wise decision, it was semi chaotic.) You know, as if trying to make something for the first time isn't difficult enough on its own, I invited my best friend to come join me. (Neither of us really know how to cook...) Before I go on though, I was laying in bed last night contemplating. I was thinking about y'all and about how the other day I realized my best friend needs a blog nickname. It was like 11:15 at night, but I figured it out. I am always calling him Dad for one of two reasons, 1)My teacher thought he was my dad once or 2) He kind of acts like a dad a lot. But I can't call him dad on my blog because that might confuse you guys when I talk about my real dad. So I kept thinking. Obviously the answer was to just switch languages. The guy is learning Swahili and father in that language is Baba (I think...) so now he shall be referred to as such. (I realize that is super g

The Results of Indecision, and I Got to Art

Hello my dears. I am not sure what to talk about today, so I will talk about yesterday. Nah, actually I do not feel like discussing yesterday right now. It was a great day, but I am just not in the mood right now. I am missing an old friend who was in my dream last night,  I cut ties with him a long time ago because of some drama with his brother. So I am just kind of sad right now. We should learn something. Learning is like, the cure to all woes. What to learn, what to learn.... Okay, actually guys. Let's talk about photography. Actually no. No, I am just going to tell you about yesterday because I am sort of pressed for time. Sorry for my indecision y'all!!! Alright, alright here we go. So, yesterday being Sunday, I naturally went to church. I got special permission to hang out with my college age friends, so I was excited. I drove my car instead of riding with my family... Wait back up. Actually, My sister decided to take a shower like, right before we had to leav

Today is a Great Day for a Great Day

Hello human beings! Guess what. Today is Friday. Hey, that is a cool font. Anywho. Today is FRIDAY, and I have an entire week of no school! (What's a girl to do with all of that time???) JK. I will probably clean my house. {How was bread making?} Well, I am glad you asked. It was fantastic. I came home from school yesterday and I was like, "It's time to make bread." But then I ended up watching the siblings.....then doing chores...watching siblings again...eating dinner...more chores....Then finally at like 7:30 I began to do one of those things that I do well. I wanted to make whole wheat but dad was like, "Make white bread. People like white bread." (They clearly haven't tasted my whole wheat bread...) So I began and all was going well until I went to knead the dough. Like always my hands became dough monsters, they were blanketed in about half an inch of sticky icky doughiness. I was like great. So I called my sister, #2. "Steve!


Hello my dears. I hope that you are well. I am alright I think. Pulling through. Yesterday at school I had photography club. It was cool, we watched these videos that were like, instructional interviews of a famous photographer lady. (I forget her name, but she did the portrait shoot of the individual who used to be Bruce Jenner but now goes by Caitlyn.) The videos were intriguing and I enjoyed what she had to say, but there were a few nude photos and a series on the show girls in California. That was interesting. Fortunately the only body parts I saw were some butts (everyone has a butt) and one of the show girls' chests. (Since I am a girl and the only other person attending is also a girl, this didn't phase me much.) The teacher in charge of the club quickly skipped the show girls after that though and I was grateful. Being a photographer, one must go into the artist world with an understanding that artful humans are simply fascinated by the human body. Painters, sculptors,

New Poems for Your Reading Pleasure

Hey my people. I hope that you all have been well in my absence. I am sorry that I left, I thought that I didn't need to be heard quite so much as before because I was finally starting some nice friendships and stuff, but now I am discovering that I was wrong. I do need you all, my readers, and I miss you. Please accept my sincerest apologies.  I know that I left a while ago so catching you up to speed will take a while probably. Let's not waste time. Let's go over the basics. I have a new best friend (I might have said that in the last post, not sure) He, my second best friend and I are planning to build a castle I have a suicidal friend, his ex is also my very good friend, she goes to my Tuesday morning Bible studies in Mrs Kelly's room My English teacher is great this year I have a friendquaintance named James, he is pretty cool I have two friends named Justin in fourth period, one smokes weed and is a total butt head to be honest, and the other is sweet. I lo