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The Boy with the Perfect Face

Hello, people.  I have a few poems that I have written in the past...two ish years.  Some of them I am extremely fond of and some maybe not so much.  (who am I kidding?  I am proud of every poem I write.  I get so excited that I have to show the whole world.)  Anyway, I wanted to post my most recent one today.  It was inspired by a guy I met not so long ago, who, without my glasses on, appeared to have the perfect face.  I could not make out all of his features obviously because I have awful sight so I just took the features that I could define and stuck them on a Roman warrior type figure in my mind.  The result was, well, I will just let you read the poem.

The Boy with the Perfect Face

One day, I did spy
While I was walking 
A boy.
He was not just any boy, you see,
He was the boy with the perfect face.
I'll admit that I,
While moseying by
Looked upon his radiant bronze skin with glee.
His slim trim of facial hair would ace
any tabloid's taste.
His eyes however, I could not see.
Because they always hide
Behind reflective shades
Square and blue
I don't know why he hides
Those caramel eyes.
Perhaps to save them from
The sun's bright and fiery rays.
For whatever reason that he might,
He still remains
The boy with the perfect face.

I hope y'all liked it. In the future I shall post another poem...and another and another until I run out.  Then I will make more. 😁😏
Btw Boy, if you know who you are, why do you hide behind the shades? Also, much like a photographer enhances a picture with software, I enhanced what I saw with my imagination.


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