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Showing posts from September, 2017

Blow, Blow, Thou Winter WInd

Hello people. I am sorry that I am getting this post out so late. It's 10:20 in the morning and I haven't eaten breakfast yet. We had a lock-in at the church last night. It was fun. You know what guys? There is too much noise in my house and high stress levels and I am hungry, I am just going to write this later when it is quiet. .... Alright. It is uh...Thursday I think. I am so sorry that I didn't get this out sooner. Turns out that the high stress levels were because my dad's mom died... Yeah. I am sure you all understand. It was a rather stressful weekend. (Kind of obvious) I meant to write this on Monday but the school internet system wouldn't let me so I couldn't. This week has been pretty good so far. I am running for student council president... oh poop. That reminds me, I have to go. I have to finish making posters for my campaign. So much for going to bed early!!! I will continue writing this another time. :( Alright! It's Saturday! Final

Hoco Loco (I also wrote a poem)

Hello People. I hope that your eyes are ready because it was Homecoming week. But before that (last Saturday night) I wrote a poem so here you go. It's called I Got Three. I got three, Yes I said three, I have three boys after me. One is tall and warm and kind, One has and says all the right lines One is a childhood friend of mine. Granted the first and the third Have been in the game much longer But we shan’t forget the other wants me too. Oh, oh, oh, what to do? Don’t you three know That I’m far too busy To give you my heart, my love? Must we be Quite so serious, dears? I ain’t your doll, no, not your dove. Let’s just dance till that clock strikes twelve. Then I’m no longer yours I’ll leave those silver shoes at the door. Leaving you standing, gasping for me Groping blindly the empty air where I used to be, So near to your big fluttering heart, And just when you’d begun To think you might’ve won, Just like the fullness of the

Edmund Spencer- Sonnet 30

Hello people! It is finally Saturday! I had a good week, how about you? I took lots of pictures at school and the Colonel even asked me to apply to be the ROTC historian. On...Wednesday I think, I got asked to Homecoming. {Who asked you?} Well I'm going to give you the longer story. K asked my friend from journalism to the dance and she must've told him that I wanted to go with Cowboy. (Which btw I never said. She had told me that she thinks he will ask me and I was like cool, that's exciting.) Tuesday comes and K comes to the place where we were eating lunch (My friend and I) and he has a purpose. So I ask, what are you here for? What do you want? Get to the point K. (I'm not patient when I am eating.) So finally he is like I'm going to ask [Cowboy] if he has a date for the dance, and hopefully he says no. Then I will tell him he should ask my friend [My name here], I think you two would get along real well. Then he will hopefully ask you and you're going to

Sad News, Glad News

Hello people. I hope that you are well. I have good news, and sad news. The good news is, I tried out for mascot and got the job. (Even though I think I totally sucked. I was so awkward. I forgot how to use my limbs to form a dance move.)  The sad news is that I need to stop weekday blogging. 😞 It is just too much to balance with school and now cheer and journalism. (Technically journalism is school and so is cheer but they cut into my free time.) So this is my last weekday blog post (probably) until the summer. I also have a bible verse for y'all. Philippians 2:14-15  Do everything without grumbling or arguing, 15 so that you may become blameless and pure, “children of God without fault in a warped and crooked generation.” Then you will shine among them like stars in the sky That just happens to be the text I'm trying to remember today. I don't know what version it is. I prefer King James though. Okay, you guys have a good day. I need to watch the news for journalis

Great Video

Good morning, my lovelies. I hope your holiday was great. Mine was pretty good. I did lot's of homework. On Sunday I made mums with my mom and sisters. It was fun. (They aren't finished yet. We had to go to  youth group.) I feel like I talked about all of this already... well we watched this super great video. Here is a link. Evolution vs God It's like 40 minutes long, but totally awesome. After I finished my homework yesterday I pretty much just watched the baby and some videos on mascots (Some were pretty funny, others were lame.) and drove my sisters to and from the pond to go fishing. After that I got to call my friend while I did chores. (Gotta love headphones with a microphone.) Then I had to go to bed. It was so nice to talk to him. (It's been like four maybe five days?) He said that he hopes someone asks me to the dance because he won't be here. Part of me was like, that is so sweet, while another part was like, I wanted to go with you. My dad also worked

What is Labor Day?

Hello people. Good morning! I think today is Labor Day. (Which we celebrate with a three day weekend....I don't get it. More on this later.) I am pretty excited right now. Homecoming is coming (Y'all know that) and my friend already has a date. Yesterday I told myself that K would ask her, and they would go as friends. I was right. I'm so smart. 😆 She thinks that a certain guy will ask me. (I'm not saying who, just in case he reads my blog.) Mom thinks I will be asked before the end of the week. My friend and I are planning o get ready together and like go matching. So cool. I have never done anything like this before. Yesterday at youth we played my favorite game. Trashket Ball. It's super violent. I think I nearly broke my pinky. It hurts really bad when I move it some ways. (Wouldn't be the first time I messed it up by jerking it the wrong direction.Last time I had to get a splint.) I should maybe show a doctor or something...nah. If it turns purple and g

Today's Post

Hello people. How are you today? I am Happy, because today is Saturday, and sad because I have lots of homework so I won't get to watch the Flash probably. 😟 That is alright though. I am disciplined. I will do my school. I have to fill out a cadet resume. I like resumes cuz I get to brag. LOL So the boys at my school are like, super flirty. Like normal boys. (I love it so much.) Like the cowboy (actually I know his name now, so he is just Cowboy. Yes I realize that my own nickname is Cowgirl, they are not connected.) He walks down the hallway and either joins me and walks with me, or pokes me. Yesterday he grabbed my hair when he walked past. I was like, "Who's touching me?" It was just him though so it was fine. Get-er-Done was poking me with his pencil in science class and K, well he's just a mess. He did this to both me, and my friend. He grabbed our shoulder, ran away a few feet and turned to look at us saying, "Oh! I didn't see you there!" Li

Pep Rally and Pasta

Hello People. So yesterday was the first Harlan Hawks Pep Rally. Apparently it had a theme. (I did not know this until I got to school so I was unprepared.) (Hawaii themed.) It was interesting. The cheerleaders were fantastic. (And honestly they just look so cute in those uniforms. IDK why.) The dance team had a performance as well. The sexual appeal was grande'. I am so glad that I am not on the dance team. (Other than that their performance was lame in my opinion. Their facial expressions were the best part.) There were also some hypnotizing flag spinners. That was fun. Then the cowboy pointed to me and gestured for me to come down to him from the bleachers. He is my friend so of course I did without question. "Find two more cadets." I was like oh snap. The one that owes me pasta is conducting the orchestra and K, well I have not seen him all day. So I pointed out two freshman from my ROTC class. We went to get the flag and got in trouble with MSgt Hickman.Apparently fr