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Showing posts from February, 2018

Late Night Soccer Game

Hello people. How are you today? I am surviving, thanks for asking. We had a soccer game last night. It was fun, but I had some issues. When we got to the school my friend    a guy I know, (Get-Er-Done) called me a trash can. That, my dears, is going too far. He didn't even apologize! If he had, maybe I would not be so upset, but he didn't. So I am no longer speaking to  him.Usually I do not believe the silent treatment to be effective, but in this case he know exactly why I am not talking to him. Besides that, I was having trouble with my camera. First the shutter wouldn't snap until three seconds after I pushed the button. That is a real issue in sports photography. Fortunately, after messing with the settings for a good few minutes, I fixed the problem. Then about thirty minutes into the game, I looked at a shot to discover with the utmost horror that it was too dark! The sun had gone down and I hadn't realized it, therefore I hadn't changed my settings. Ack. A s

Bull Riders

Hello. Call me the Friday Zombie. Guys, I woke up late this morning. SO SO SO late. 😭😭😭 I should rephrase. Dad woke me up. "Friday Zombie, it's seven o clock." Sometimes when he wakes me up I want to cry, or I groan or I smack myself in the face. No. Today I just gave up on the week. I have woken up to dad's voice every morning this week. Which wouldn't be necessarily a bad thing except that it means that I have woken up late. Again. I should really go, I am in English class and I am supposed to be listening. *blushes sheepishly* She just told us not to get rowdy. We are about to discuss guns. This oughta be fun. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hi. So today is Tuesday. We discussed gun control and we were semi calm. Eh. That was forever ago. Over the weekend we went to the rodeo to watch EXTREME BULL RIDING. (Imagine that in a cool announcer voice) It was so awesom

Just Ask the Teacher

Hello people. Guess who is still alive? Everyone who came to school on Tuesday. Nothing happened at all. The next day Mr. Weissler called everyone who stayed home "scrubs". I was like darn right. Guys I really need to go to the bathroom but I don't think I can right now. Ahhhh. Dying. I am gonna ask. Alright, I am good now. The coach made me ask in Spanish though. I thanked him in German. I just realized that I had homework from yesterday. Dagnabit. Oh well. I will do my science homework in science class and my Spanish homework tonight. Hopefully. Yesterday God really saved my butt. I was like THANK YOU SO MUCH. We had to make a cooking video in Spanish for a test grade and it was due yesterday. (cough cough, Cowgirl can't plan stuff y'all. Like my mom, I lack good communication skills.) Anyway, since there was a shooter threat and nobody was at school (and maybe some other reason) the coach moved the due date to today. I was like YES! We can make this toni

Life Threats

Hi guys. So if you are not oblivious to the world, you know that school shootings are kind of trendy nowadays. And if you are local you have probably heard about the threat to shoot Harlan High school. My school. Yeeeah... There are cops roaming and rumor has it that even the FBI is here. So am I. My sister panicked when she heard, so she is at home just like about half of the student population.Good times. The place is dead. The air is tense. It's great. (Sarcasm.) After that depressing news update, we shall now move on.\ My pastor is amazing. He jumped up in front of the church for me to help me sell that last of my first ten coupon books for ROTC. I was blushing so much. I was also hiding behind my hair. Another thing that's got me buzzing is my friend. OMG. He is actually coming. I am so happy. His parents bought the plane tickets, which is pretty awesome. What is even more awesome is that his dad accidentally bought a ticket for the wrong day so my friend gets to/has to

My Latest Nightmare

Hello, people. I hope that you are well. I am exhausted today. Physically, mentally, emotionally. I have too much stress, I am sure that you know how it is. Hahaha, adults be like, That's nuthin' babe. I know. I don't even have to buy my own food. Anyway, today has been very long. It began with a nightmare in which some old guy chased me down as I was on my way to get my camera from my car to take pictures of a pep rally. He caught up to me and took me down. First he grabbed my shirt and then me. We were in the parking lot and I was screaming for help as loud as possible. There was a cop car in the parking lot, I was counting on the assistance of its driver. Before any help arrived though, I had already been beaten and stabbed. I was trying to fight back but to no avail. Blood was pouring from between my lips, it tasted nasty and my whole mouth hurt. I wan't even sure if my teeth were in my mouth anymore. The man had a knife too. He stabbed me. Finally a cop arrived an

Got me a Valentine

You guys, today is Valentine's Day. I should have done a post on the history of the day, but I don't feel like doing research right now.... Found this interesting video. Ok now I will get some information. Who am I kidding? I don't want to read! {OMG who has taken our Cowgirl????} Fear not, it is still me, I just don't feel like getting information right now. However, I have no work to do in fifth period so I might change my mind then. Did you watch the video above? I did. It was very interesting I think. Especially since my friend and I were discussing the action of kissing yesterday and reminding ourselves that we don't know how. I think kissing (and other things that you wouldn't want your parents to teach you and that I will not discuss here...) are instinctual. Like, I seriously have no clue how to kiss. I got asked yesterday, "If I kissed you, wo

What is Love? A poem By Me

So I have this poem that I wrote the other day. It was just for fun.... I suppose. Actually what happened was I was in the shower, sitting in the tub and thinking. I was wondering about romantical stuff. The next day I was bored so I wrote a poem about it. Said poem is probably a lot mushy. (Who cares?) So I will post it for you. You ready for this Random Writing of Cowgirl? Great. This is What is Love, by me. What is Love? (Not the song) What is love? My dear, do we know? Is it an action or a feeling? Does it come fast or is it slow? If per say we take one more step into the unknown Would we meet devastation and end up alone? Or perhaps with tight fingers knit softly together I’ll pull you, you’ll pull me We will keep going down this path on which we’ve begun. The thought of potentiality indeed is a terror, But perhaps we must needs remain together. What if the what ifs that cause my heart to tarry, Are only founded in that which is nothing? Why then am I

Someone Cheated...

Hello people. I hope that y'all are good and healthy and what not. I am alright myself. I just realized that I have to write my mom's photography blog today. That's great. Yesterday my friend was surprised that I do not consider myself a sentimental person. Apparently she has never met a "religious" person who is not sentimental... I don't consider myself religious either actually, but you know how it is. Do you know what makes me angry? The fact that Verbal Christians have messed up our reputation. Like, I am talking about the people that say, "Yeah, I am a Christian." and then they go and live just like everyone else, dirty, sin riddled lives. I am not implying that I am perfect and sinless, far from it. But I at least try to embody the character of Christ. (As I vent my frustrations on the internet.) It makes witnessing much harder though. People are like, well you Christians are jerks. Nah, nah, nah, nah. THOSE Christians are jerks. There are

Wrong Side of Heaven, Right Side of Hell?

Hello people. I am terribly distressed right now. We had a math test this morning (not the problem, I probably passed) but afterwards I was watching my friend who goes by the nickname Monster. She is a wreck today. Like, she says, "I'm fine."   But she is not. She is passive aggressive and negative. (Extremely passive aggressive and negative.) It is bad. But anyway, I was watching her write. She was listening to this song called (I always look at her phone to see what she is listening to) I think it was called Wrong Side of Heaven and the Right Side of Hell. Depressing much? Yeah. She is angry at or about certain members of her family and the way they act. I was trying to read what she was writing (Which was extremely difficult BTW because it was upside down and her handwriting is often barely legible.) She was questioning if there is a right side of hell. Her reasoning was that Lucifer was an angel at one time so he perhaps could be just another time. Also she wrote tha