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Showing posts from October, 2017

Red Ribbon Week, PSAT, and Harlan's First Newspaper

Hello dear ones. How is life? I  hope it is well. The 'i' key on my keyboard is being quirky again. Sometimes it works and other times it doesn't. It is slightly annoying, but if you notice any missing or extra letters, that might be why. This week was interesting and ever busy. It was Red Ribbon week, which is a drug awareness thing. Everyday was a theme day. Monday was nerd day. I had left my camera (mom's camera) at home that day and when I realized that it was nerd day I straight up panicked. I ran to Mrs. Kelly's room and told her what had happened. I tried to justify it to myself by saying that someone else would get the shots, but nobody else was there. So she lent me a camera and an sd card and I took pictures. On Tuesday I interviewed a boy named Daniel for a feature story. He always dresses up for the theme days. (Well almost always. This week he kind of wasn't) Wednesday was stressful. All of the freshman were getting inducted into ROTC. (Well, this y

A Friend Such as the Ocean- Poem About Friendship

Hello people! How are you? I am...sore from PT...but other than that I am good. It has been a long week. In journalism, we were on deadline for the newspaper and nobody's assignments were completed and on the page... Very stressful.  I interviewed a boy that I didn't know (now I kind of know him.) Then I wrote a feature story on him. {Why him, Cowgirl?} He was in the background of a photo from the day of the school's dedication. My first draft was more like a weak persuasive essay about him. Mrs. Kelly was like, you just put all of the questions and answers there. It wasn't good at all. But I understood. I did not know what I was doing until she reminded me about the formation of a feature. Intro, Nut Graf, transition, quote, transition, quote, (ETC ETC) conclusion. My second draft made her say God's name in vain...Which while it is against the Bible and God, she usually says gosh so it added extra emphasis and it felt kind of good. My feature was great except for

Week of Dedication

Good morning y'all. How has your week been? I hope that it was good. I am unable to define whether mine was good or bad because both were intricately woven together into a fascinating dance. I don't remember Sunday or Monday really. (I think I spent them doing homework.) Tuesday I don't really remember either. Something happened on Wednesday, I am sure. But that is gone too. Where did everything go? Wait, I remember. Wednesday was inspection day. All of the ROTC corps wears their uniform on Wednesday. The boys look so cute in their blues. The day spent in preparation for the school's official dedication. Some of my ROTC friends were on the saber team. (Cowboy and a guy from my English class, Blum.) Now I really like Blum because he always includes me in his conversations. I do not know why he always tries to whisper to me from across the room, but I love it because nobody wants to sit with me in English. He knows that I am always listening though. (He doesn't know t

Witch Houses, Preachin' and Poetry

Hello. Good Morning. I hope that your week was awesome. Mine was pretty great. On Saturday we all went to sea-world. We brought our cousin Em and her boyfriend. They are cool. We went on some rides, my mom screamed the whole time. We did some haunted maze type things. Mom screamed the whole time. It was pretty hilarious. We went through these haunted attractions in a line sort of. First mom and dad. Dad would point out scary people before they jumped out. Mom had a tight grip on him, she screamed at everything, even if it didn't move. I was in the middle. I was very calm. My hands were in my pockets. I only jumped a little when there were loud bang sounds. Em and her boyfriend were behind us. Em was laughing that her and I were the only ones like "whatever". I don't know how her boyfriend acted though. Cowboy works at sea-world. The whole time we were there he was all, "ware you at?" (He always spells it wrong. Probably just to bug me.) So I would tell him.