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Showing posts from January, 2018

Love Poem for You! ;)

Hi guys. I don't know what to write about. Um.... so Valentines day is coming up. Who is excited? The Colonel was trying to get other ROTC cadets to take me to the valentines dance that is coming up at my school. I was like um...No. I am like...single but almost not really. It's complicated. Let's go with we are just more than friends at this particular moment. It's all good. But I don't want to go to a dance with Klein or the Fro-yo Man. It would be super awkward.  Yearbook is on deadline so we have been working hard there but my page has something wrong with it so it is stuck being half done. Not Cool. I can't wait to start my soccer spread though. Oh my gosh. It's going to be so amazing. (I need to figure out what my story will be about though...toughy.) Yeah....I lost my train of thought. If we are on computers during English then I will write more I guess. I have to go in two minutes anyway to my next class. I know what I should do though. I

Miracles, Best Friends and Shakespeare

... And there I was dancing in the arms of an answered prayer without a clue. Little Christian girl on the dance floor in a bar with her church friends. Sounds dangerous right? Maybe hypocritical. One of my friends had taken me out and was half dragging me around the floor when he told me what he may be chosen to do. (It's top secret right now so the word is mum. The church will take it to a vote very soon so I will tell you more then. For now you must wait.) After he told me who he was though, I was absolutely elated. Our church has been praying for God to send this particular person our way for months. And now not only did I get to see God move and pick the person, but I was dancing WITH THAT PERSON. That is awesome. It was one of those moments when you have to stop and say, Oh my goodness. God is real. He is here. He is listening. He is working. He has a plan. He is incredible. And look, He even thought about me. It was a great evening at the family friendly bar. I think it

New Blog

Hey all you guys! How is your Friday going? Mine is pretty good. I met with my friend Snell this morning to write news stories. My friend Cowboy dressed up today for some mysterious reason. Snell and I gave him a really hard time about it when he said that he had no reason. I have to go. I will be back later hopefully. It is Saturady. I went and shot pictures at half of a soccer game, but I do not have the time to tell all about it because my sister has a daddy daughter dance to prepare for. Anyway, I just wanted to tell you guys to check out my new blog (That I get paid for writing) at  I hope you guys enjoy it. Please please please feel free to comment or share it with your friends or schedule a photo shoot! (I am the assistant photographer btw) This is my income and I am trying to save up enough money to fly my best friend/date down here from NJ to go to the military ball with me this March. Thanks so much! Have a great weekend. (I will stil

Teachers and Handshakes

Good morning. I hope you all are well. So, yesterday I was about to take the contract issue to the principal, but first I checked with my history teacher to make sure it was the right move. (He is amazing. All of my english teacher's students turn to him for help, I think it's pretty funny. It also says something about where our respect lies.) A few others were asking him the same basic questions about rules that teachers have to follow at this school. He assured the whole class that the issue as far as he knows had already been resolved. Multiple students and teachers had brought it to the attention of authoritative individuals in the school who had confronted her about it. On a lighter note, my math teacher as I am discovering, knows me quite well. LOL. He knows that I turn around in my desk only after I am done with my work. (Like my legs stick out of the side and my upper body faces either sideways or backwards.) {Why?} Well, my friend Monster sits directly behind me and

The Contract

Hello my dears. It has been far too long since I have written. I hope that you are all well. I am able to write now because I am in Spanish class with a computer. hehehe. No worries, I did my work last night. SO guess what. This girl got a job. Yep. How awesome is that? I know. {Who do you work for? What is your job?} Well, I work for Dawn Caudill Photography as assistant photographer and official blogger. (My employer must've heard about my writing abilities.)  😜 I hope to have the first post out by Friday. I just need to add photos. I would have done it last night, but my employer was tired so maybe tomorrow after school. Speaking of, you might be wondering how school is going. It is going pretty well. Last week we had our semester exams. That was interesting. They totally jacked up the schedule for these two hour per class tests. I passed all eight. (including lunch) JK, there was no lunch test. I am on the boy's soccer team now. IDK if I told you that. I got a socce

Gotta Puppy

Hey y'all. Sorry it's been FOREVER. I've either been busy or tired the whole time since my last post. Soccer season started at my school and there have been a LOT of games. (Okay, ten) We only have a JV team, but thus far they have played against only varsity teams though. They win about half of their games. I think they are pretty amazing. (BTW I am on the boys soccer team as part of the film crew. I feel pretty special.) I don't really know the guys very well, except the friend that a few weeks ago I had been fighting with. (Y'all remember that?) As soon as we got to the first game he was finally over it. Since then we seem to be building a closer relationship than before. Something just a tad deeper than the surface. I am pretty excited. He seems to be starting to trust me which is great because he needs Jesus, and the best way to present Jesus to someone is if they trust you. The soccer coach is my Spanish teacher. He must be a really good teacher because I wil