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Week of Dedication

Good morning y'all. How has your week been? I hope that it was good. I am unable to define whether mine was good or bad because both were intricately woven together into a fascinating dance. I don't remember Sunday or Monday really. (I think I spent them doing homework.) Tuesday I don't really remember either. Something happened on Wednesday, I am sure. But that is gone too. Where did everything go? Wait, I remember. Wednesday was inspection day. All of the ROTC corps wears their uniform on Wednesday. The boys look so cute in their blues. The day spent in preparation for the school's official dedication. Some of my ROTC friends were on the saber team. (Cowboy and a guy from my English class, Blum.) Now I really like Blum because he always includes me in his conversations. I do not know why he always tries to whisper to me from across the room, but I love it because nobody wants to sit with me in English. He knows that I am always listening though. (He doesn't know that I often have know idea what he is saying because I cannot hear him. LOL.) Anyway, the saber team walked past and he was making faces at me while sliding the sword in and out of its sheath. I probably giggled. #2 just thought that it was creepy until I explained that I know him. That was an interesting day, however a lonely one. I spent three out of seven class periods with my journalism class, which would have been awesome but I have no friends in that class. I am kind of a loner since G got a new friend. (Who might possibly be her girlfriend now.) She is buddies with just about everyone in the class now. It is all good though. All I have to do is work with them...all...
Anyway I got to go to fourth period lunch instead of sixth. Fourth is for freshmen and sixth is for everyone else) I got to meet #2's little Mexican friend. (He may or may not speak English.) I sat right next to him and his little posse. It was great, until #2 decided to sit somewhere else because her friend was afraid of boys. I figured it would be really weird if I stayed with them by myself so I said goodbye and left. Within the two minutes that I was with them, the bilingual friend was teaching me Spanish. It was like they wanted me as part of their group. It was so neat. Then I spent two periods with my journalism class in an interview with John Marshall Harlan's great great granddaughter, Amelia Newcomb. She is the managing editor at the Christian Science Monitor. A major news outlet. She is kind of famous in the journalist world. That was fun, except the room we were in was freezing and I wasn't allowed to wear a sweater because it was uniform day. I took like.... four pages of notes. I got so tired. I didn't get to see my friends until the end of the day. I saw Cowboy in the hallway between seventh and eighth and then I saw Get-Er-Done in eighth because he is in my class. The actual dedication was rather boring. There was a girl there though, she was kind of fat and she was just getting down, sometimes there was music and other times there was not. It was gross. Then we went inside the school and the guy who owes me pasta was holding one of the doors. As I walked through he said, "Hi, [Cowgirl]" I was like. Oh my goodness gracious, he knows my name. (Later Cowboy was like, he has your phone number genius.) After the dedication, my dad was talking to Cowboy and I was there, listening patiently. Not oblivious to Blum in the background holding a door and staring in my general direction. I was like hi, Blum. ( in my mind. )
Thursday was rough. We didn't leave for school until thirty minutes after the desired time. Then we had to turn back around because #2 forgot something. Then my phone wasn't working. (Cowboy fixed it though.) The Colonel started asking if I had gone outside and yelled that I'm a bad [Cowgirl] yet, and calling me Bad [Cowgirl]. Apparently this was all just one of his nicknames, but I was unaware and took it to heart. He kept it up all day. It really kept tearing me down (He chose the wrong day.) I had brought a Bible for Monster. I gave it to her and she was like
I've been thinking. People always tell me that I should believe the Bible, but I just don't, because it's stories. That's all it is. Just stories. (etc etc).
How we looked after Monster said all of that.
Later she felt bad because she thought that she had made me angry. I told her no, I wouldn't get angry over something like that. LOL. Then I went to the cafeteria for flex (Bruh, I was almost in tears over who knows what. It was bad.) Cowboy saw me and asked if I wanted a granola bar. I really needed that granola bar apparently because I was almost myself after eating it. He had to go though. So I hung out with Get-Er-Done, #2 and the Colonel. I wrote a note in both English and Spanish for the Spanish speaking kids requesting an interview. Yep. I'm just that awesome. It was not perfect, because I do not speak Spanish, but they have a bilingual friend. Lunch was awful because the Colonel kept calling me bad in front of the other cadets. I didn't get it. I was a mess. My friends didn't do anything about the situation either. (Now it's all good.) Mom talked to him yesterday. She had to bring #4 and #5 to school, so Cowboy and I were walking around with them. One of the junior cadets was like, "Aw, you look like a little family!" He was also asking questions that implied the kids were mine and Cowboy's. I was like no way. That's gross. LOL. But having mom talk to the Colonel, as awkward as it was, proved very beneficial. We had a good fifteen minute conversation later.
I did something that shocked me to the core yesterday. I offered to give G a ride home. I don't know why, or what compelled me to offer. We aren't friends anymore, she doesn't even look at me anymore. But I offered nonetheless. (Her dad said no.) It was wacky.
During science class, I made Get-Er-Done annoyed I guess, with something I said. (I don't remember what) He stuck his ring finger into the air. So I asked, "What does that mean? Should I be offended?" (very sarcastically) He answered, "Yes. You should be very offended."
"Should I hit you now?"
"Yes. You should. Hit me right here." He insisted. So I did. It felt really good. (I shoved more than hit, his shoulder.) I wrote most of a poem this week. I would show you guys, but it isn't finished yet. maybe next week. Oh! Guess what! I get to interview this guy named Michael (hopefully he lets me) and write a feature story on him. I am excited. Okay that is all for now. I will write again next week.


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