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Showing posts from August, 2017

Cowboys and Posting Colors

Hello people. How are you guys? I am physically and mentally exhausted. (She says on Thursday). Yesterday, I was in the cafeteria about to eat breakfast with a pregnant girl (She looks pregnant. She might just have some wacky parasite.) from my algebra class when the Colonel calls me. I really like the Colonel so naturally I came. (Also he is in charge so I have to do what he says, but in this case I did so because I wanted to.) He told me to go help the boy with the maroon shirt. This boy, fereal think classic cowboy and that is what he looked like. He had the hat, jeans, boots, belt, the long sleeve button up shirt. (you know what I'm talking about?) His backpack was even camouflage. Usually I really like cowboys, but at that moment I was thinking that I might have to say farewell to breakfast. Service before self. I came up to the cowboy and said, "I think I am supposed to help you with something." (Really lame opening line, I was nervous because I didn't know what

Pig Poem

Good morning people. Day two of school is over and so day three begins thus. Yesterday the Colonel introduced me to another junior. This junior is apparently the guy to go to if I need something to get done. (Let's just stick that in our back pocket and create a team, ja?) More than ever I feel like I am combing through the place to find and carefully select my teammates for the inevitable game. So far I have my neighbor, she shares my religion. My history friend, she builds trucks. Get-er-done, He gets it done. I also have a girl in journalism, she is really sweet. IDK what her superpower is yet. IDK mine either. Anyway, today I meet with the leader of the cheer group. (Got a pep squad girl in my back pocket to show me where the dance studio is.) Wish me luck (preferably good luck). Let's talk about pigs. Okay the only site I can get actual information on right now is Wikipedia so it's probably not true. Bleh I don't want to read all that right now. Let's write a

How was School, Cowgirl?

Hi guys! So yesterday went pretty well. I survived and even made some acquaintances. I started the day off by looking around the school with my neighbor and #2. Then we had breakfast (It was a sad breakfast, not even a whole slice of bread's worth of french toast and some peaches in a cup and Powerade zero. I grabbed the Powerade because it was blue.) Then we were about to start heading toward our classes when I saw a man standing next to like a TV camera. So naturally I asked if he was the TV guy. (My neighbor was like, "Keep me away from that camera"She clearly doesn't understand that she is part of history in the making.) The man interviewed me. When the video is online I will post a link probably. In journalism I met a girl that seemed nice, and I met another girl that I have math and history with. She talked a lot during history which frustrated me a little bit. Hopefully she doesn't always do that. She helped me navigate the lunch line. After math was histor

First Day of School

Hello y'all. Today is the first day of school! {Are you excited, Cowgirl?} I have no idea. I feel like lots of outrageous emotions underneath a strange calm. As long as the calm is on top, I will be good.  I decided to wear my Flash shirt, my nice jeans, Spurs socks (That's a basketball team) and my hair is down underneath a flat bill cap that says Best Friends. (I got it from my bestie when we were besties) Instead of wearing perfume, I have decided to go with essential oils for a while. Today I chose lavender to keep me calm. When I did my Bible reading (I usually don't share this stuff cuz I don't want to sound like I am bragging.) God had me open to Psalm chapter 37. I didn't read the whole thing, mostly just the already underlined verses. Here is what stuck out to me. Trust in the Lord, and do good; so shalt thou dwell in the land, and verily thou shalt be fed.  Commit thy way unto the Lord; trust also in him; and he shall bring it to pass. Rest in the Lord


Hello, people. So, looking at my posts chart, it tells how many viewers I have for each post. It seems that since my blog book I have lost all but one of my viewers. 😔 What happened guys? I thought we had something going. I heard that the mascots at my school are currently both being played by the same young lady. That's pretty awesome, I might very well have a shot at fulfilling my dream of dancing in a sweaty suit and scaring little kids. This week is a little chaotic for me. No sense of order whatsoever. I don't even know what to have for breakfast because dad said, 'Don't touch the milk.' Very sad. I love milk so much. Maybe if the weather is good I will go to the pool. Maybe my friend will be there. That would be nice. Except actually I need to have a serious conversation with him about something he said, so maybe it won't be nice. I also need to have a serious conversation with another boy that wants to rebuild a mostly broken friendship. Getting him t

Ready the Battlements!

Hello, People. So apparently there is a hurricane a-coming. My second cousin has been evacuated from her house to my upstairs. Her dog barked at me this morning. It was loud. My mom was telling #3 last night that our cousin is...different... and that #2 and I used to call her the 'Pale lady'. I am really not sure what to expect. My friend keeps texting me, it is breaking my focus. (Not any friend that y'all have heard about.) School starts on Monday. I am not sure what I am feeling. I guess I am just nervous. Not because I don't think I can conquer whatever I put my mind to, more because I am trying to conquer something that I know nothing about. I have no idea how to prepare myself. Typically there are ways for me to be emotionally and mentally prepared. It's like preparing for a storm. You board up your windows and whatnot. No, actually it is more like preparing a castle for battle. Close this gate, station men here. More ammunition here, put the medics there. I d

Dear Ex Love of my Life- Poem by Me

Hello, people. Good morning! I hope that you slept well. I actually had the hardest time getting to sleep. I was excited and stressed and probably caffeinated and I had put Frankincense on my face so that might have affected things. Also I had a few songs stuck in my head. I didn't fall asleep until at least 11:30. I am totally not sure how at 5:44 my eyes popped open like, "Good Morning! It's time to wake up now." Yesterday I had to go to the doctor's for a physical. It was not lovely. She wanted to see things, and I did not want to let her. Then she told me to lay off the caffeine. 😭 I prefer dentists. My school had a pep rally yesterday. It was interesting. A mom started dancing inappropriately with the mascot. I was like, there is a boy in there. C'mon people! Get a grip. The boy in the costume seemed cool with it. He pulled up his shirt to show the mascot's abs. (Our mascot has abs, can you believe that?) The male costume looks really awesome. My

Mascots and Mums

Hello People!!! I am so happy to be done with that story! We have a bit to talk about, ja? Let's see... so the solar eclipse happened and the world didn't end, that's good. (I heard rumors that it might but I didn't believe them to be honest.) Highschool begins next Monday. Oh my gosh, I am so excited, also a little nervous but you know, whatevs.  What I am totally enthused about is the other day I emailed the lady in charge of the cheer group a list of reasons why I think I qualify to be the school's female mascot. I finally got a reply from her last night that said to meet her in the dance studio after school on Wednesday to talk about it. Do you know what this means??? I might get to fulfill my lifelong dream of dancing in front of people, and hugging strangers while wearing a giant head. That is so exciting!!!  Okay, so this is the female mascot...the male looks super cool. I could still rock the look though. So another thing that's been on my mind is H