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Red Ribbon Week, PSAT, and Harlan's First Newspaper

Hello dear ones. How is life? I  hope it is well. The 'i' key on my keyboard is being quirky again. Sometimes it works and other times it doesn't. It is slightly annoying, but if you notice any missing or extra letters, that might be why. This week was interesting and ever busy. It was Red Ribbon week, which is a drug awareness thing. Everyday was a theme day. Monday was nerd day. I had left my camera (mom's camera) at home that day and when I realized that it was nerd day I straight up panicked. I ran to Mrs. Kelly's room and told her what had happened. I tried to justify it to myself by saying that someone else would get the shots, but nobody else was there. So she lent me a camera and an sd card and I took pictures. On Tuesday I interviewed a boy named Daniel for a feature story. He always dresses up for the theme days. (Well almost always. This week he kind of wasn't) Wednesday was stressful. All of the freshman were getting inducted into ROTC. (Well, this year there were sophomores and juniors that counted as freshmen. Like myself.) So we had to bring our uniforms to school and hang them up. I forgot an undershirt. I hung out in the LGI room with my flight commander and some of the Junior class cadets for a little bit. It was fun. My friend Freisel was there. I wrote a feature story on him. Now we are friends. He was wearing a deadpool shirt with a unicorn. It was distracting. My flight commander was stressing. I kept telling him to relax. None of the older cadets were stressing so I knew that everything would be alright. He didn't really relax much. We took the PSAT on Wednesday. It was sooooo boring. Four to five hours in the same chair. There were four sections. Two English and two math. The English I cruised through, it was easy, breezy, beautiful. The math sections however. Lemme just say, I learned how to do maybe a quarter of the problems the next day. I totally guessed most of the math stuff. It was awful. One math section was calculator and the other was not. The one that was no calculator was the one in which I most needed that calculator. I was so mad. But it is ok. Because I rocked the English half.
Back in ROTC during seventh period, only one person in our flight knew how to tie a tie. Brian. The boy with the bicycle tattoo. The boy from Civil Air Patrol. The proud one that cusses about how he isn't afraid of a bunch of freshmen. Brian. He taught us how to tie a tie. Being the one that often gets asked for help, I listened intently and picked it up almost immediately. Good thing too, because one boy needed help. It was crazy, one minute I was tying his tie and the next he was happily saying that he'd gotten promoted to Flight Sergeant. (I was so proud of him.) I was also proud of Brian for standing up and teaching everyone. Finally acting as part of the team. The ceremony went well. That was when I got wind of the promotions/demotions. I was terrified that I had gotten demoted. Half of the element leaders got demoted. Fortunately I did not. That was a huge weight of of my chest. Brian got promoted to element leader. Now I have Cote in my element. Ack. Thank you for the challenge MSGT. It is alright though.The rest of my element consists of most of the best behaved of our class. Thursday I intended to write a feature during class, but did not get to because we had a sub. Thursday was mostly boring until fifth period. I was freezing in my turtle neck. Blum offered me his Ducks sweatshirt. At first I was like, nah, I'll tough it out. But then I changed my mind. He let me borrow the sweater that he wears everyday. It smelled so...Blummy. IT WAS AWESOME. My turtle neck still smells like Blum. hehehe. (Winning.) He seemed afraid that I was going to steal it because I dashed to lunch as fast as I could, with his sweater. He came up to me while I was eating like um...
I would not have stolen it. I just didn't want to wait in line...or take it off. Let's be honest. Wearing a guy's sweater is like a long hug. Warm and smells like guy. Sadly, I gave it back. Then I went to the office to get my own sweater. (I had left it in the PSAT testing room on Wednesday.) When he saw me with my sweater he was like, What??? It was funny. Friday was cool. The school's first newspaper came out. SO EXCITED. There was a pep rally that was Halloween themed. It was awesome. I took pictures. I was like a photographing superhero. I was duck walking and army crawling to get the best shots and my sidekick Cowboy was on lens duty. He was also holding my coat. It was fun. In Spanish, we made flowers for the day of the dead. That was fun too. I took pictures and made two flowers. Cowboy made one for me too. I thought it was sweet to see that he was thinking of me during his Spanish class. For some reason he has stopped eating lunch with me and now he eats with this red head. I do not really like her because every word that comes out of her mouth is a complaint and her voice is high pitched and annoying. Oh well. Last night I tried to call my old writing teacher to tell her that I am a published writer. I was afraid that she wouldn't want to talk to me anymore because of some intense drama between her son and I. Her phone just rang out, but she tried to call me back at eleven. I will try again to call her later. Well I am going to go now. I am getting bored which means you probably are as well. Have a great week. Oh wait, one more thing. I am going to donate blood on Halloween. I am terrified.


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