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The Results of Indecision, and I Got to Art

Hello my dears. I am not sure what to talk about today, so I will talk about yesterday. Nah, actually I do not feel like discussing yesterday right now. It was a great day, but I am just not in the mood right now. I am missing an old friend who was in my dream last night,  I cut ties with him a long time ago because of some drama with his brother. So I am just kind of sad right now. We should learn something. Learning is like, the cure to all woes.

What to learn, what to learn....

Okay, actually guys. Let's talk about photography. Actually no. No, I am just going to tell you about yesterday because I am sort of pressed for time.

Sorry for my indecision y'all!!!
Alright, alright here we go. So, yesterday being Sunday, I naturally went to church. I got special permission to hang out with my college age friends, so I was excited. I drove my car instead of riding with my family...
Wait back up. Actually, My sister decided to take a shower like, right before we had to leave so her and mom drove with me. We were late to Sunday school, but that was ok because I think Mrs Carolyn was waiting for us. We got down to business and started the lesson. It was about Jacob and Rachel and Leah. (I think her name was Rachel.) In case you don't know, let me give you the run down. Jacob loved Rachel, wanted to marry her. Dad was like, "Work for me seven years, then you can have her." Jacob works the allotted time, has a wedding. Dad plays dirty, and has him marry the older sister instead. Jacob realizes this the next day (how it took him so long to notice this is honestly beyond me. Perhaps they looked very similar?)  So Jacob goes to dad, and is all, "What the heck dude! We made a deal!" So They make ANOTHER deal, seven more years and he can have Rachel. Story goes on, Jacob now has two wives. Loves the younger, hates the older. The older, Leah, bears him like four sons. Back in the day, people judge you by how many sons you/your wife can bear. If a woman can't have a son, well she must be defective. Rachel is like barren for years, mind you. But oddly, Jacob still loves her more.
At this point in the lesson I began to think of Leah. I attempted to put myself in her shoes. Obviously, I do not have a husband, but I do have a guy best friend. Granted, that is very different, but let's roll with it alright?
I was thinking, now what if my best friend up and chose #2 over me? Consistently. (Assuming that I am also legally bound to the guy so I cannot just leave.) I was like, well dang. I would either go crazy or like, commit suicide. I would not be able to handle living with my best friend if he hated me and loved my sister.
Now, obviously Leah and Jacob were never besties. However, I assume that if you marry someone, and have children with them, you will at least crave some sort of relationship. You would not want to be hated. The names she gave to her sons, as I learned yesterday, are almost cries for him to love her. How tragic is that you guys???
Fortunately for me, my best friend won't choose my sister over me. (There is like a four year age gap so that would be totally weird.)  So I am just chilling.
Anyway that was the lesson. Throughout the lesson. I was playing with a pair of scissors. (Brilliant, I know.) I almost cut myself. There wasn't blood, but I did pierce the flesh and the whole class knew because I started saying, "Ow. Ow."
Mrs Carolyn took away my scissors. (I don't blame her.)
During the service I sat next to said bestie like always (except for sometimes) and his sister was on my other side. She seems cool, I would be down for being her friend. She is visiting from college right now. I think only for a week though. Anyway, I was sitting next to them, when (Ugh I need to give him a nickname cuz that is fun and I haven't done that yet. ) My friend noticed that my sister was alone and had nowhere to sit. So he was like, here, sit next to {Cowgirl}. I was kind of like...great. But I didn't fight it because he didn't make me move. 
Now, I must tell y'all a little sumthin sumthin. This kid, #2, has apparently decided that I need to know how I act differently around this guy. The other day she blew my mind by saying that I actually act like a girl when I am around him.
Don't get me wrong, I always act like a girl ish. I am just typically very tomboyish. Except, apparently less so around him. Which is mildly odd/annoying/terrifying/intriguing/enjoyable/abnormal but I spoke to mom about it and she says that it's normal and fine so cool.
Anyway, that aside. During church #2 was all pointing stuff out like at one point during the songs, I stepped closer to him to tell him something. (I forgot what, it wasn't anything of significance though.) She gives me this look, and says,  "You're scooting closer to him." Like almost tauntingly.
I was like what the heck why does it matter??? She just like, smirked. It was annoying. I have a feeling she will keep doing this.
After church there was a budget meeting. I got stuck in the nursery with some kids. That was not fun, but we watched veggietales. Afterwards My peeps and I went to Wendy's. I don't get out much, so I didn't know how to get there. Also, I have a fear of getting lost. So I decide to follow my best friend to the place. (I could have followed any of the others, but like...sometimes he goes the fun way to a place. Also he is easy to not lose.)
Anywho. In some traffic, a jeep pulled between us. We both drive tiny cars and I could no longer see him. I was like
Image result for oh crap

SO I did what any panicking girl would do. I just called him. I literally had like an adrenaline like, baby rush cuz I got all shaky and stuff. (I didn't tell him that though. Cuz yeah, why would I do that?)
FORTUNATELY  he actually answered his phone this time! (Usually he doesn't answer.) I was like, "I can't see you!" I must have sounded like a scared little kid because his calm voice comes through.
"You see that big blue jeep in front of you? I am right in front of it."
On the one hand, I knew that and felt silly that he needed to state the obvious. On the other hand, I was a little calmer. I think the idea of hearing him was like, hey, you aren't alone. Also he told me the next turn. Very important.
So we make it to the restaurant, and order. I have just enough money because my friend finally payed me back after like a month. (Different friend BTW) I discovered to my great awkwardness, that I do not recall how to work one of those newer soda machines. My other friend helped me while my best friend grabbed my order.
Yo, they got my back. (Good thing too.)
Then we all loaded up in our cars and went to HQ (That is what they call the Grell's house) to eat and make bookmarks. Food was good. I forgot to ask for no pickles because I hate pickles. I gave my pickles to my best friend. He eats like, probably anything.  I always give him the foods I don't want. Yellow skittles, pickles, cake, all that stuff. Once he thought I gave him my coffee and he drank that too. It was awkward.
I digress.
After eating, we made bookmarks.
{Why were you making bookmarks?}
I wanted to know the same thing! So I asked. Our church is trying to do like, teacher appreciation stuff for the schools nearby. I think this sounds like a way to try and get the campus missionary into schools on a good note. Sounds like a good idea, and I always want to help. I made some very abstract bookmarks. It was fun because I don't usually get to art, because it is one of the hobbies my sister has claimed and decided not to share. My best friend had to leave early unfortunately, but it was okay, because you know what guys? I brought him some bread. (It was leftover from what I made Thursday night.) This meant that I got to walk with him to my car and back. (Like always I parked kind of far from the house, and he parked really close to the house.)
In case you didn't know, I really enjoy one on one time with people. In this case, my friend is kind of popular and everyone seems to want his time. So if I can get two minutes of just him and me, bro I just won the lottery. I swear. It is like, yes. Anyway, we basically talked about the weather and siblings. It was great. I went back inside to make more bookmarks. I really enjoyed hanging out with the Grell ladies. It was nice to just art. Not like my normal written or photographed art either. I had to like cut paper and stuff and use tape. I love tape. It was very lovely. Nothing very exciting happened. I actually kind of stayed off to the side by myself and listened to conversation. Later, I went home and then to youth. Youth was fun because Mr Roger's college daughter came so I wasn't the oldest kid. We played a game that involved throwing balls into buckets and my team lost. It was still fun though.
Today I have been watching kids and cleaning. My brother was sitting next to me earlier and we were watching Charlie Brown. I was running my fingers through his hair and wondering about the future. He is only four. I was wondering if when he gets a girl, will she run her fingers through his hair and rub his ears like I do? (He has super soft ears.) I just kept thinking about this kind of stuff for like fifteen minutes. It seems odd, but that is a normal thought process for me. I really want to be his favorite older sister for a while, not just that sister that lives far away his whole life.
Side note, I am hoping to make this year's chocolate pudding pie for thanksgiving and apparently my aunt Jamie wants to make the pies. She is going to have to fight me for that one though, it is my all time favorite pie. Perhaps I will make a video of me making it, just for fun. (Probably not, do not hold me to it.) Alright, I should probably go now.  Have a good day. Hopefully tomorrow I will have something more interesting to talk about.


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