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I have Friends!

Hello people. Today is Veteran's Day. Happy Veteran's Day. Go thank a veteran.
I hope your week was great. Mine was (as always) stressful. On Monday we had a speaking test for Spanish, Tuesday was a written test. (Forgot to study. Always do. I think I passed.)On Wednesday my history teacher was out and we had a sub. We were supposed to be doing our study guides but instead my whole table spent the entire period talking about the Bible. I was so happy. Talking about the Bible and that stuff and ballroom dancing are like the two things that get me high. No drugs required. I went to English really happy that day. (That is the next period.) Usually I am just hangry during English because it's right before lunch.  We had a timed write in English on...Tuesday I think.... I had forgotten about it until I was walking to fifth period. (English) That wasn't really enough time to get worried, plus I was walking with Get-Er-Done and one cannot really be stressed with him. He is too goofy. Anyway, the prompt was basically that in history, society has progressed through disobedience. I chose to agree, while pointing out that disobedience is not necessarily the safest thing for the individual. I used three examples of disobedience progressing society. Adam and Eve, Martin Luther, and Rosa Parks. Before you start thinking I am crazy, I said that Adam and Eve's sin, while separating them from perfect harmony with nature (and God) also brought about the first invention.
So on a scale of one to nine guess what grade I got. One being really bad and nine being amazing....
I got a two. Do you know why? Because I used a Biblical reference. (I got my grade on Thursday btw) I was SO ANGRY. I tossed the essay on Ms. Marez's desk, looked her straight in the eye and said, "I am irate." She sassily looked back and replied, "I knew you would be." That was the beginning of a conversation of which I remember few words. I remember telling her that the fact we can use fiction novels as sources, but not the Bible is "retarded". And then I noticed that my body was shaking. I was THAT mad. My hands were firmly planted on the edge of her desk and the more I stood there that harder and more violently I shook. So before I lost control of myself, I turned, walk to my desk and sat down. I heard the students around me talking about their grades. Most of them were a little disappointed but some (like Blum) got sevens. I was clenching every muscle in my body holding back fury and then suddenly I was crying. Just one hot lonely tear at first, and then I tightened my face trying to hold the rest back, but I couldn't. In that moment I wondered if angry tears are hotter than sad tears because they burned as they slid down my cheek. The other students noticed and Amanda rushed me into the hallway. (Not the freshman Amanda, I know two Amanda's.) I didn't know that we could just go in the hallway like that to be honest. I went from level one and a half to level to crying. (Out of five.) All of the kids that I knew in that class were concerned, and they all agreed that the Bible is a proven document. (Remember that okay.) After a small talk, Amanda and I went back into class, but then Ms. Marez pulled me into the hallway to talk again. I didn't want to, and  let my body language display that. Weight on one leg, arms crossed, gum chomped, angry eyes. Tears. But she insisted on talking. "Why do you keep fighting me on this?"
I refused to speak, because I could not speak. I would either say something horrible or keep crying. I had just pulled myself together (ish) I did not want to do that again.
Half of the period was wasted on that and the other half she lectured us about using religious texts in essays. 
The Bible is a historically proven document and that was how I used it.
My classmates agreed with me.
I ran to lunch as always when the bell finally rang. In line, there is this girl with disabilities that I see everyday in the lunchline. She asked me to be her friend, I said sure. I didn't see Get-Er-Done in line I think. When I got to the wall where we always, nobody was there. So I sat by myself and tried to eat. But then I was crying like a level three. Fortunately I was on the floor underneath my hat so I was kind of concealed. The Colonel walked past and asked what was wrong. I shook my head. HE told me that I can't say nothing is wrong when I'm sniffing nose juice... But he is a dad, he knew that I wouldn't talk. Get-Er-Done came and was like, what's wrong? I shook my head. The Colonel told him that I wouldn't tell and pretty much commanded him to coax it out of me. Now at some point it increased to a level four on the crying scale. Get-Er-Done sat on the floor right next to me, and in a serious, calm voice, "What happened?" He tried to guess generalities. I gave up my personal strength as soon as he was there, my head went straight to his shoulder. As long as I was touching my friend, the crying ceased. But I couldn't speak, or really do anything. I was just kind of there. He was as hot as the tears that had been streaking my face. (Not like, good looking hot, like physically his arm was very warm.) I just wanted to stay there. He didn't know what my problem was, but he was there. I just needed someone to hold me together because I was too far gone. He persisted though. "Lizzy, tell me what happened?"
"You will laugh at me." When I said this I smiled a sad smile, he always laughs at me, but it never hurts because of how he does it.
"I won't laugh at you. What happened?"
"You will laugh."
"I promise I won't laugh."
Guys. Telling what was wrong was so hard. For the attempts to speak the only thing I could muster was a heaving sigh. Eventually I go the words out, and he did laugh softly. I smiled a bit again, still that weird sad smile. "I told you you would laugh."
"I'm not laughing at you."
He joked around with me until I came back to life. He seemed pretty proud of himself. Honestly, without this particular friend, I'd be failing science, I'd be really lonely and probably begin to fail English. He is best friend. In case you guys don't know, many of my friends know me for how I never cry. Just putting some context for you.
Friday was highly stressful at first. It was uniform day and the ROTC juniors/sophomores were going to passing review. (They were also sending cadets to do flags at elementary schools) I went to passing review as a photographer. (I can do that cuz uh...they count me as a freshman/junior.) I was so stressed I forgot to put my rank on my service coat. But my friend Yzzie helped me...(Did I spell that right?)
She reads my blog.
Anyway, the bus left at 8 and breakfast opened at...7:50. I did not get to sit and eat with Get-Er-Done and Kevin like I usually do. In fact, I did not get to eat at all. I bought a yogurt and some weird strawberry goo. (it's kind of good) I couldn't bring we smuggled my camera bag. I was praying that neither of the containers burst. My mom would kill me. I slipped my rank insignias into my pockets so I could juggle the camera, my hat and the guidon (it's a flag) which the Colonel had handed me. I was panicking cuz uh...I'm not a flight guide. IDK what to do with the guidon. One of the rank insignia in my pocket didn't have the frogs on it. (Those are the little brass things that keep buttons from stabbing you)
Yep. I got stabbed. It hurt. I have little cuts on my thigh now. Kind of funny. Yzzie and I helped each other to look presentable. We were both nervous. Colonel told us to march out two by two and then to go into column formation. I had my camera in my hand and I was quivering wide eyed like oh snap I am having a Mr. Bean moment.  I was like
I ended up in the formation and everything, but the Colonel pulled me out. (Sigh of relief) I took pictures and what not. We went back to school. It was second period, and since I had thought ahead enough to do Friday's math test on Thursday, I was able to go to the cafeteria and eat my then room temperature yogurt and strawberry goo. My ROTC buddies joined me, they didn't want to go back to their classes. I went to mine after a while. In third period I had a Spanish test (Yeah, I forgot about it.) In fourth was a history quiz, which I had not forgotten about. I didn't study for it either. In English Ms. Marez was like "oh she's still mad at me" and she just kept bringing up Thursday. Ugh. Finally she told me to ask if the class thought the Bible a reliable historical document. (Thursday they did) So, partly knowing they would have changed their minds,  asked the whole class.
They swept the rug from beneath my feet. Even Amanda said no. It hurt. I did not want to talk to any of them, fortunately, the bell rang. I left. The rest of the day was fine though. Most of it was spent with Get-Er-Done and I simply love his company.  Well I have been on here for like two hours, my siblings are awake (most of them) and I have homework. I didn't feel like making a poem today. Sorry guys. Have a great week!


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