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Showing posts from May, 2018

Drama Queens Everywhere!

Hello my dears. It has been too long. This week was very chaotic to be honest. I had meetings on Tuesday and Thursday and also there was a show at the school that I had to take pictures of. Also on Monday I had a photo shoot thing before school at #3's school. Recently, my friends are all becoming very dramatic. It is highly stressful for me, as I often care very deeply for my friends.  I am sure that you understand. Monster as you all know has lost my trust and she is kind of driving me crazy. I do not know what she wants. So finally I blew up on her. I told her that I was sick of hearing everything she says because it is all negative. Oddly, she seemed pleased that I lost my temper. What she doesn't know is that I actually had other things on my mind and she just wasn't helping. Whatever though, I will let her have the pleasure of thinking she is the sole reason of my top blowing. *shrug* Yesterday was Mother's Day. Which is awesome. I think the plan was to chill and

Got an Award For Being Awesome

Hello people. I am in kind of a mood today. (Not an angry one, more depressed.) You see, I have these friends. One exaggerates the truth and gets himself into trouble. (Like seriously I think he disowned his family and they him among other things.) And this other friend who is just so filled with a burning anger and lack of love that she is left with no faith in humanity. {What about faith in God?} No. None of that either. She hates Him. She always tells me these stories from her past and finally I have reached that point where I just do not believe a word she says. I used to believe her with a hint of skepticism but now this is getting out of hand. My trust began the downward spiral draining away when she flat out lied to our math teacher. Now all I hear are flat out lies and half truths. I told her that I don't trust her and she replied sharply with, "Why do you talk to me then?" I had no good answer, but you really don't have to trust someone to talk to them so i

Home Alone...

Hello my dears. I hope that you are well. I am alright, super hungry though. Today is uniform day because we have the award ceremony for ROTC tonight. Last uniform day of the semester!!! So so happy about that. I am tryna remember what happened since I last wrote.... OOH. Okay, so as you know, I took the SAT. That was grueling. Blek. Hopefully I did amazing. On Saturday my neighborhood had a giant yard sale day. In case you don't know, I love yard sales. I love looking through peoples junk and then getting good deals. So obviously I was walking around the neighborhood ALL DAY LONG. (From like 8 until 1:30) It was so fun. My friend Erika (she is a grown up.) (She reads my blog I think. Hi Erika.) somehow managed to get me to buy her Elsa costume that she made out of a prom dress. (I was looking for costume pieces anyway.) I also bought two brooches and a trunk full of belts and one scarf. $11. I should have bartered some more, but I was really exhausted. After walking around all da