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Showing posts from December, 2017


Hey hey! I'm back! How was your Christmas? (Yes, Christmas. I am not politically correct.) Or if you are Jewish, Hannakuh? ( Probably spelled that wrong.) Mine was pretty good. We traveled down to Alabama for the holiday in question. The drive took two days. The first day was awful and long but my best friend, (He is pretty awesome) he stayed up talking to me way late in the night. (His time zone is an hour ahead too!) Even though at one point I fell asleep for like an hour and he was waiting for me to reply. Dad had spent the whole day trying to find a hotel that takes 2 adults, 5 kids, and a dog. They all either said no or were too expensive. Finally he found one. It even had a pool. That was pretty cool. Everyone went swimming the next morning. (Except for me. I didn't want to get wet and I needed a break from the kids that had been screaming at me all day.) Dad just thought I was being lame. I think my family gets offended when I need a break from them. They get like gru

English Hippies

Hello. It has been a while; two weeks. My apologies for not writing last week. I was feeling fastidiously lazy if I remember correctly. It had been a very long week. As has this one. I do not remember much about these past two weeks. Just that I got to be the first student to put a picture on the yearbook at my school. I was pretty happy about it. I also made a time sequence photo of one of the boys in my flight on his bike. It took me hours to figure out photo shop, but it looks pretty cool I think. (I cannot show you because it is in the yearbook.)  Yesterday I got in a fight with my friend. I don't know when he will speak to me again to be honest, so it looks like I will have to make some changes to my schedule. We usually eat breakfast and lunch together, walk to fifth period together and do science together. But now he is angry at me so I guess I'll eat breakfast alone or with someone else, lunch with Cowboy and Courtney, walk to fifth alone or with someone else, and do sc

I am the Photographer

Hello people. Good morning. Happy December. This week was soccer tryouts week at school. Get-Er-Done plays soccer so I shot the boys tryouts. I shot both days. The girls tryouts might have lasted three days, but I don't think anyone took pictures for them. I am sort of irritated about the other photographers that volunteered to shoot the tryouts. There were three. One was supposed to shoot the girls but nope. All three just sat together and chatted. When I told them to split up and spread out, they were like, "Oh. We were waiting for them to do scrimmages. They aren't dong anything." Yes they are. They are having multiple little games. Shoot that. "Actually we are going to download our pictures now." I was like What pictures? I saw you look through the camera like twice. I didn't say that though. That would be rude. I just went a took amazing pictures. I took somewhere around 300 shots. I stayed long enough to see the scrimmages though. So when I ca