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Blow, Blow, Thou Winter WInd

Hello people. I am sorry that I am getting this post out so late. It's 10:20 in the morning and I haven't eaten breakfast yet. We had a lock-in at the church last night. It was fun.
You know what guys? There is too much noise in my house and high stress levels and I am hungry, I am just going to write this later when it is quiet.


Alright. It is uh...Thursday I think. I am so sorry that I didn't get this out sooner. Turns out that the high stress levels were because my dad's mom died...
Yeah. I am sure you all understand. It was a rather stressful weekend. (Kind of obvious)
I meant to write this on Monday but the school internet system wouldn't let me so I couldn't.
This week has been pretty good so far. I am running for student council president... oh poop. That reminds me, I have to go. I have to finish making posters for my campaign. So much for going to bed early!!! I will continue writing this another time. :(

Alright! It's Saturday! Finally. Voting for student council offices took place yesterday. I hope that I got president, but if not I will live. Life is wearing me down, people. My best friend isn't talking to me. My other friend has football. I have two friends at school though. So that's good and bad I suppose. (Two friends, multiple people that are my friends in class only.) One of my friends lives in my neighborhood now. That is pretty exciting so I had him over to help me work on posters. We didn't get much done, but we had a blast. Mom let me drive him to my house. I have never driven with a guy before, and it was just the two of us in the car. It was exciting and terrifying. He is a really interesting character. Always poking me and laughing at me, but like in a friendly way. He was even helping #2 with her math yesterday. My other friend is Cowboy. Everyone asks if we are dating. (I don't know why.) Yesterday though, a girl asked if we were siblings. I was like...we could be. That is far more likely than dating. He is very stubborn, and I am very stubborn. I do not think that we would make a great couple. (Like, we'd be adorable together I am sure, but I don't like him that way.) 
The other day he was my hero though. I had a massive migraine and and felt nauseous and feverish and weak, but I was too stubborn to tell mom or the the nurse. So I told him. After my fourth period class he was like poof there. It was like omg you're so amazing. Dunno how he got to me so fast, but he did and he walked me to my next class. (Actually I walked behind him like a broken puppy. I let him push through the crowd.) I was getting worse and worse, so sixth period is lunch and instead of getting in the lunch line I went and laid under the stairs. I was like, I gotta sleep this off. He found me, and made me drink water. (I don't like water.) After that I was perfectly fine. It was a drastic change. Very strange. Pretty awesome though. He was not at school yesterday because he was volunteering for ROTC, so I sat with my friend Get-er-done during lunch. Halfway through, Cowboy joined us. We all just sat on the floor and ate. I was solving a Rubik's cube, then I was playing with a pen thinking about my friend and wondering why we don't talk anymore. Cowboy and Get-er-done were playing on their phones. I have a Shakespeare poem for you now. I read it yesterday.

Blow, Blow, Thou Winter Wind

Blow, blow, thou winter wind 
Thou art not so unkind 
As man's ingratitude; 
Thy tooth is not so keen, 
Because thou art not seen, 
Although thy breath be rude. 

Heigh-ho! sing, heigh-ho! unto the green holly: 
Most freindship if feigning, most loving mere folly: 
Then heigh-ho, the holly! 
This life is most jolly. 

Freeze, freeze thou bitter sky, 
That does not bite so nigh 
As benefits forgot: 
Though thou the waters warp, 
Thy sting is not so sharp 
As a friend remembered not. 
Heigh-ho! sing, heigh-ho! unto the green holly: 
Most friendship is feigning, most loving mere folly: 
Then heigh-ho, the holly! 
This life is most jolly. 

I like this poem because the first time I read it I was like oh, wind. Very nice. But then  was like wait. He is talking bitterly to the wind about how friendship and love are often faked by people. The cold wind doesn't hurt so bad as when you realize that you are a friend forgotten. I have been dealing with these feelings lately so it is very nice to see that someone has put it into writing so perfectly.
I have lots of homework to do today and I have to clean my room. You guys have a good day. 


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