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Late Night Soccer Game

Hello people. How are you today? I am surviving, thanks for asking. We had a soccer game last night. It was fun, but I had some issues. When we got to the school my friend   a guy I know, (Get-Er-Done) called me a trash can. That, my dears, is going too far. He didn't even apologize! If he had, maybe I would not be so upset, but he didn't. So I am no longer speaking to  him.Usually I do not believe the silent treatment to be effective, but in this case he know exactly why I am not talking to him. Besides that, I was having trouble with my camera. First the shutter wouldn't snap until three seconds after I pushed the button. That is a real issue in sports photography. Fortunately, after messing with the settings for a good few minutes, I fixed the problem. Then about thirty minutes into the game, I looked at a shot to discover with the utmost horror that it was too dark! The sun had gone down and I hadn't realized it, therefore I hadn't changed my settings. Ack. A small while later I ran out of space on my camera card. I had only taken 244 shots and typically this card can hold like 1,000 almost. I was like what? I was pretty upset. I had to do group shots last night, so I deleted some of the pictures that were super blurry and also some shots that I'd taken of a cricket. (Don't ask why I was taking pictures of a cricket. I do strange things to sooth myself when I am hurt by someone or when I am stressed in anyway.) The game wasn't all bad though. I did get some food and  a cookie. Also, #8 who happens to be very cute in my opinion knows my name. I didn't know that he knew my name until he addressed me to ask the time. That was like my favorite part of the day. Then he referred to me while talking to another player by my full name. It was great. Then right after the game we got some amazing group shots. Just looking at them makes me so happy. When I get home I might watermark one and post it. (Only if I remember.) Yesterday I had the opportunity of skipping fifth period (English) to go to the dentist. At first I thought this was great, but then they made us watch this video about getting wisdom teeth pulled. I was like nah nah nah I do not want this.
I have no choice unfortunately. It's going to happen and it is going to suck.
I did get to go home and eat chili for lunch though. Then I had to rush back to school and give a presentation on a plane. (The F117 Nighthawk)
I stumbled over so many words it was embarrassing!!! In front of my whole flight, and Brian and Eduardo and Sgt Hickman, that makes it even more embarrassing.
Needless to say, (yet I will say it just for those oblivious individuals) yesterday was a long and stressful day. I did not climb into bed until ten something last night and even then I was in tears. I was very stressed. Mom had to come in and calm me down. (Yeah, that bad.) She was nice though. She even put lavender on my feet and wrists so that I could sleep. (I haven't been getting much sleep lately.)
Last night my dream was kind of wacky. I was with Get-Er-Done and he was verbally bashing me (like normal) and then my parents left and he like held me like one holds a child or a significant other. I was feeling this inner turmoil because I do love to be held but he was so mean just moments before. Naturally I stayed there just fighting with myself and hoping three things.
1- That my Ipod would fix itself because for whatever reason I'd decided to break it and was feeling great regret
2- That my parents didn't return to see us on the porch like this
3- That Justin didn't come.
{Who is Justin? Why didn't you want him?}
Justin is my best friend, the one that is coming in like a week and a half. I didn't want him to see me, because he is the only guy who actually pulls me as close as I was to Get-ER-Done at the time and I didn't want him to know about it. In my dream Brian had also flirted ish through text to me, which was disturbing. (Seeing him this morning was awkward because my dreams often blend with reality.)  I do not remember if we got caught on the porch or not. I just recall not liking the dream. I lost my train of thought. Soooooo I will give you a cricket.
This is Jeffy the Harlan Soccer fan that traveled the long distance to watch our game. He is super sweet and his favorite player is number 19 because his hair reminds him of a sheep that he saw at his cousins house.
I should probably go. You guys have a good day.


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