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New Poems for Your Reading Pleasure

Hey my people. I hope that you all have been well in my absence. I am sorry that I left, I thought that I didn't need to be heard quite so much as before because I was finally starting some nice friendships and stuff, but now I am discovering that I was wrong. I do need you all, my readers, and I miss you. Please accept my sincerest apologies.  I know that I left a while ago so catching you up to speed will take a while probably. Let's not waste time. Let's go over the basics.

  • I have a new best friend (I might have said that in the last post, not sure) He, my second best friend and I are planning to build a castle
  • I have a suicidal friend, his ex is also my very good friend, she goes to my Tuesday morning Bible studies in Mrs Kelly's room
  • My English teacher is great this year
  • I have a friendquaintance named James, he is pretty cool
  • I have two friends named Justin in fourth period, one smokes weed and is a total butt head to be honest, and the other is sweet. I love them both. (Not sure why sometimes)
  • The youth group is changing a lot and I am not adjusting well.
  • Some of my friends and I are in a missionary training thing at my church, it is super cool.

Great. Glad we got that out of the way. Before I get started, I want to make a shout out to Smurf. Hey man, I hope that you are well. I haven't heard from you in ages, but your grandma always asks me if I have talked to you recently before telling me that you are  super busy.
Alright, let's see. The news paper at my school has a literary magazine now, in December they will produce the second issue of the year. I am very excited. Last month I entered a poem for the lit mag (La Pluma) and now it is in the newspaper. I made the mistake of bringing it to church because apparently it sounds rather homosexual. Please know that this was not the intended effect, I was just so deep in the zone of my imagination that I didn't realize how dirty the words sounded. The first time I heard it read out loud by my friend Anthony, it made my neck burn. (Like blushing burn) I think that I will proceed to share it with you. But before I do that, just know that this poem is about rain. That is literally the sole inspiration. I will let you read it before I spoil it more.

Autumn Rain

I lift my chin nearer the heavens
Basking as chilled gentle fingers caress
Ever softly, oh so gracefully
Lightly touching
Cheek, lips, arms, hands
A soft rustle; the wind tussles my hair
A thick grey blanket comforts the weeping sky far above
As she opens her heart and pours down her love.
Softly at first, just a chilly caress.
Drip, drip, drip, her lonely tears on my dress.
Her kiss is like to ice against my warm pink flesh,
It grows from first soft, then and  now passionate.
Soon the wind howls! How jealous is he!
That his own Autumn Rain should so love little me.
Woosh! Now my hair whips about!
Plish plosh! How her tears flow down!
Suddenly, just as quickly as it had begun
So gently ended my Autumn Rain.

Want to know the backstory? Cool. So when I wrote this, I was recalling a recent walk to the mailbox in the rain. The rain is cold, yet gentle. This I compared to a woman because they too, can be cold and gentle. (My fingertips are nearly always like ice.) I threw in some obvious descriptions of the scene to show that I was describing a rainy day, but most people seemed to miss that part. The word "dress" was not intended to imply a woman with woman relationship. This wording was actually a throwback to my childhood when I would put on a thin pink dress to play in the rain. It was a very damsel in distress type of thing. I just loved the way the dress would hang limp and defeated after the rain drenched it. The kiss that grew from soft to gentle is my interpretation of how Texas rain goes from a gentle drizzle to a heavy downpour in a matter of seconds, and then back to the drizzle. (If you live in Texas, you know. The weather here is as fickle as any girl.) Once I had gotten this far, I wondered why the rain was crying, I still don't know to be honest, but I almost seem to have implied a slightly abusive relationship with the wind. It almost seems like she and he should not be a couple, but that is pretty irrelevant. (Since that was not the meaning of the poem.) I digress.

I showed my English teacher, she liked it a lot. She teaches world literature, so poetry is kind of her thing. I think that it would be super cool if she like, had us write a timed write interpretation of this poem. I would love to see how exactly other people see my words, if it takes them back to a place in their history or not. What connections they do or don't make.
I also made another poem. It is a christmas poem, it is much simpler and straightforward. It is for the next issue of La Pluma. It was inspired by, and partly written for my best friend. If you are wondering why I wrote him a poem, well you clearly haven't met the guy. He is truly something else. He is this big ball of energy, always pouring into others, always excited about Jesus, coffee, sports and kids and also Christmas. Definitely Christmas. There are many other aspects of his character that could be worth a poem as well. I have actually been trying to find the words for this poem for a while, but he doesn't know that because I never told him. I didn't want to seem weird. But when I heard that the theme for this month's issue was Christmas, well I could hardly pass that up. (Christmas and winter in general.) Alright, here is that poem as well.

Christmas Lights
Sugar spice and Christmas lights
(The time is finally here)
The chilly weather feels just right
(I’ve awaited this all year)
Carefully I devised and planned
(I’ve gotta do this right)
The whole year round, oh! I’m happy now!
(It’s time to put up my lights)
Christmas decor is kinda my thing
(It really is the best)
First things first; must test each bulb
(A truly mundane task)
Shouldn’t take too long though
(Not with Beyoncé’s help)
Now the fun part! Here it comes!
(Grab the ladder; climb the rungs)
Carefully, up and up
(Hush now don’t rush art)
Each bulb’s now in its place
(I’ve carefully drawn out each part)
With some simple trig,
(I know this will all work out)
Like I said: I’ve planned all year
(Cuz Christmas and hockey are what winter’s about)
Finally, I’m all done now
(I’ll sip my coffee and take a bow)
My house now glimmers and blinks
(Shiny, red, gold, green)
Christmas decorations truly are
Some of my favorite things.

Alright, that is about all I have for right now. I am like super stressed and freaking out right now, because I accidentally deleted some photos from a wedding that I shot and uh...I need them now. Wish me luck and pray for me that mom won't kill me, y'all. Have a great day!


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