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Lifeguards and Cars

Happy Friday...Is it Friday yet? 🤔
I don't even know. All I know right now is coffee and blog. Yesterday we went to the pool again. I tried to exercise with #2 but she is weaker than I thought. She kept telling me to wait, so I ended up being unable to go across the pool 4 times without stopping.(She will either get stronger or stop swimming with me.) I did however, get to watch my friend swim (I consider him a possible friend. I don't know his opinion) The one that was my instructor. (Y'all remember that, right?) He was doing the Butterfly. (Still dunno why that is the swimmer's signature move if it is not the fastest.) It was beautiful. #2 teased me for watching him swim. I wasn't watching because he looks good, I was watching because he is a good swimmer and also I was trying to take notes. Later I had to actually speak to him. I was uncomfortable doing so because last time I tried to tell him something, he either didn't hear or he completely ignored me. (Surely you understand why I was hesitant to try again?) But I had to talk to him because I had invited all of the lifeguards to a recently canceled event. It would be terribly rude not to tell him it had been canceled. Once again, #2 thought I was hesitating because of his appearance. (Let me just say, almost if not ALL of our male lifeguards are super cute. There is no avoiding that.) So while she was pushing me by the elbows toward the group of lifeguards, he was having a conversation that I was unwilling to interrupt. He did eventually split off from them and walked past me. I had to speed walk to keep up with him, and speed talk because I knew I only had a few moments of his attention, but I did get my message across to him. Then I walked away. The lifeguards had an exercise in which one of them pretended to drown and the rest had to save her. It was cool to watch. Oddly I was more interested in watching the female guard that I did not know than the male guard that I had just spoken to. (I have only seen her about two times) After their little "rescue" they all went back to their regular duty. I took #4 on the slide and in the process passed by the girl guard. I told her that I didn't know if that practice went good or bad, but if I drown, I certainly hope it happens at our pool. This pleased her very much and boosted her confidence. Was the comment true? Um...mostly. Honestly I'd rather not drown at all. To be saved from 4ft water would be both cool and embarrassing. The depth makes it embarrassing. Later her and I got to talking. We have very much the same opinions on the matter of baths... Showers are better. #2 asked if I had made a friend. I wasn't sure so I said it was up to the lifeguard. She was like yeah. I was kind of ecstatic. I have a new friend.
 Speaking of friends, apparently my friend The Flash (he isn't really The Flash, he is just super fast, also his physique is too small for him to be Superman.) h is car hunting for a Mustang. Seriously, if he gets one, I would go anywhere with him just to ride in his car. 😳 Mustangs are cool. (So are Corvettes.) I would drive one of those. Every time I see one drive past I'm like Ooooh.... I want that... Then I go and drive a mini van. Mustangs have a slightly less enthusiastic response on my part. Okay, I hear your impatience now. {Cowgirl, it is time for my daily dose of poetry!} Alright, Alright, hold your horses. (Or your cars named after horses.) Let's see...I don't have any of my own poetry right now. How about Shakespeare's Sonnet 1? (I read 1-9 yesterday. It was wonderful because in the book I was reading, they explained the meaning of each sonnet.) 

From fairest creatures we desire increase, 

That thereby beauty's rose might never die, 
But as the riper should by time decease, 
His tender heir might bear his memory:
But thou, contracted to thine own bright eyes,
Feed'st thy light's flame with self-substantial fuel,
Making a famine where abundance lies, 
Thyself thy foe, to thy sweet self too cruel.
Thou that art now the world's fresh ornament 
And only herald to the gaudy spring, 
Within thine own bud buriest thy content 
And, tender churl, makest waste in niggarding. 
    Pity the world, or else this glutton be, 
    To eat the world's due, by the grave and thee.
{Cowgirl, that poem makes zero sense.} That is what I thought as well. It is Shakespeare speaking to his very attractive male friend (Real or not) and trying to convince him to start a family so that his beauty does not go to waste. The first 9 sonnets are all basically the same message. I think it is funny, and extremely applicable to some people nowadays. 🤣
So, I was considering posting more than just poetry. Would you guys mind that? Stuff like...Persuasive essays and other random things that I write. (Usually school related) If you mind, certainly let me know. If you say nothing, then I shall assume you are alright with the idea and tomorrow will post a news paper article that I wrote and am particularly proud of. Have a wonderful day that may or may not be Friday. 


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