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Sister's Birthday

Good Afternoon people who read my blog. I must first make an apology for not keeping up with my blog. The fact is, I have had the time, but not the drive. I have also been struggling with some life decisions and stress. Last week was Independence day. I would like to wish you happy late celebrations of freedom. My family had a wonderful fourth of July. Instead of the typical somewhat awkward cookout that we usually have with our neighbors, we had a party in the evening with some church friends and one of dad's work friends. (and his family.) My friend Micah and his brother Caleb hung out with me. The moms and my sister and Micah's sister all played Phase Ten and the men hung out together and discussed man stuff. The little kids got into whatever sort of mischief they could imagine. At one point Micah, Caleb and I brilliantly decided to play a game of 20 card Uno. (It was my idea.) 20 card Uno is probably my favorite game. My cousin and I have a tradition of playing two player twenty card Uno at Christmas or New Years. I don't think that I have ever played with three people. Anyway, we played on the livingroom floor. All was fine and dandy as we meticulously juggled our handfuls of cards until my brother, #4 came  charging through. He came and kicked the draw pile and the pile with the played cards. He did this over and over. Then Laura the puppy joined the fun. Then all of the kids got glowsticks and SOMEHOW my sister #3 managed to spray all three Uno players with glowing liquid. The carpet was glowing, The cards were glowing. We were glowing.  After probably an hour, Micah won. Later Micah decided to buy fireworks for the first time. His dad and I went with him. He drives a stick shift which I thought was pretty neat because learning to drive stick is on my bucket list. Later we all did fireworks and some light writing. It was fun. As they were leaving, I went inside. Because I was very tired. No joke, our friends were hardly out of the driveway and my brother was already naked. I thought it was the funniest thing. (He is four, so it isn't extremely weird for him to be streaking.) I love my bro, he's great.
Sunday was my sister's birthday. She is fifteen now. (#2)  After church we were invited to our friends the Grell's house for pizza and a movie. It was Sherlock Holmes and the Game of Shadows I think. All you have to say is Sherlock and I sold. So, #2 and I made it to the house which I didn't realize Micah was still house sitting. The Grell family was not back from their trip yet. Also, the pizza was almost all gone because our family took forever to leave church. There were three pieces left, I ate them all. (#2 didn't want any.)Micah wasn't the only other person there, his brother and the Flash and some of the kids from the college group were there as well. (BTW Micah is 19 his bro is 21) (They both have beards and the bro has a gf named Joe I think.) We watched the movie and I thought it was amazing. It would seem though, that my sister does not enjoy that particular genre of entertainment. Afterwards, she wanted to go home immediately. (Much to my surprise.) I offered her a ride but she asked mom instead. Somehow our friends caught wind that it was her birthday, and were excited. Someone suggested that we get a cake or ice cream or both or ice cream cake and the air was just buzzing with excited energy. This was too much attention and questions for #2 who just wanted to be alone, so she sent an unfinished text to mom that said, "They're killing me."
Naturally our worried mother rushed over only to learn that we had been asking what kind of cake she wanted. We ended up eating ice cream (we were going to celebrate her birthday whether she went home or not. Thus goes the college group.) Then the Grell family came home and we celebrated with them. It was very great. 
Other than that, I have been searching for a job. I have no money. I have also been struggling with deciding my future. Whether or not I will go to the Air Force Academy or maybe Abilene Christian University. (ACU) ACU has offered me a priority application which only costs $23. Granted, I would rather a free application, but I don't have to write an essay with it, so that's pretty cool. ACU is a faith based college, which as you can probably guess, catches my attention. I want that atmosphere before I step onto the ship to navigate the ocean of life. I am not sure, but I might be called to missions which would make ACU a great launch point I think. But there are so many perks to being in the Air Force.  I have job security, insurance, better pay than most people. All of these things make me feel safe. But a little voice just keeps whispering that all of this is vain. Flat, shallow. There are people out there dying, they don't know Christ. There are African kids with skin as black as a starless night that need help. I can't waste my life being safe and secure. It appears that I must go. I must learn, so that I can go. I think that is what He wants me to do with my life.  Not set in stone but judging by the words that just landed on this screen, it might just be. 
I wish I had more to tell, but I don't and my dad just got home from work. Have a great day guys.


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