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Showing posts from June, 2018

My Love is like to Ice

Hey hey hey, who wants to play??? Just kidding.  I would like to open this post by saying that my family didn't like Eubey's name for some reason and dad has since renamed her Lucile. Lucile now has a real tank. She lives below Alfreda my bearded dragon. {Did you come up with that name too?} Why yes I did, thank you for noticing. Her name used to be Apples because she likes apples, but I thought that was too cliche so I named her after cheese. You see, I really like the word Alfredo for some reason, but couldn't name her that because it was too masculine. So Alfreda is her name. Now that my computer has loaded, I can show you all a photo of the new habitat.   Aren't they cute together? Yep. So I have been thinking lately, and it has been quite some time since we have sat down to discuss some poetry. I think that we should do that today. I am not sure if I have discussed this one with you guys yet, but it is one of my favorites. So we are going to pick it apa

My New Pet Eublepharis Macularious

Greetings fellow residents of Earth. I recently had a brilliant idea. I want your opinions on this idea. Okay? Great. Here goes. My idea was that I should have a vlog that I post every so often, but it would not be like my blog. Instead, it would be a Bible lesson that I would work hard to put together just for you guys. Please tell me your thoughts on this in the comments. That would be pretty great. Alrighty. Now. Let's talk. My friends invited me to Six Flags with them yesterday.We had an amazing time going on all sorts of roller coasting rides. Turns out that two of our small group is terrified of heights. Me not included it would seem. I went on every ride approached by our party without fear. (Actually I was a little bit nervous for the Batman because my friend made it sound really crazy.) Before going to Six Flags, my mom and I had gone for a swimming/long walk workout at 6:45 AM and then had taken the kids to speech therapy (For my brother) and had also gone to the Chirop

Pies, Enchiladas, and Fish but not Cows

Hello my lovelies. Yesterday was a long day. It ultimately started on the wrong foot because I slept in until a whopping 9:30 AM while my sister #2 miraculously woke up an hour before me. (Typically I am awake and holding the worm before the early bird opens her sleepy eyes and #2 sleeps until high noon.) I was really embarrassed at my late slumber. It was alright though. The day went on and I attempted to recover. The entire day was spent trying to clean the house and with the musical sound of my younger siblings screaming, crying, fighting and all things loud. Finally mom was fed up and losing it, and I too was losing my cool. So I left. Ha! Got you! I am no abandoner. I went to church for VBS. (I totally left. I was using VBS as an excuse to escape and the fact that my car needed gas as a reason not to ride with my family.) I needed a little bit of space to be honest. A little bit of peace. I got gas and then went to church. We set up for VBS and mentally prepared ourselves. I ate

Latrodectus Hesperus The Western Black Widow

Hello my dears. So today is Wednesday. (In case you were unaware) I stayed up until around 11:30  last night and much to my surprise, slept until 9:11. (For those of you who are new to this blog, I don't think that I have slept that late since I was about nine.) VBS or Vacation Bible School is happening at my church this week. This year's theme is the very sporty Game On! There is sports gear everywhere. As always, the decorations look amazing. I am helping in two areas. I am a teacher's assistant in the 1st/2nd grade class and also (this one is my favorite) I am a dancer. Five of us teens go up on the stage every night and do the dance moves to the songs. {What songs, Cowgirl?} Lemme show you. Song Playlist Really fun songs. Part of being a dance leader this year meant that we had to wear a sports jersey. May I just point out that I am not in any sports? I haven't officially been in any sports since I was about ten. Naturally, I went to my friends for help. SURELY

Mission in the River Styx

Hello my dears. As it happens, I regret to inform you that I left out much of my week yesterday. Evidently I was distracted. I left out the moment when I was talking to my flight deputy CTO Arias and I somewhat randomly commented, "Yeah you are right. Maisonet's little brother is cuter." This was a reference to a comment she had said the day before. Let's be real here, neither of them are cute in my opinion, however, if one was better than the other, baby Maisonet has a better jaw line. This comment was of no importance whatsoever until Brian responded in surprise. "What? {Cowgirl} interested in guys???" Most of my readers know me, and may possibly know that I have been ready to get married since preschool, so you can understand why I found this exclamation pretty entertaining. Needless to say, I was like Bro you're dumb. I also forgot to tell you guys about the night of the fire drill. It was after lights out, I had my hair down and wet from bathing

Please Allow Me to Just Relate My Entire Week to You...

Hello my dears. I hope that  you are all well. I have had an insane week. On Sunday the bus left for Kerrville Texas on its way to ROTC camp. (CLC or Cadet Leadership Course).  Mom did not want to let me go. It was slightly humorous. After many dramatic hugs and kisses, she did finally allow me to walk out the front door. The bus ride was relatively boring. When we got to camp, everything was a rush of yelling. The moment we arrived, a CTO (Cadet Training Officer) began to yell instructions at us. Not very descriptive instructions, but nonetheless we did as directed. Everyone was yelling. HURRY UP CADET! WALK WITH A PURPOSE! STAND AT ATTENTION! DON'T RUN! Etc. We were terrified. I wanted to hide. Instead I just complied as quickly as possible. My friend Eduardo made a mistake though. He began to laugh. Suddenly I hear, "What is the definition of Bearing, cadet?!?!" I risk a glance at him as he struggles to regain his composure and answer the CTO. She asked him twice and

School's Out For the Summer!

Well well well.... Today is the last day of school. Imagine that. Half of the students had the same idea. Wear shorts. (We have a no shorts policy here.) I was smart about it thought. My shorts are under my pants.    I am brilliant. I know. Later today my friends are coming over to study for CLC. (ROTC Camp) I am so excited. I have never studied at my house before. This is like, the prime high school experience. It was a good year. I feel like high school has been a sort of social experiment. Watching teens interact with each other is so entertaining. They are so carefree. I wish I was that carefree, but mom says that I am too serious. She is right. This summer I am going to try to be less serious. Maybe flirt a lot more easily. Maybe tell of a minor crush. Who knows. (Okay, actually no. Crushes fade and therefore need to be concealed from their victim.) This summer, my goal is to learn how to swim the butterfly stroke. I also intend to get a job as a lifeguard. To d

Yearbooks Are Here!!!

EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEKKKKKK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG You guys! I just got my yearbook today and it is so AMAZING!!! I was literally jumping around in a circle like two minutes ago. My hard work (and other peoples's hard work) has finally come back from the press and it is now in my hands! (Well, actually in Yzzie's hands at the moment.) I have to write this later. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Like five days later..... Hi guys. How is it going? I hope it is going great. So apparently it is tradition to have people sign your yearbooks. I honest to goodness was shocked when I first heard this. Let me just say that homeschoolers do not do this in any group I have ever been in. (Yes, homeschool groups have yearbooks.) Now I have asked most of my friends to sign my book. It is a pretty cool tradition. My apologies for not writing sooner. There has been a lot going on. Prob