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Hello my dears. I hope that you are well. I am alright I think. Pulling through. Yesterday at school I had photography club. It was cool, we watched these videos that were like, instructional interviews of a famous photographer lady. (I forget her name, but she did the portrait shoot of the individual who used to be Bruce Jenner but now goes by Caitlyn.) The videos were intriguing and I enjoyed what she had to say, but there were a few nude photos and a series on the show girls in California. That was interesting. Fortunately the only body parts I saw were some butts (everyone has a butt) and one of the show girls' chests. (Since I am a girl and the only other person attending is also a girl, this didn't phase me much.) The teacher in charge of the club quickly skipped the show girls after that though and I was grateful. Being a photographer, one must go into the artist world with an understanding that artful humans are simply fascinated by the human body. Painters, sculptors, photographers, all of them. So naturally if you go and view art, you must be prepared for such things as nudity even of you yourself do not take part in that type of art. (I was prepared mentally for this.)  After we watched these videos we were sent to take photos around the school. Our challenge: this color.
I haven't edited the photos and whatnot yet, but perhaps if I have some time I will post them this weekend. As I was roaming and photographing, I ran into one of my friends. Austin had been sitting with his guy friends at a table and we waved at each other and I thought that would have been the end of the interaction. But to my delighted surprise, he turned to his guys friends, told them that he would see them later and ran up to join me! I was happy because I was no longer alone. I truly hate being alone. I just like having someone near me so that I don't look like I am crazy when I talk to myself. (I tend to ramble nonsense when I am alone, but when I am with people...I still ramble nonsense it just happens that I am talking to someone else and it is much more enjoyable that way.) He followed me around the school and we kept up some small talk as I paused every so often to take a picture or layed on the floor to get a better picture. He didn't seem too surprised at me laying on the floor and stuff. He did however, find it hilarious that I was expressing great excitement over something.

{What were you so excited about, Cowgirl?}

Well, today I get to make bread. And that might not seem fun to you, but bread making goes back to my childhood. Mom used to make bread like every week. Then she stopped for years. Then she taught me and I used to make bread every week. (Every Friday.) Kneading the dough is so relaxing and eating the bread is simply delicious. Of course, I will be excited to make bread. Tomorrow yearbook is having a thanksgiving party instead of working during class, so everyone is bringing food. (I am bringing bread.) I intend to make two batches. One for yearbook and one for me. ( I may or may not decide to share. I don't know.)

So last night I was reading my Bible and I came across something, and thought, "I should put that on my blog."
But I do not remember what it was. I didn't bring my Bible to school either... It was in Psalm six though so....I think it was verses six and seven.

I am weary with my groaning; all the night make I my bed to swim; I water my couch with my tears.
Mine eye is consumed because of grief; it waxeth old because of all mine enemies.
I saw those, and I liked them because honestly, that is kind of how I have been lately. Except I do not cry enough to swim in my tears. When I cry (which is rareish) I only release two or three tears unless I am bawling then it is more like twenty. I do not recall where I intended to go with all that...
I am learning how to write with my right hand. Surprisingly, it looks pretty good for being the not dominant hand. I still have a long way to go, I write super duper slowly with that hand. I think that being ambidextrious would prove beneficial in the long run. I tried to convince my friend to join me but he was like um no... *shrugs*
Well the bell rang, I must depart. Photo soon. Bye bye!


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