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Boyfriend Season?

Hello my lovelies. Was your thanksgiving wonderful? Your black Friday crazy? I am glad. My Thanksgiving was good. I called my best friends. They live on the other side of the country. It was so nice to hear them. That night I went to a dark place in the neighborhood with mom, dad, and grandpa to do some light writing. We forgot the piece that connects the camera to the tripod, so dad went back to get it. Then we realized we didn't have a lighter, so dad went back again. Then the lighter didn't work so we figured that God was telling us that it just wasn't the night. We went home and watched Stranger Things. Black Friday, I was sick. It was bleh. My best friend was sick too so we were sick together but not really because he is across the country. We talked on the phone for a little bit, but then he and his family went out. Poor thing felt awful all day. He slept in his car. I also felt awful. I took a thirty minute shower. It was amazing. I just laid in the tub and let the hot water rain down. I felt kind of bad for wasting so much water though. Twice I was like, well I will plug the drain and let it rain until it is a bath and then I will just keep chilling. The water would get about two inches deep and I decided I did not like the splashy sound and the floaty feeling.
I don't do baths.
Afterwards, (I wanted to stay there all day, to be honest) I thought that I felt good enough to go shopping with mom and grandpa. That was a mistake. For some reason, during the ride to the store, everything from my belly button down cramped up and just hurt really bad. Less so, but still uncomfortable, everything from my rib cage up. (My gut was fine though.) Mom was like, what is up with you? Because I kept squatting down in the middle of the store. LOL. I was like um...everything hurts and I don't know why. I suffered the whole trip but it was alright. When we got home I laid on the couch.  I don't remember every detail of the evening, but I remember my brother laying with me, and making sure I was okay and then I was asleep when he shoved a pill in my mouth. (It was a little terrifying because he is three but I swallowed it.) It was a huge vitamin C pill that mom had told him to give me. She was getting me water to help swallow it but it was gone before she got to me. She was surprised because it was pretty big.  It was kind of funny. Somehow, I managed to burn off a fever in just the time I was on the couch. Like, I got the fever close to 5 and it was gone before 10. So that is pretty awesome. Today I am basically better, except for a sore throat. (My best friend is better too, in case you were wondering.)
So as it is holiday season, and apparently boyfriend season, (I hear that there is a season for getting significant others.) I have realized that I am single....and I don't necessarily want to be. People at school all hold hands, even Cowboy got a girlfriend. But not me...I just hang out with my also single friend Get-Er-Done. (Stop right there. He likes someone else. It's never going to happen.) I just need my best friend to move here and then I won't be alone anymore. Like even if his sister were here, hehehe... I'm not gay, her and I just used to joke about being engaged whenever she wasn't teasing me about marrying her brother. She was my fiance Steve...He was my boyfriend. Hypothetically. She planned our wedding on the trampoline one cold thanksgiving night. He hated it. I loved it. That was the same night that we came in and pranked our parents and aunt Pam. I told them that Justin and I were getting married. Everyone was going to be in on the prank, but they wussed out. He wouldn't even hold my hand. LOL. If we said that today, our parents would believe us. My, how we have grown up in the past...three years. Well I have finished talking for now. Have a good day; and just know, during the holidays, you single, lonely people, I feel you.


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