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Witch Houses, Preachin' and Poetry

Hello. Good Morning. I hope that your week was awesome. Mine was pretty great. On Saturday we all went to sea-world. We brought our cousin Em and her boyfriend. They are cool. We went on some rides, my mom screamed the whole time. We did some haunted maze type things. Mom screamed the whole time. It was pretty hilarious. We went through these haunted attractions in a line sort of. First mom and dad. Dad would point out scary people before they jumped out. Mom had a tight grip on him, she screamed at everything, even if it didn't move. I was in the middle. I was very calm. My hands were in my pockets. I only jumped a little when there were loud bang sounds. Em and her boyfriend were behind us. Em was laughing that her and I were the only ones like "whatever". I don't know how her boyfriend acted though. Cowboy works at sea-world. The whole time we were there he was all, "ware you at?" (He always spells it wrong. Probably just to bug me.) So I would tell him. At one point he came up to me with  hummingbird in his hand. Tell me that's not the coolest thing like ever. I dare you.
It was sooooo adorable. I love hummingbirds they are so remarkable. Looking at them is like DANG where did God get the idea to put so much power into something so small? I do not know how He came up with it, but He's a genius.
I don't remember Monday...or Tuesday...I suppose they were normal days. I skipped Sunday. Sunday was good. I drove my friend Get-Er-Done to youth group. By the end everyone knew his name. He fit in quite nicely. He will probably come again tomorrow. If I could drive two friends I would bring his little brother. (He is a freshman and he is just so adorable. LOL. Hattie calls him Kevin even though that is not his name.) Kevin is very quiet. His hair is goldish and I don't remember his eyes. I think a goldish hazel. He has this perfect skin that is void of acne and his face is sprinkled softly with freckles. Think classical art angel face and you've got it. He just sits quietly in the morning listening to Hattie, Ben and I talk. (There is typically an argument.) He says nothing, but you can tell that he is listening because sometimes he glances up and smiles. When he does talk it is very soft. Like a whisper.  Get-Er-Done usually has to leave at breakfast for the weight room. We have the same routine every morning. Sit with Get-Er-Done and Kevin. Eat breakfast. Get-Er-Done leaves. Cowboy comes. Hattie joins. Kevin listens to us talk/argue. We all split off to walk around. Then Cowboy walks me to my first class. It is a good pattern.
Thursday was interesting. (It was actually the day that I began sitting next to Get-Er-Done and Kevin) two things were going on that day...three.
1-uniform day
2-Commander's call
3- Bring your Bible to school day
I have not been issued my uniform quite yet. (Our flight is a little bit behind schedule) So I came to school in the second best: A black shirt. (And pants and shoes etc. obviously.) I walked in and Cowboy, with fire in his eyes, yelled at me. "Where is your uniform???" Um... well they haven't given to me yet. I do not remember exactly what was said between us after that but he was pretty angry. He took me to the ROTC room and I went to the Colonel's office.
"Sir, I do not have a uniform yet so I didn't wear it. Am I in trouble?"
"Yes. I want you to go outside and yell 'I'm in trouble'. Right now."
As I was debating whether or not to obey, Cowboy called me by my full name. (My FULL name, people. That is how upset he was.) So I was like bye Colonel. Cowboy had one of the other logistics people (Probably another junior from his flight) issue out my uniform. I had left my Bible on a counter and my backpack on the floor. A boy from Cowboy's flight (I don't know his name, but he is short, Asian and has a funny lisp.) notices my Bible.
"What's this?"
"That is my Bible. I am participating in a peaceful protest."
"Olsen, I think we found our chaplain." He laughed. I was not sure whether to be pleased or offended. They soon moved on though because Cowboy had his name tag and ribbons on the wrong side. They laughed at him. (I did too. He'd been all bossy cuz I had no uniform and he couldn't even put his own on properly.) They fixed him though. Everyone left the room except for the boy on the logistics computer and I. He issued my uniform to me, I found the little body bag that it is supposed to be kept in, looked inside and....
There was only a tie tab and a belt. Yep. No pants or anything. I was like, I cannot wear this. The boy agreed and said that I would just have to wait until my flight issued them. So I left to go eat breakfast. I sat by Get-Er-Done and Kevin. I told him (not Kevin) that I had no uniform so I was afraid that I was going to die, even though the situation was out of my hands. I didn't die though. So we are good. The Commander's call was boring. I sat next to a boy from my flight who is kind of strange. He walks down the hallway with a tablet. He will be the one who takes over the world with his computer. I swear. He never gets off of it. He smelled SO SO SO bad. I was breathing into the throat of my turtle neck. I also sat next to the flight... uh...Deputy. He is an interesting fellow. Generally quiet. A sophomore. His name is Caesar.
Throughout the day, the Colonel kept asking me if I went outside and yelled. (what he told me to yell got continually worse until it was "I am a bad Lizzy.") I didn't do it. I wanted to say, um sir. THat is hazing. I didn't though. I guess I was afraid of being wrong.
I lost my train of thought. Hold on...
Okay. So we also had Flex. (Some strange schedule thing that allows student either 30 minutes of tutoring or of free time on Tuesday and Thursday.) I like it. I usually go to the cafeteria. My friend who builds cars (Her nickname is Monster and now I know why) got flagged for math class. so she had to stay there. We were discussing why I brought my Bible. I told her that I was protesting schools not teaching the Bible. I believe that people are oppressing religious freedom in the name of "tolerance". She said that it is better not teaching the Bible in schools because she went to a Christian school once and they disciplined her for being left handed and called her "monster" because the left hand is of the devil. I was shocked. Let me just tell you something, being left handed does not make you evil. I am left handed. Ehud was left handed and God used him to save Israel from Eglon.

Judges 3:15
Again the Israelites cried out to the Lord, and he gave them a deliverer—Ehud, a left-handed man, the son of Gera the Benjamite. The Israelites sent him with tribute to Eglon king of Moab.

I told Monster (she claims the name now. It suits her I think.) that it would be better that schools taught all of the religions than if they taught none. (Or just the one they teach now, that being science.) She agreed. We got into a deep discussion that took us through John chapter one and Genesis chapter one. My math teacher was like, "You need to take your Bible study elsewhere." I wasn't done yet though. LOL #2 was texting me, "where are you?" I texted back, "I'm preaching bro"
Flipping back and forth in the Bible and showing evidence makes me so happy and excited. I don't know why. It is the most unique feeling. Makes me feel...powerful, useful.I do not feel my own power. It is more like I am a wire coursing with energy. I did eventually have to go though. We never finished. She wanted to keep talking in history class but we didn't have the time. On Friday I brought my Bible again to show her the Ehud story. She actually read it. I was like
Oh my goodness gracious. It is a miracle. Just a few weeks ago she swore she'd never read the Bible. She told me not to mention it to her. I swear, people. That was God right there. I took a picture so that I wouldn't forget. (Also so I could tell mom.) There is hope for the lost, my friends. Even the ones that are so trapped in the devil's lies that you can almost see it. (It looks like vines. Thick, choking vines. Wrapped around her like a cocoon. I want to destroy it but I know that I cannot. Only God can. I would just make it worse. Stronger than iron. It is crazy.)
{Cowgirl, you can't actually see them, right? You sound a bit like some witch or something.}
No, I am not a witch. I see it in my mind's eye. I feel it with my soul. It is intense.  It is loosening though. She is searching. I am so excited.
On a completely unrelated note, I am saving up to buy an iPhone. I want to get a six, because I like their body shape. #2 just bought a 5. I have to pay off a class ring too. So I am babysitting a lot now. Gotta earn that cash. I have almost $200. I wrote two poems this week. I am not impressed with them, but other people really like them so I will show you.

What You Do Not Know
What you do not know
Friend is
You're my inspiration 
That bright thing inside
Part of my glow. 
When you cease to be around, 
My lonely heart, it begins to frown.
What you do not know 
Is that if your love were to halt in its tracks
Or if you chose to leave and not come back
My dear, that burns;  it is my hottest fear.
I'd lose my mind
Become insane.
Send me to the asylum where I belong.
But don't you worry bout me, 
We'll never have to meet again.
Please, my dear
Hear my plea.
Don't leave me, friend
Don't let my sanity be 
Flushed away.
What you do not know
My friend, is
If you up and leave my life
I'll have to live and let loneliness suffice
Because no one in this world can replace
What it is that we have in our midst.

I wrote that on Saturday. I like the next on better.

You or him; Him or you
It has always been
You or him; Him or you
 An Ancient rivalry 
Between masculinities
You or him; Him or you 
Earth and fire
Wind and rain 
You or him; Him or you
Neither ever gains
You or him; Him or you
First one, then the other
You or him; Him or you
Always it's the same
You or him; Him or you
We play this constant game 
You or him; Him or you 
The winner can't be both
You or him; Him or you
One will give his name.

Everyone seems to enjoy my work except for me. It does not even compare to the works of the masters. So I have decided that my poetry needs to evolve just a bit. It needs to be amazing.  I need to be able to admire my own handiwork as much as I do that of Shakespeare. Soon, soon. 
Have a good week, my people. I will write again soon.


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