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Pies, Enchiladas, and Fish but not Cows

Hello my lovelies. Yesterday was a long day. It ultimately started on the wrong foot because I slept in until a whopping 9:30 AM while my sister #2 miraculously woke up an hour before me. (Typically I am awake and holding the worm before the early bird opens her sleepy eyes and #2 sleeps until high noon.) I was really embarrassed at my late slumber. It was alright though. The day went on and I attempted to recover. The entire day was spent trying to clean the house and with the musical sound of my younger siblings screaming, crying, fighting and all things loud. Finally mom was fed up and losing it, and I too was losing my cool.
So I left.
Ha! Got you! I am no abandoner. I went to church for VBS. (I totally left. I was using VBS as an excuse to escape and the fact that my car needed gas as a reason not to ride with my family.) I needed a little bit of space to be honest. A little bit of peace. I got gas and then went to church. We set up for VBS and mentally prepared ourselves. I ate a sandwich. It was good.
Now, I must explain something about VBS. Besides the fact that it is a lot of fun, the gospel is spread, and children get saved, there are two main things that I really look forward to. They both happen on Friday, the last day.
1- the winners of the offering competition get to do something to the dance team

2- Sandy Hocker brings her famous enchiladas.
I love food, like most teens, but there are a few foods that I just absolutely adore. Enchiladas are one such food. I have always loved enchiladas. The first time I ate them, my grandma had made some and I was a little kid. I surprised my family by like, gobbling two or three platefuls. That night, as it happens I had a stomach bug and puked up all of those once delicious enchiladas. They must have been pretty amazing though because despite that gross regurgitation, I still to this day, love enchiladas. I have seriously been waiting this whole week eagerly for Sandy's enchiladas.  Finally she brought them and even later it was finally my turn to eat.
(Background info: Teachers/helpers had to wait until their classes are in games or crafts to go eat dinner.) Apparently my class was one of the last to go to games.
I ran desperately to my love, only to find an empty container that once held those beautiful, amazing, cheese blanketed enchiladas. I had a choice, cry, or completely lose my cool. The following or something similar came out.
What? No enchiladas?? I waited ALL WEEK FOR THESE? Who ate the enchiladas! I'm going to fight someone! I am GOING to fight someone. 
Real mature, I know. Then suddenly, Mr. Foss, a man who I cannot honestly say I trust or like fully, offered me half of his enchilada. I was shocked into a sudden calm. I was like, wow. Thank you. Carefully his wife cut the enchilada in half and scraped it over from his plate to mine, but it never made it.

The enchilada fell to the floor.

I am not kidding. In my heart I was doing something like this.

Fortunately, I have been equipped with a part of me that disregards all consequences, and germs and logic in general. Before I had fully registered the fact that the blessed bite of enchilada had fallen, I had picked it up and was blurting, "I'll eat that."
I ate the floorchilada, four belly buttons (I think they are called tortilinis..) two cookies, and one chip. I got some sweet tea, but actually it was the wrong one so it wasn't sweet. I was disappointed in my ignorance. 
The offering competition brought in money for missionaries in Amazonia. The boys brought more money and got to put whipped cream pies in the faces of the dance team. It was great, except afterwards we were sticky and smelled like baby barf. LOL The best part though, was that the dance team got to pie in the face two leaders. One was my very good friend Lord Tisher the Great. I will now show you the video of him getting pied. (I got him really good. It was awesome.)

Hopefully the link works. It was really...lit...
On a completely different note, I had a major epiphany during class. I know it was a lesson for 1st and 2nd graders, but it affected me like dang. We were learning about how Jesus said that He would make His disciples fishers of men. A story that I have known forever.  I am not going to copy and paste the verses  on here this time, but I am going to put a link to them for those who want to read.
I must now correct myself. This is not where Jesus said that He would make His followers into Fishers of Men. (That was way earlier.) But the stories connect. In this passage, Jesus was probably crucified like four days ago (maybe five, but more than three and not a lot.) He had risen and the disciples were out fishing together. They didn't catch anything for the whole night and the next day Jesus was standing on the shore and called out to ask of they had caught anything. (They didn't recognize Him.) They said that they hadn't and He told them to simply put the net on the other side of the boat. They did and within moments the nets were so full of fish that they could barely pull them out of the water.
It was at this point in the story when I realized a few things. 
1- fishing takes patience and being quiet. Fishing for men must be the same because if we were supposed to do the Bible Bash, Jesus would have made us wranglers, not fishers. 
2- sometimes the fish aren't there and you just need to put your nets on the other side of the boat. 
Basically, it was like someone flicked my forehead and said that instead of trying to force people to talk about the Gospel, just lay out the nets and wait for them to come to you. If I keep living GOd's way and keep praying for Him to reveal Himself to the lost ones that I love, eventually they will come. He made us Fishers and Farmers, not cattle rustlers or cowboys. We wait and be patient, not go out and hunt. That was my duh moment. Now I should go clean so that my friends can come over for a movie night tonight. We are watching Return to Oz. It is one of my all time favorites. Have a great day you guys. And remember, we are fishers, not wranglers.


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