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Showing posts from November, 2017

Boyfriend Season?

Hello my lovelies. Was your thanksgiving wonderful? Your black Friday crazy? I am glad. My Thanksgiving was good. I called my best friends. They live on the other side of the country. It was so nice to hear them. That night I went to a dark place in the neighborhood with mom, dad, and grandpa to do some light writing. We forgot the piece that connects the camera to the tripod, so dad went back to get it. Then we realized we didn't have a lighter, so dad went back again. Then the lighter didn't work so we figured that God was telling us that it just wasn't the night. We went home and watched Stranger Things. Black Friday, I was sick. It was bleh. My best friend was sick too so we were sick together but not really because he is across the country. We talked on the phone for a little bit, but then he and his family went out. Poor thing felt awful all day. He slept in his car. I also felt awful. I took a thirty minute shower. It was amazing. I just laid in the tub and let the h

Lost in a Bedazzled World

Hello people. Good morning. Today is Wednesday. My grandparents are here so I was able to sleep until 7:15...Yes friends, I understand that does not match your definition of sleeping in. Yesterday was a good day. I got a new phone and mom took it to the sprint store to get it connected. It is way better than my ooooold Samsung S3. (That thing is like six years old. It is so slow.) I now have an iPhone 5s. It's cool. I think I was on it all day. Before mom came back from sprint though I was really productive. I washed/dried/folded/put away like three loads of laundry. I also sorted through my school stuff from 9th and 10th grades because my school now didn't understand what was going on and they were unable to put information into my transcripts....I think that is the issue... I also wrote a letter to my old writing teacher. We have no stamps. On Friday, Get-Er-Done let me borrow his Harlan soccer shirt for a school theme day. Apparently he is really long because when he saw m

4x5 Photo Fest

Good morning People. I hope that you are well. Sorry that my post is sooooooo late, I had a busy weekend. On Saturday I went to the 4x5 Photo fest with my family. Last year it was really awesome but this year was a little bland. If you don't know what I am talking about, let me tell you. Basically, you submit a photo and the people order 5 copies of that photo with the dimensions 4x5. (Hence the name.) You come, get your photos and trade them with other camera nerds  photographers. It reminds me of kids in the street trading like Pokemon cards to be honest. This event is also a good opportunity for companies to advertise their photography services such as the print shop that is always there. (They provide the pictures) I don't remember the name of the company, but the guy who seems to be in charge is really nice. We were talking about school and photography and he knew Jim Landers in high school before he was a business man. (I think that is his name) Very nerdy, usually very

I have Friends!

Hello people. Today is Veteran's Day. Happy Veteran's Day. Go thank a veteran. I hope your week was great. Mine was (as always) stressful. On Monday we had a speaking test for Spanish, Tuesday was a written test. (Forgot to study. Always do. I think I passed.)On Wednesday my history teacher was out and we had a sub. We were supposed to be doing our study guides but instead my whole table spent the entire period talking about the Bible. I was so happy. Talking about the Bible and that stuff and ballroom dancing are like the two things that get me high. No drugs required. I went to English really happy that day. (That is the next period.) Usually I am just hangry during English because it's right before lunch.  We had a timed write in English on...Tuesday I think.... I had forgotten about it until I was walking to fifth period. (English) That wasn't really enough time to get worried, plus I was walking with Get-Er-Done and one cannot really be stressed with him. He is to

The Thrill of the Flight

Hello my dear readers. How are you? I must apologize for not having this out in the morning, I was too tired to wake up early enough. (I will explain in a minute) So this week was probably  busy as always... but this weekend is really busy. Oh Yeah, Halloween was Tuesday wasn't it? I dressed up in like a cow onsie thing with jeans and cowboy boots. I was a cowboy.... hehehe (my friend was offended.) I went trick or treating with my family and Get-Er-Done. He wore some wacky body suit. It was kind of freaky, it made I think three kids cry. He felt so bad. It was hilarious.  It was so nice to spend time with him. We had a great time. On Wednesday I was supposed to be one of five Harlan photographers to shoot at the Kallison Elementary Dedication. Shockingly I was the only one to show up. I took over five hundred photos over like three hours. (Probably closer to six or seven hundred.) I was so tired by the end of it. Y'all have no idea. It was crazy. I got some pretty cool shots