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Latrodectus Hesperus The Western Black Widow

Hello my dears. So today is Wednesday. (In case you were unaware) I stayed up until around 11:30  last night and much to my surprise, slept until 9:11. (For those of you who are new to this blog, I don't think that I have slept that late since I was about nine.) VBS or Vacation Bible School is happening at my church this week. This year's theme is the very sporty Game On!
There is sports gear everywhere. As always, the decorations look amazing. I am helping in two areas. I am a teacher's assistant in the 1st/2nd grade class and also (this one is my favorite) I am a dancer. Five of us teens go up on the stage every night and do the dance moves to the songs. {What songs, Cowgirl?}
Lemme show you.
Song Playlist
Really fun songs. Part of being a dance leader this year meant that we had to wear a sports jersey. May I just point out that I am not in any sports? I haven't officially been in any sports since I was about ten. Naturally, I went to my friends for help. SURELY at least one of my friends would have a sports jersey they could lend me, right?
Nope. Either they were already helping with VBS or they had no jersey. I was in deep yogurt. I even asked the soccer player who's phone number I have. He is out of town. After clc I remembered that I have one more friend. Brian. The one with the bicycle tattoo. The BMX rider.  A final attempt was given as I asked him. To my delight, he said yes. After some communication errors and scheduling difficulties, his BMX jersey was in my hands by Monday afternoon. My dad seemed a bit jealous that I did not want to wear his softball jersey, but that is basically a pajama shirt. I don't think that it would pass. Anyway, dad threw the jersey at me from across the kitchen and boy was it grimy. Holy cow. The design was kind of sharp though. Black and red with grey letters. Long sleeves. I wasn't going to complain. The only thing was that it smelled reeeeally bad! I wore it anyway and looked amazing. (Despite the fact that my friend's last name was on my back.)
That night I asked him if I could wash the shirt. He informed me that I was wearing an entire season of competing Brian sweat and bike dirt and whatever else happened during this season. I had to pause and realize just how gross that was.
He said I could wash it though, so I did that selfsame hour. Tuesday morning I switch it over to the dryer to discover that those grey letters I mentioned earlier are actually white.  Now it doesn't feel grimy against my flesh and instead of reeking of 23 sweaty boys, it only smells like one sweaty boy and lemon laundry detergent. I like the scent of one sweaty boy so I will just leave it be. It is actually slung on the back of the chair I am sitting in right now alongside my VBS shirt that I have yet to wear. 
On a side note, my dad found a super amazing spider yesterday as it was crawling creepily out of my brother's toy firetruck. 

Is this not the coolest thing like ever???? I googled it, and decided that it was a female Latrodectus Hesperus but somebody decided to argue with me about this. So I must look her up again, on my computer this time, not my phone.
I am talking to you Justin. I will win this. I am the Spider Queen. 
 This is a photo I found when I googled Latrodectus Hesperus. Now for some information. Her body was about 1/2 inch not including the legs, which means she is a girl. According to Texas A&M  Agrilife Extension, female's grow to a body length of about 3/8 inch while males only get to about 3/16 inch. The description also says that females can have one or a row of red spots along the back. Typically the white side stripes are on males, however immature spiderlings also have them and according to a different website (Which I have to refind now that I am mentioning this) females of this breed do not always lose their stripes.
Alright, I cannot find the website. Here are some others though.
That is all for now. I think my dad is home from work and my siblings awake from naps. I hope you guys feel more educated. Honestly, I should give more information on these little cuties. Perhaps tomorrow. Have a great day!


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