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A Friend Such as the Ocean- Poem About Friendship

Hello people! How are you? I am...sore from PT...but other than that I am good. It has been a long week. In journalism, we were on deadline for the newspaper and nobody's assignments were completed and on the page... Very stressful.  I interviewed a boy that I didn't know (now I kind of know him.) Then I wrote a feature story on him. {Why him, Cowgirl?} He was in the background of a photo from the day of the school's dedication. My first draft was more like a weak persuasive essay about him. Mrs. Kelly was like, you just put all of the questions and answers there.
It wasn't good at all. But I understood. I did not know what I was doing until she reminded me about the formation of a feature. Intro, Nut Graf, transition, quote, transition, quote, (ETC ETC) conclusion. My second draft made her say God's name in vain...Which while it is against the Bible and God, she usually says gosh so it added extra emphasis and it felt kind of good. My feature was great except for the last paragraph which fell a little flat because of a lack of information. So I emailed my new friend like five times. (He was taking too long.) I didn't get his reply until the next day. I was so happy though that I threw my hands up and yelled, Hallelujah!!! Then I choked on my coffee. That was yesterday morning. I was happy all day. (Okay, by the end of the day I was just tired.) Mrs. Kelly loved my story so much that I have been assigned another one. I went through my day dancing. Then in English class when I am usually hungry and irritable, I was less so... still a little bit not nice though. I was sitting at my desk at the beginning of class and Blum walked behind me on the way to his desk and while he walked past he was rubbing my shoulder. Let me tell you something, people, my shoulders are ALWAYS tight. My dad sometimes rubs my shoulders and he isn't exactly gentle, but it feels good anyway. Blum was gentle, because it was probably more of an acknowledgement of my presence than anything else, and his hand was warm and I was just like, don't ever stop, friend. To add to all that I had like that butterfly feeling in my shoulder and my stomach and I was like that's delicious. This whole thing lasted like two seconds and I was sad when he was gone. I was also back to my better mood (and probably blushing.) Right now I am blushing. I can feel it.
Let's get something straight though. I do not have a crush on Blum. That is ridiculous. It would be pointless because of two reasons, 1) he is lost, I am not even going to consider marrying a guy that doesn't know Jesus. It would be too stressful. (and against the Bible.) 2) no dating in the corps. So why is crushing any better?
He can be my friend though. I only got butterflies because a guy dared to touch my shoulder. That seems to be something that I consider an intimate action I guess.
Then there was Flores. Oh my goodness gracious. He is super annoying and mean. (Also an ROTC cadet.) He gave me a fist bump that made my hand swell. I did not react in pain though. (Not immediately.) I took it with a straight face. Because I am awesome. Later I pulled out my mom voice and yelled at the people at my table and Flores' table because they were arguing and we were supposed to be working. I said, "Could you please just do what you are supposed to be doing?!?" I received shocked stares and silence. But everyone started working, so it was effective.
On Thursday, I wore my uniform for the first time. I think five different people corrected it. Even Nash...he was going to bring my pasta yesterday but forgot the sauce. I told him that when I see him I think two things.
1) he is super cute
2)he owes me pasta.
Realistically I think four things. I wonder why he is always blushing and how he spells his name. But I didn't tell him that. He blushed when I told him he was cute. My face was on fire so I was probably blushing too. It was good. I thought that it was hilarious. I think he has a girlfriend. (He doesn't meet my standards in men so I would probably never be more than friends with him unless he changes.) Dad taught me how to iron a uniform and shine shoes this week. I also stayed at school really late on both Tuesday and Thursday. Church was Wednesday of course. Mom thinks that staying late so often was overwhelming me and giving me an attitude, it was also causing me to fall asleep everywhere. I think that she is totally right. I should not stay late at school very often. I have a lot of homework today because of it.
On Sunday, mom, Fearless Leader, her mom, and I went to a photo tournament. We all got second place in a category and at least one honorable mention. I am kind of proud. I am definitely wanting to compete again next year. Also I have a poem for you guys.

Feigned love is as strong as solid water
Firm at first, but when pressed upon it shatters
Trust forms fast for "love's" next victim
But when truly called upon, the monster
Spits and cackles and then is gone.
Poor broken fool! Drowning in the mire.
Lost in that dark and lonely room
Oh! How he desires
A friend as constant as the ocean,
Rising and falling in joyful commotion.
She supports all who call,
Never failing, a home to all.
When called upon, a friend such as that Briny Blue
Loves him as her soul
And envelopes him with care in the deep below.

That is my new poem. I hope you guys like it. I am going now, Ta Ta, people. Have a great week.


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