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Please Allow Me to Just Relate My Entire Week to You...

Hello my dears. I hope that  you are all well. I have had an insane week. On Sunday the bus left for Kerrville Texas on its way to ROTC camp. (CLC or Cadet Leadership Course).  Mom did not want to let me go. It was slightly humorous. After many dramatic hugs and kisses, she did finally allow me to walk out the front door. The bus ride was relatively boring. When we got to camp, everything was a rush of yelling. The moment we arrived, a CTO (Cadet Training Officer) began to yell instructions at us. Not very descriptive instructions, but nonetheless we did as directed. Everyone was yelling. HURRY UP CADET! WALK WITH A PURPOSE! STAND AT ATTENTION! DON'T RUN!
Etc. We were terrified. I wanted to hide. Instead I just complied as quickly as possible. My friend Eduardo made a mistake though. He began to laugh. Suddenly I hear, "What is the definition of Bearing, cadet?!?!" I risk a glance at him as he struggles to regain his composure and answer the CTO. She asked him twice and he answered twice. We got our photo taken and climbed back on the bus. I swear, it felt like the CTO's were zombies or something. I was in constant fear. They sent us off to find our dorms, all of my friends went one way and my dorm was off in the other direction. So there I was, lugging a heavy suitcase, scared and alone in a place that I didn't know. I got lost. The directions to the dorm weren't very good. It was hot outside and my suitcase wasn't rolling very well so I had to carry it on my arm. I saw a CTO after about fifteen minutes of wandering. I was afraid but also had this odd feeling of yes! a human! help! He directed me. His name was CTO Dunsworth. He later informed me that he was one of the nicer CTO's and that if I had addressed any of the others in the casual way that I addressed him, they would tear me up. I went up to my dorm, relieved to be in a safe place. I met my roommate, Haley. Instead of unpacking, I hung out with her and we just chatted about life and siblings. It was nice. Then I had to find MSgt Hickman to go to lunch. We went to Cici's Pizza. It was gross, but reminded me of my childhood because we used to go there all the time. My friend Eduardo apparently has never been to Cici's before which I found absurd. Anyway, lunch was lunch. Then we went back to the dorms and I said goodbye to my friends, knowing that I probably wouldn't see them all week. Knowing that I would have to brave the terrors alone. Hickman took the phones except for mine because I had left it in my suitcase. (We weren't supposed to have them, so I put it away. It was the honest thing to do.) That entire afternoon consisted of getting yelled at a lot. Very stressful. Also very short because camp didn't officially start until 4 O'clock. In the evening during hygiene hour the CTO's went into the dorms to check on their cadets and make certain that we were prepared for inspection and whatnot. It was nice and scary at the same time. Duepner, the CTO from my school informed me that I could not be sleeping in pajamas. I wouldn't have time for that in the morning. We had to sleep in our PT clothes for the next day. Tuesday began at the early time of about 4 something. (I don't know what time exactly, they took away my watch.) Cadets were not allowed to know the time. A CTO pounded loudly on the door screaming WAKE UP! LET'S GO! GET TO THE RALLY POINT! Silly me, I had a schedule and thought that we had ten minutes. So I went to the bathroom and whatnot.
Big mistake.
I was the last of my flight to get to the rally point. The flight Deputy, CTO Arias gave it to me good. She yelled at me and said that if I was ever late again I would get fired from element leader. I should have been one of the first people there. That speech shook me. I really didn't want to get fired from first element leader. Our first flight guide got fired. Monday was hard. We started PT at five, (This is why they woke us up so early) then breakfast at six. The thing about meals was that they were super strict. You could not sit down to eat until each seat at the table had a person. There was no speaking, and no looking around. You stared down at your plate, head down, back straight. If you needed anything you raised your right hand in a fist with you bicep to your ear. CTO's yelled the whole time. They yelled that we had to drink both a bottle of gatorade and a bottle of water.
Eh no. I can't drink that much and eat a full meal in fifteen minutes or so. I did my best though. After breakfast we marched back to the dorms, changed into blues and rushed back to the rally point. Then we had inspection and back into PT clothes for drill. After drill we changed into blues yet again for academics and lunch. Then back into PT for sports and whatnot. It was exhausting. There was at least a ten minute march in the blazing sun between everything. Monday was the hardest day though with the most yelling. On Tuesday we went from having two minutes to change into blues to about thirty. I quickly adjusted to the new wake up time. By Tuesday I was up and ready before the CTO's came pounding on the door. I also discovered to my delight, that my friends were in neighboring flights. (Well, some of them.) In my own flight I quickly bonded with another element leader, Maisonet. He was a unique fellow, but very sweet. We started talking during drill. He was sitting next to me on the floor and like, our knees were touching because the room was packed so tightly but it didn't bother me because I have no personal bubble usually.  I was just wondering if it bothered him. Probably not. To be honest, I thought he must have had a crush on me or something because he made that subtle extra effort to always end up at my side. I didn't mind though because I was lonely. I was like cool. He had some good advice and was super chill. Apparently he eats bugs which is super weird but who am I to talk? I have eaten two live worms. The rest of my flight was awesome too, but I didn't connect with them as easily. As it happens, Maisonet is also a Christian so like that is probably why we got on so nicely. I had three dorm mates. Haley, Black and Beatty. (Black and Beatty are last names.) Haley was pretty chill, but also sort of annoying and had a mumbly nasally voice. She has like nine siblings, hates her real mom and her step mom is a stripper. She was the only straight one out of my three dorm mates. Black was bisexual and both her mom and sister are prostitutes. Beatty, also bisexual, was getting high with one of the CTO's the day before camp.
Needless to say, I did not fit in well with these girls. I tried, but failed. They were asking me questions like if I have ever popped drugs or had alcohol, and I was like no....I am pretty boring. Also why would I do that? Then they made fun of me because I enjoy listening to documentaries while shining my shoes. It was awkward. They were impressed with how well I shine shoes though when I shined Haley's shoes and they went from super ugly and drab to so shiny that you could see your reflection.
*Hair flip*
As hard as it was to relate to these girls, I also found that I could talk to my friends from school for a few minutes every day. Kuo, a friend of my friend, bonded with me. It was awkward though because she is also bisexual and was always making hearts at me and blowing kisses. I couldn't tell if she was joking or serious. Palafox is straight though. Until this week I hadn't known who she was, I didn't spend much time with her, but we had some good discussions about how we can change our corp for the better. My friend Frizzy was the flight guide for F flight. I came to him one morning and told him in my panicled voice that I still had my phone and he just calmly instructed me to keep it hidden. He and I were never like buddy buddy, but he was my first interview so I am pretty comfortable with him. Turns out he is Kuo's ex which made things kind of awkward because she wouldn't shut up about him. They got in an argument on Sunday so he ignored her the whole week. Blehk. Drama. Brian was a few flights over, and as soon as I got his attention I was able to relax slightly. We made eye contact during drill. I was in the middle of the square of cadets with a few others and we were demonstrating a movement. Our eyes met, I raised my right eyebrow at him and he smiled back. I almost lost my bearing and smiled too, but I didn't fortunately. Each long day blurred into the next. Marching, workouts, changing, eating silently, finding peace with seeing friends from afar. The thrill of a glimpse of either Eduardo or Sadsad or both. (They were in a different squadron.) Each day the CTO's were more relaxed. The only difference between the days was pain. On Monday I was tired, Tuesday every muscle in my back ached with any movement, but I was in this strange mode where I didn't respond to pain. I was like a robot. Wednesday I was limping everywhere. I had developed a really strange cramp along the outside of my left foot. It hurt to walk. Marching was agony. I was like crap. There is a PT test on Thursday, I have to run a mile in under ten minutes. I didn't play the sports that day with my flight. I felt bad, but I also didn't want to fail the test. Thursday came, and with it, much anxiety. Would my  foot allow me to run? It did. It was my lungs that stopped me.
We all bunched up, fast people in the front, slow people in the back. I slipped into the middle. I wanted to ask Brian or Eduardo if I could pace with them, but didn't have the opportunity. We were off and I tried to keep a good quick pace. At the halfway point the runners were greeted by the sound of a song by Skillet. That was when my body began to quit. I tried to keep running, but I couldn't breathe. I slowed to a speed walk. People passed one by one. I was slipping to the back of the crowd. CTO's kept telling me to run. That I could do it. A boy from my flight, Parker, passed me. (He was cool, he only had three fingers on his right hand.) He encouraged me as he jogged away. I think he was the one who told me to put my hands on my head to help me breathe. That slowed my progress even more. I began to limp slightly again. Soon I was weakly speed walking again. Then a boy came up beside me and began encouraging me. "Come on, you can do it. Just a little farther." I picked up my pace to a jog. It was only because he was there next to me that I could do it. I was weezing and dying though. As the finished line neared he told my to sprint. We both ran as fast as possible. He beat me by about a second and a half because my legs were giving out again. Incredibly, my time was 7 minutes 46 seconds. My fastest mile. (The fastest girl ran her mile in 6 minutes 15 seconds.)
Actually this was Wednesday. Not Thursday. My bad, like I said the days blurred. We also had a drill test and academic test that day.  The drill test made me nervous because during the practice round I made a big mistake, but people were impressed with how quickly we fixed that mistake. We passed but weren't the best. I don't know what we placed against the other flights. After that everyone had to listen to a guest speaker. My entire flight was dozing. CTO Arias the flight deputy aroused us all and told us to sniff hand sanitizer to wake us up. We passed around the lemon hand sanitizer, and it kind of worked. But then one of the other cadets had stronger hand sanitizer and that worked way better. After that was the academic test. It was super easy. After I finished I decided to sleep because I had to sit still and be quiet anyway. For some reason though, our flight commander CTO Balderas told us to wake up. ( I don't know why, he was more tired than all of us. He could have taken a nap too.) Anywho, we passed around the hand sanitizer again. So much hand sanitizer that the entire room reeked of it.  A CTO came in and had to leave because of the smell. We all had the giggles for the next like three hours that we were trapped in the room. It was fantastic. We passed notes and goofed around the whole time. Even one of the CTO's (CTO Butler) came and joked with us. This was really the time when we bonded the most as a flight. A girl named Wools and I went to the bathroom at one point to find a bunch of CTO's strewn across the floor looking very much as if someone had come in and shot them dead. The Wing commander CTO Hernandez (Who was actually wearing my confiscated  watch the entire week) informed us that if we woke the others up we would be dead meat. When we came out of the bathroom, she was asleep at the position of attention on the floor. No Joke. It was the best thing like ever.  At lunch that day we were allowed to talk and look around. It was awesome. On Thursday we went to Newcombe Ranch. The squadrons were blended and we hung out with almost whoever we wanted. They separated the boys from girls for the bus ride and I ended up falling asleep against Kuo despite my better judgement. After arriving we were split into four or five different groups. Brian and Palafox were in my group, Maisonet was as well. I spent most of the day with Brian. Much to my surprise I had missed him. (He isn't the nicest guy. He is really cocky and sometimes rude.) There was one game we played that involved working with a partner, and most of the time I am the last one to be picked as a partner, but not that day because Maisonet was like I want you. (That was super cool, being picked.) We ended up getting tied together which was a bit awkward, but I was chill with it. Then we had lunch which was amazing compared to camp food. I ate with Brian and Palafox. Eduardo and Sadsad made a short appearance too, which was nice. Isaak ate a whole orange in front of the entire camp. (One bite.) It was impressive. (He did that the first time we went to Newcombe) Then my group did orienting, which basically involved using compasses in the woods to find signs to solve a puzzle. We were suppose to leave two people at the sign while two people had compasses and created a straight line and the rest of the group searched. The positions in the group were supposed to rotate, but my group didn't do that. The same two people had the compasses the whole time and I was left at the tree every time. Once I was left by myself which sucked. Arias soon noticed I was missing though and asked why I was alone. Soon the boy who had helped me run the mile was by my side again. His name is Joseph Hicks. He was really sweet. Caught me when I was falling down a steep gravelly incline. I should have gotten his number. But I didn't have the chance. After that, we all went to the high ropes course. Brian did the  buddy bridge with me, which went much more smoothly than when I did it with my friend Keimy Sato. He was so calm and therefore I was calm. It was great. After that I was like super comfortable with him, we must have bonded that day. He was impressed with me when I got his dirty joke. It was both funny and awkward. That night we all signed eachother's hats and pt shirts.   Maisonet surprised me by picking me up over his shoulder. It was fun but I screamed afraid that he would drop me on my head. Friday was graduation and we had a big parade basically. Everyone's family came, well a lot of families came. Mine was in Alabama. Afterwards we all said goodbye and people cried. Brian's family came, and as my school mates were gathering together, he walked up holding the hand of a small boy with blonde hair and blue eyes. First, let me say that boys who play the part of the gentle older brother are instantly like, hot. Secondly, my brother is blonde with blue eyes and about the same height. I  totally lost my composure. Something like, "Oh my gosh! Brian, is this your brother?!" came flying from my lips. It was, so I shook the kid's hand...with my left hand. His name is James and he was so cute. I was just dying. Brian was beaming. He was super happy that his brother came. I was too. Hehehe. Finally we all loaded onto the bus home. (By all I mean the kids who's families didn't come for them.) There were five of us. Frizzy, Eduardo, Keimy and Deupner. We stopped at Whataburger. It was amazing. On the drive back my friends were glued to their phones. That was awkward, but you know how it is. This world is enslaved to screens. So I took a nap. There was a time though that everyone in the bus was complaining about Brian, about how much they really don't like him. It was really hard for me because he is my friend, but they are also my friends. SO I was just silent. I dropped my friend Keimy off at Sadsad's house and then went home. There was no food in my house, so dad ordered me two pizzas. That was Friday, now it is Sunday and I have only two slices left. There is no coffee left. No milk. Only eggs and possibly bread. (And apple juice but I don't really drink juice.)  I went to the store for milk and gas only to discover only $2 in my wallet. It was awkward. I went to watch the Incredibles 2 with my friends last night.
It was amazing. My family will be home in a few hours. Tomorrow mom and I intend to start our new workout routine which involves swimming at like 6 A.M. It is going to be interesting. Tomorrow is the first day of VBS. Brian saved me by allowing me to borrow his BMX shirt. (I have to wear some type of sports jersey. He is the only sporty friend I have apparently.) Anyway, I have to go now. I have been typing for like three hours.  (This is the abridged version.) Have a great day!


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