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Home Alone...

Hello my dears. I hope that you are well. I am alright, super hungry though. Today is uniform day because we have the award ceremony for ROTC tonight. Last uniform day of the semester!!! So so happy about that. I am tryna remember what happened since I last wrote.... OOH. Okay, so as you know, I took the SAT. That was grueling. Blek. Hopefully I did amazing. On Saturday my neighborhood had a giant yard sale day. In case you don't know, I love yard sales. I love looking through peoples junk and then getting good deals. So obviously I was walking around the neighborhood ALL DAY LONG. (From like 8 until 1:30) It was so fun. My friend Erika (she is a grown up.) (She reads my blog I think. Hi Erika.) somehow managed to get me to buy her Elsa costume that she made out of a prom dress. (I was looking for costume pieces anyway.) I also bought two brooches and a trunk full of belts and one scarf.
$11. I should have bartered some more, but I was really exhausted. After walking around all day, I went to babysit from 3:30 to 9:30. That went well. After two of the three kids were asleep, I was watching tv and the cat in the parents' room starts going, "Heeeelp!!"
I am not kidding. The thing seriously called for help. He does this every time, so now I just laugh. But the first time I was like, "Which baby is crying??" Hehehe. Silly cat.
I have to finish this later. The period is about to end. I will tell you about my day alone. I promise. HEhEHe...
On Sunday my family went to the beach. I stayed home. Why? Well, you see I invited my friend to a youth group event and obligated to go with him. I did not know about the planned family excursion until three minutes after inviting him. As a result, I got the house to myself for the whole day. Before church, I watched a pg-13 movie. (The Grimm Brothers.) It is on Netflix. It's intense and graphic and totally fantasy, but I liked it. Then I went to church. After church I went back home to discover the intense mind scrambling quiet. It was too much so I turned on a kids movie. Also the house was too messy, so once again I began to clean. (I had started cleaning while watching the Grimm Brothers.) Then my boyfriend called and we face timed for probably three hours. I showed him my treasures from the yard sales. I put on like ten belts and a scarf all at once. Mature. JK. I am just a big kid. After he hung up, I turned on some really loud christian rap and...cleaned some more...THEN I changed the music to pop....
And decided to play dressup....
I tried on the Elsa dress and a floor length velvety blue dress (with my pill box hat) and also a prom dress (with a fedora.) I couldn't zip the prom dress all of the way, but you couldn't tell from the front.
After all of that I ate dinner and drove to Target for the youth group Scavenger hunt. It was super fun, my friend Orion got put on a different team and his team won unfortunately. Afterwards we got ice cream. I am super indecisive so I changed my mind four times eventually choosing Chocolate fudge with lots of chocolate sprinkle. I regrettably did not get enough sprinkles.
My friends are amazing. They totally saved my butt today. I accidentally left my service coat in the cafeteria (I was talking about the Bible.) and went to my next class. I didn't realize this until Eduardo tells me Traes has my coat.
I kind of cussed. I exclaimed, "Crap!" I don't know if that counts as cussing. So I went to find Traes. Instead I found Mia. She didn't know where he was, so I went to class. On my phone, I see that I missed a phone call and two texts from Orion. He has my coat. In a moment of pure relief, I told him he was perfect. Haha My hero for that moment. He seemed like uh..ok about that. In the end, he got my coat back to me. Apparently Traes gave it to him because he has my number. Everyone knew, everyone was concerned. I was like, I am so loved. Now my coat smells like Orion's cheap cologne because he wore it for a little bit. I don't blame him, I would have too.
I still have time...
On Thursday, the school had a love languages seminar. We painted pictures and discussed the five love languages. My love languages are quality time, words of affirmation and acts of service. (Makes sense given the above content.) The part I really liked about the seminar was that everyone had a canvas with the same sketch of flowers on it, everyone painted a completely different picture even though we were following along with one of he school's best artists. I really enjoyed that because it shows just how vastly different everyone in that room was. How totally differently we all think and see art, and the varying artistic ability. It was great.
I think that is all for today. Have a great day, you guys.
Oh btw, instead of assistant editor of the yearbook, I am now the photography editor. I now specialize in one area, so that is pretty cool.


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