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The Thrill of the Flight

Hello my dear readers. How are you? I must apologize for not having this out in the morning, I was too tired to wake up early enough. (I will explain in a minute) So this week was probably  busy as always... but this weekend is really busy. Oh Yeah, Halloween was Tuesday wasn't it? I dressed up in like a cow onsie thing with jeans and cowboy boots. I was a cowboy.... hehehe (my friend was offended.) I went trick or treating with my family and Get-Er-Done. He wore some wacky body suit. It was kind of freaky, it made I think three kids cry. He felt so bad. It was hilarious.  It was so nice to spend time with him. We had a great time. On Wednesday I was supposed to be one of five Harlan photographers to shoot at the Kallison Elementary Dedication. Shockingly I was the only one to show up. I took over five hundred photos over like three hours. (Probably closer to six or seven hundred.)
I was so tired by the end of it. Y'all have no idea. It was crazy. I got some pretty cool shots of the other Harlan volunteers though. I am happy about that. (ROTC and Culinary) Thursday was bland. Friday however, well that was something. ROTC had a field trip to the airshow. It last all day. At first I was sad because we were separated by flight and most of my junior friends are in a different flight. It was also depressing that when they say, "All juniors" it doesn't include me. I always try to sneak in with them anyway though. Before we left the school, we ate an early lunch. I thought about sitting with the juniors but there was no space. I sat with Courtney and Snell and another girl that I don't remember her name. Blum came and joined us. I thought that was cool. He sat right next to me. The bus trip was alright, really boring. I sat next to a girl in my flight, she was listening to music the whole time. I texted Blum and Cowboy. Otherwise I was very lonely. (The juniors were on a completely different bus) When we got to the airshow we had to go through security, which meant taking everything out of my pockets...yeah that took like three minutes. Then we stopped by some portapotties. Lemme tell you, I just hate those with a passion. They are so gross. I was telling one of the boys in my flight (his name is Gaige) that I will wet my pants before I use one.
I didn't use the bathroom all day. It sucked.
Our chaperone told us to just go wherever and do what we want, provided that we stay with someone and meet at the big plane at 3 o clock. At first I was like OMG SO MUCH FREEDOM. Then I went to join one of the other flights. I was like, Stay with someone? I choose...Blum. (He and I had been talking on Thursday about how if we don't ever hang out we will never be good friends) Also Snell was in that group so I was just winning.
It was a long hot day. Everyone was so happy to see their friends from ROTC in other schools. It was sweet but I was lonely. I was kind of that awkward seventh wheel most of the day.... Except when Blum and I were just walking aimlessly and he was letting me eat his french fries. That was nice cuz it was just two of us. Being friends. Joking. Eating food. Enjoying the sounds of jets zooming overhead. That ended a bit too soon. I watched some of my friends play B.S. (the card game) Then Blum left to get a drink. I thought about coming with, but I didn't want to look like a lost puppy. He took FOREVER so eventually I went to find him and catch  up. I found him, he was walking with a girl from Brennan. I decided not to catch up. I hung out with Cowboy and his crew for a bit. Cowboy gave me his slushy thing. I was super dehydrated so I drank it. It melted and got gross, but I drank it all. We sat in a plane and my hair got stuck in the net that made up the seat. That was awkward. LOL. The Thunderbirds were there, they were really cool. There was also this helicopter that did flips in the sky. It was amazing. (I didn't know that helicopters could do that) After the show ended we were all ready to go home. Our buses were running a good hour late though. So I was stuck in close proximity with my flight, and Gaige just kept cussing and cussing. He wasn't angry or anything, he just cusses every sentence. (Lot's of others were too.) I was hungry, and tired and out of patience. I wanted to punch someone in the face. Knock them to the ground and beat them up. I didn't do it though. (I mean I hit Gaige in the head with a flag but that was it.) I also wanted to cuss. Blum said that I should record it if either I cussed or beat someone up because that is not going to happen very often. I thought that was funny. The junior class left on the first bus and a good twenty minutes later, our bus arrived. (Finally) I was stressing because I wanted to get a picture of the front of the school during the golden hour, which ended at seven. We got back at like 7:03. I missed it. {Why did you want a picture of the school?} For journalism, the best picture of the front of the high school goes on the yearbook cover.  My mom, Ben and the Colonel helped me get a really cool picture even though it was dark. We had the camera set so that the shutter was open for six seconds while mom and the Colonel drove their cars fast past the camera, it's awesome. You see the school and streaks of taillights. I hope that one gets picked.
Saturday I slept in until nearly seven. I had to be at school at seven thirty for ROTC's first adopt a highway. Cowboy was texting me asking if I was at school yet. Honestly that's kind of a silly question, but I told him no anyway. He was like, you have to be here! You're supposed to arrive by 7:15!
I told him, no. I just woke up and the coffee isn't made yet. Dad made me an Americano and I left. The Americano was really good. I had a hard time finding where the other cadets were, Cowboy just told me the back door. Our school has dozens of doors. I finally found everyone. When my friends saw me, I put my hand up and said, "Don't talk to me, I haven't finished my coffee." I never really got out of that groggy state to be honest. We went and picked up trash. Blum, Cowboy and Snell were all flag wavers so I hung out with the freshmen because I didn't really have a choice. We were pretty productive. SGT Hickman had five of us get into his white suburban. That lead to a few jokes. After cleaning up, my group did the school grounds and then we were finished. I waited around for the other groups so that I could see my friends one last time. I was waiting for Snell and Cowboy, sitting on the ground with Blum and two others talking about stuff. I was like, I should start a club at the school. Blum muttered, "Not the ballroom dancing one."
I was like why not?
Blum says that nobody would join other than maybe him. I think he is wrong though. I think I should have it so we meet Fridays after school. Just have to arrange everything else. Blum left, then Snell and Cowboy came, I got my coffee cup from Cowboy and went home for breakfast. (It was like 11 and I hadn't eaten yet.) Then I went to the airshow with my family. It was fun. The Thunderbirds were awesome. The Navy had a virtual reality thing. Virtual reality is pretty trippy. I got home in time to take a picture of the school during the golden hour. Mom and I edited the pictures together on her computer. It was fun. Now I have to make up a poem for y'all. Ugh. I don't feel like it. I'm going to google a poem for y'all.  Okay, actually this is my poem. Hope you guys like it.

I arrive on the scene, adrenaline pumping
Sweet engines! She's ready to roar.
I look dreamily
Upon my steel beauty, glistening as never before.
The sun blinks brightly over the stretch 
I caress my craft with pride.
Into the cockpit I climb with finesse
Very soon we shall glide.

I feel the rumble and hear the roar.
Oh what a sound it is.
I see the throngs of people waiting for more
Than just an empty blue sky canvas.
I speed, I zoom, I head toward the moon
Only to come down again.
I fly around, guiding my craft far from the ground
Now turning this way or that.
I wish we could be forever up here
Performing this intricate dance.
Now here he comes, my com padre Mr. Thumbs
Soaring now straight toward me.
Turn to the left, and he to the right.
We continue to zoom for our glory.

Today I am gong to the airshow again. Going to be volunteering there. Have a nice week, people.


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