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Showing posts from March, 2018

Social Spiders

Good um...Morning.y up, it is still morning. There was just a fire drill. Let me tell you, it scared me so bad. Anyway. Back to blogging now.  (From here to the rest of the post you should listen to this:  ) So recently (yesterday) I have realized that my brain is bored. It yearns for knowledge. My eyes yearn to read. A book. Because believe it or not, we don' t really read books in school. When I was home schooled was LOT of heavy book reading. It appears that I am having withdrawals. To Solve this I did something insane, I picked up a book. It mom's book on how to take portraits. It was nice to read. Anyway, I think that we should learn something today. Let's see. So there is this social spider called the Anelosimus eximius which lives in colonies southern America. I saw a picture of one of their nests on Twitter. It was incredible. These things work together to build a HUGE web and live together. They share their prey for the most part a

You Are My Love- A Brain Barf Poem

Hello my dears. I hope that you are well. So these past...two days, I have kind of lost my drive and gotten to the point where I just search random things online. I was on twitter this morning, and somebody posted that people don't write love letters anymore like ever. Which got me thinking. I have never written a love letter. So naturally I turned to google. How to write a love letter. I found this blog type thing, written for men. It was part of a series How to be a better man in 30 days or something like that. I began to read it anyway. It was very interesting. The writer pointed out that while men think that their actions speak a testimony of their affection, women are more verbally minded and need words. (They do greatly appreciate the work men do for them though.)  I didn't finish reading it, but the writer seemed pretty spot on. I should write a poem, because that sounds like fun. (Yeah, that is kind of random, I know.) Let us see what splurge poem I can regurgitate toda

Cloudless Rain

Hello my dears. Today is Tuesday. The word of the day is Kismet. That mean fate or destiny.  It is a noun. I am nonsensically rambling on about unimportant information. Well, my friends left me yesterday. In a way, we left them first though because we dropped them of at a hotel yesterday. They are flying sometime today. There was laughter and crying. But before we left the hotel, we had a great time together. Steve, my Brute and I explored the hotel and even raced up and down the stairs. Whenever we were in the hallway, I would say, "Act cool." and then start laughing uncontrollably. Once, Steve and I raced down the stairs, we thought we'd lost Justin (My six foot two inch Brute) and then out of nowhere he jumped down the last few stairs and grabbed me round the shoulders. We had a lot of fun. We even danced a bit. I have never had so much fun in a hotel. Then the time to separate came nigh. We were desperate and dramatic. Emotions were running high. I tried to be stron

Lost in Rome- Poem for Competition

Hello people. Today is a droopy type of day for this one. My best friends (and boyfriend) are beginning the trek back home. Today we are driving them to Austin for their flight. So yeah. I am a little down. My teacher even noticed. I must emit strength though, because the others are feeling weak right now. Someone must be firm. Strong. A beacon of surety in the darkness. I will be emotional later when nobody needs me. We should discuss something exciting.... LOL that is about how we all feel today. On a completely different note, these past two weeks have reignited a passion that had slipped into icy slumber. Dancing. I had forgotten how much joy the art of that form of expression brings. It's physical, emotional, and takes into its grasp all of my being. Dancing is like a poem without words. Flight without wings. A battle. A duet. Two beings coming together to paint a living masterpiece. That is what dancing is to me. And naturally I want to share that joy with everyone. Som

Cowgirl is No Longer Single

Hello my dears. It has been TOOO long since my last post. I know. My deepest apologies, but I have been busy! (also we haven't been in the computer lab during Spanish as often lately.) My best friend came for the military ball, which I have been mentioning often I am sure for quite some time. Not only did he come, but also his family as a surprise. It has been a wonderful time since their arrival. We spent the first two days grieving over time lost, and growing closer etc. We haven't seen each other in over a year. Anyway, spring break ended and I went back to school, leaving my friends to await my return. Turns out, the ball got cancelled. Yeah. I was horrified. And exploding with vexation. ETC. We were all very upset, and I felt this burden like it was my fault. I had caused my friends to waste money on plane tickets and a suit for my guy. Yeah.....fortunately nobody is angry at me though. On...a day last week, he and I went to the pool together. It was super cold so we di

Important Poetry Question

Good um....Morning my dears. Before I begin talking, my friend the Smurf wants to be on my blog post (His head is telling him that it had been too long I guess.) So Special Shout-out To The Smurf who apparently cut all of the blue hair off which makes him a betrayer of the name.... Now. We can proceed. Yesterday was Wednesday. We went to church, that was cool. Pastor talked to me, and guys I love my pastor. He is so amazing. He asked about school and all I could do was grunt. Mom told him that I am super stressed out. He naturally wanted to know why, so naturally I told him. Because he is a kind and caring pastor that shepherds the sheep. Anyway, he heard my weights and prayed over me. I thought that was like the nicest thing ever. Today I am a lot less stressed which is nice. My freshman friend and I are reading through the book of Ruth. She chose it. She needs Jesus. She says that she listens to our Bible reading but doesn't believe. I think God will use this. I will be patie