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Showing posts from June, 2017

Lifeguards and Cars

Happy Friday...Is it Friday yet? πŸ€” I don't even know. All I know right now is coffee and blog. Yesterday we went to the pool again. I tried to exercise with #2 but she is weaker than I thought. She kept telling me to wait, so I ended up being unable to go across the pool 4 times without stopping.(She will either get stronger or stop swimming with me.) I did however, get to watch my friend swim (I consider him a possible friend. I don't know his opinion) The one that was my instructor. (Y'all remember that, right?) He was doing the Butterfly. (Still dunno why that is the swimmer's signature move if it is not the fastest.) It was beautiful. #2 teased me for watching him swim. I wasn't watching because he looks good, I was watching because he is a good swimmer and also I was trying to take notes. Later I had to actually speak to him. I was uncomfortable doing so because last time I tried to tell him something, he either didn't hear or he completely ignored me. (S

Dear Friend

Hello, all who dare to read my words. I hope that you are well. Yesterday I wrote a poem. I also did school. I wanted to go swimming but the pool is closed on Wednesdays. Last night at church- Wait! I have an important message from Bible Baptist Church. Okay, as I was saying. On Wednesday nights, my pastor at Stonebridge Baptist Church (Bible Baptist was my church until we moved) is going through a series about the history of the Church and he is teaching us about great martyrs and stuff like that. I am really enjoying this series because I learned most of this stuff for school this year so it is like a review. (Or an in depth study) Last night we learned about Polycarp. Cool guy. Pastor's eyes lit up when he talked about him. Afterwards he and I agreed that I should have a son named James Polycarp. (He was telling us that it is a great kid's name and I thought it would make a better middle name, and dad was like "Cowgirl would name her kid

Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard

Sends salutations!!! 🌞 How are you guys, today? It has been sooo long... not really. We went to the outdoor mall yesterday. It was fun. (I had a $15 gift card for Barnes and Nobles, the best store EVER) I got two books. One was the new English/old English side by side version of Romeo and Juliet. The other was a book of Shakespeare's sonnets. Dad kind of scoffed at me when I said I had come for Shakespeare, I am not sure why...It was the same scoff he does every time I start to get serious about something. Maybe poetry is nerdy...πŸ€” We stopped at Build-A-Bear to get #3's bear sewn back together. Mom saw a Longhorn Build-A-Bear and her facial expression was literally my favorite part of the day. After that we went home because things were getting sour. (The kids were probably tired and hungry) I started reading the Old English version of Romeo and Juliet last night. I hadn't known how funny it was. (and how crude) I had to stop after a while because my brain was kind of ge

A Fairy Song/ Castle of Heart

Hello. Today is Tuesday...I think. I did school on Saturday so I am honestly not sure what day it is anymore. (That is okay though because today I think I am finishing either week 25 or 26 out of 36 in my school curriculum. Huzzah.)  . Yesterday was cool. We went swimming. The lifeguard that was coaching me a while back challenged me to see if I can go across the lap pool 8 times without stopping. (Freestyle. He wanted to perfect my Freestyle. I don't know why.) So I got in the pool determined to do it. (Without the wall flip kick things. I really don't like those. They throw off my rhythm.) I went across twice, then got called out of the pool by a blonde lifeguard. Safety break. πŸ˜’She said my strokes looked good though. 😁😁😁πŸ’ͺ🏊 After sitting at the very edge of the pool during the safety break, I finally was allowed back in. (YES!!) So I slipped back into the water. (Yes, slipped, not jumped. I do not like splashing.) I went Freestyle across four times. Then I did like thr

Lonely in the Crowd

At the sight of a title like that, you may be feeling...idk a little shocked, a little curious, maybe confused.  That is just the title of my poem that I wrote yesterday.  It has been long inspired, but had cooled down for a while. (I only write good poems if I am feeling the displayed emotion) Saturday afternoon I was either completely ignored by a guy I was trying to speak to or just unheard.  Either way, it happens a lot and brought back that same lonely emotion that inspired the poem. I was admittedly a bit angry because I hate being ignored, but I was also like,  "Ooh, now I can write that poem." I wrote it after church yesterday.  Here it is. Lonely in the Crowd Like an unseen mime In the unseen box I stand here, Invisible, lost. Unseen by those around Here I am Lonely in the crowd. All around are smiling faces That do not see I'm in the darkest of places. Can you not see me? Here I am Lonely in the crowd. Not for lack of trying do

Favorite Poem

Hello World! It's Marina-Del-Ray, I'm the new eta-she...jk.  (whenever I say hello world, that song starts playing in my head so I had to put it in your head.) It's just me. Little ol' Cowgirl. So my sister, #5 (her name will not be spoken, because is way more fun to refer to my siblings by order of birth. lol I am #1) Anyway, #5 has discovered this chair.  It is the time out chair for #3 and #4, but for #5 it is the COOLEST THING EVER.  She climbs up in the chair (backwards) and starts dancing and screeching like she does when she is ecstatic. Or when she hears a good beat. Man that kid loves to jam. Super cute. hahaha. I have a question, here. To you readers, it will seem random but for me it isn't random. (I just googled the Butterfly swim stroke) Apparently it's the second fastest stroke, but it is the hardest to do.... So why would a swimmer want to work hard and be slow? Is the Butterfly the main goal cuz since it is so hard, no non-competitive sw
Good Morning!!! {Why is it a good morning, Cowgirl?} The sun is shining, the birds are probably singing, my siblings aren't fighting, I have done my chores, (actually dad cleaned the kitchen last night so I had nearly nothing to do) I have a blog and am therefore is Friday .... (Need I say more?) No, I think not. (For all you downers out there, I could totally keep going.) So how many of you have heard that funky song Des Pacito? (I hope I spelled that right!) It is totally my jam. {Girl, every song is your jam.} Not true. Just half of them. Anyway, my mom showed me this video.  It is so perfect. Totes me. I seriously laughed so hard that a few tears escaped. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ‘Œ I tried to copy the link to the video...I hope it worked... I think it did.  You might be wondering at this point, Where is my poem today??? Here, and this one has some artistic interpretation that my friend made for me. (Thank you, Friend) Cliff of Freedom

The Boy with the Perfect Face

Hello, people.  I have a few poems that I have written in the past...two ish years.  Some of them I am extremely fond of and some maybe not so much.  (who am I kidding?  I am proud of every poem I write.  I get so excited that I have to show the whole world.)  Anyway, I wanted to post my most recent one today.  It was inspired by a guy I met not so long ago, who, without my glasses on, appeared to have the perfect face.  I could not make out all of his features obviously because I have awful sight so I just took the features that I could  define and stuck them on a Roman warrior type figure in my mind.  The result was, well, I will just let you read the poem. The Boy with the Perfect Face One day, I did spy While I was walking  A boy. He was not just any boy, you see, He was the boy with the perfect face. I'll admit that I, While moseying by Looked upon his radiant bronze skin with glee. His slim trim of facial hair would ace any tabloid's taste. His e

First Post/ Finding Inspiration

As This is my first ever blog post, I thought this random writing rather suits the situation.  Enjoy. 😎   Here I sit, trying to find some inspiration for my pen to express on this page.  I close my eyes and let my thoughts sink into the depths of my soul in search of emotion.  All is pitch black, yet I can see; no, feel the dread beasts nearby.  Anger breathes down my neck while Ignorant Joy juggles knives in an effort to comfort Self Conscious who is weeping in the corner.  The more dangerous emotions I prefer to keep locked in steel cages.  To my left, Fear growls and tries to convince me to let him out.   Behind me, red hot Anger still heaves his fiery breath, singeing the hairs on my neck.  To my right, are Love and Trust.  By far the most dangerous of the group, yet also the most inspiring.  Together they conspire over an intense game of cards how they will soon rule the world.  I boldly approach them and twist the key in the lock.  They look at me with their crookedly beautif