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Lost in a Bedazzled World

Hello people. Good morning. Today is Wednesday. My grandparents are here so I was able to sleep until 7:15...Yes friends, I understand that does not match your definition of sleeping in. Yesterday was a good day. I got a new phone and mom took it to the sprint store to get it connected. It is way better than my ooooold Samsung S3. (That thing is like six years old. It is so slow.) I now have an iPhone 5s. It's cool. I think I was on it all day. Before mom came back from sprint though I was really productive. I washed/dried/folded/put away like three loads of laundry. I also sorted through my school stuff from 9th and 10th grades because my school now didn't understand what was going on and they were unable to put information into my transcripts....I think that is the issue...
I also wrote a letter to my old writing teacher. We have no stamps.
On Friday, Get-Er-Done let me borrow his Harlan soccer shirt for a school theme day. Apparently he is really long because when he saw me he said, "You're wearing my shirt like a dress."
[dramatic pause]
So over the weekend his shirt was at my house. I washed it on Monday and meant to bring it back but I didn't have the time. So yesterday I finally got the opportunity. I walked the baby and the shirt over to his house and we hung out for a bit on his porch. I like him so much better in person than through text. Through text he always sounds super grumpy but in person he just makes me laugh. He somehow managed to get a fist bump from the baby. I was extremely impressed and he was thrilled. LOL. He kind of reminds me of my brother. Unfortunately the baby got bored so I had to go home.
I started watching Stranger Things last night. (#2 saw it for the first time on Monday but I was already in bed-surprise surprise- and she was just like WE GOTTA WATCH IT.)
At first I was like, why is this lady crying so much. Geez. Then my sister turned it back to the first episode. (She started me in the fourth chapter. People, that's cruel, don't do that to others.) Anyway, about two episodes in I had gone from drowsy and falling asleep to totally interested. Even though my eyes threatened to slam shut any second. 10:05 came around and we started...another episode...My family was like "Time for bed." and I was like, "I just need to watch this episode!"
They sent me to bed anyway.
I wrote a poem for you guys. (Like I said I would.) Here it is.

Lost in a Bedazzled World
I walk filled with awe, with wonder
Through a bedazzled world
I recognize the surrounding dangers,
To my right, a cliff of gems,
Steep as free falling flight
To my left in clouds of golden swirls, rolling thunder
Fantastic lights flash the sky
I try to keep my path aligned
But get distracted by the sights.
All around, people gape
Absorbed by the glitter
From the path I see them stray;
The traveling crowd grows ever thinner.
Come back to me, Beloved one!
Don't leave me to travel this alone.
For do not you see the dangers here?
Lurking behind glittering stone?
Look at you, twirling in ignorant bliss
The Deceiver's candy on your lips
There is no escape for you now,
You're lost in a bedazzled world.
Come, join us, you invite me sweetly
I can't resist the urge.
You press his sweets upon me.
No I can't, and you know why!
My but that is neat.
We have a place at which to arrive
So please do stop trying.
I love you dear,
Please don't make me leave you here,
Though if I must I will.
I tried to reach you from the path,
Look you linger farther
To close to the edge, this'll be your death.
Goodbye, dear one, now I understand,
You refuse to see the light.
Stay here in your ignorance, not knowing of your deadly plight.
Now I must continue on my own, down this path.
Traveling through this bedazzled world,
Running, walking skipping tripping,
All toward what you couldn't find.
I pray that eventually you too, will,
Become unlost in this bedazzled world.

I hope y'all like it. Bye.


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